文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
2016, A year dedicated to MOOCs Service for partners along Silk Road
Prefigurative Culture
名詞解釋: 後塑文化是美國人類學家米德 (Margaret Mead, 1901~1978) 在〔文化與奉獻一代溝之研究〕(Culture and Commitment-A Study of the Generation Gap) 一書中,提出了文化對人的塑造的概念之一;指社會工業化以後,科技日新月異,年長的人就得向晚輩學習了。也就是由於科技的進展一日千裏,文化規範與生活準則,均由年輕人或新生代所創造和領導,教學乃成為由下而上的傳遞過程,掌握嶄新尖端科技知識的年輕人反而要承擔起再教育年長的任務。
Cofigurative Culture
名詞解釋: 後塑文化是美國人類學家米德 (Margaret Mead, 1901~1978) 在〔文化與奉獻一代溝之研究〕(Culture and Commitment-A Study of the Generation Gap) 一書中,提出了文化對人的塑造的概念之一;指農工社會,生活內容複雜,兒童和成人都可以和同輩學習。也就是由於社會的急劇變遷,知識、技能與規範的學習與傳遞,只有在同輩間彼此切磋學習,教學的型態成為水平式的傳遞的過程,年長與否,成為次要的考慮因素。
Postfigurative Culture
名詞解釋: 後塑文化是美國人類學家米德 (Margaret Mead, 1901~1978) 在〔文化與奉獻一代溝之研究〕(Culture and Commitment-A Study of the Generation Gap) 一書中,提出了文化對人的塑造的概念之一;指原始社會(初民社會),子女只能向長輩學習,才能獲得知識,也就是在傳統型的時代,社會安定,規範明確,教學是一種由上而下的直線傳遞過程,符合傳統的教學方式。
攝影· 主題提詢
arcasaman 人才 / 學習 / 地方 / 文化遺產
Beluran 西洋文學 / 幽默
CERI 海絲路·文化·軟實力
Corps Sans Organes 美學
Curation Nation 策展國 體驗經濟 / 旅遊 / 遊學
Dr Tan 抗疫文創 / 地方誌 / Tourism / 旅遊
Gai Lan Fa 生死學 / 生命
Host Studio (LD)設計 / 體驗 / 哲學 / 柏格森 / 後現代 / 布爾迪厄 / 文化研究
iki kia kiak 陳博士談榴槤/福柯
iPLOP 詩性 / 媒軆 / 慢活 / 藝頻道 / 沙巴民族
(Photo Credit:(Media takes a part of it as well - Funny)
Johore 詩性
卡萊爾的書包 叙事學
開篷樂勢力 樂趣
Khalak Khalayak 地方
Kota Belud 陳明發創作 / 詩性 / 散文詩 / 學習
Kundasang 地方 / 文學 /旅人凝視
Margaret Hsing 散文詩 / 詩性
美索 布達米亞 一帶一路 / 歴史
Momogun 沙巴
Moooi 埃及 / 詩性 / 散文詩 / 地方 /
O noc Sob 美食
Ovepi 地方營銷 / 藝頻道
Panfilov 詩性 / 生態 / 柏格森 / 遊記 / 美學
Paris 沙巴 / 歴史 / 旅遊 / 地方
Passion for Form 文學 / 神话 / 古代遊走
Penambang 自我開發 / 五行 / 讀書筆記 /
Ra Zola 詩性 / 海德格爾 / 地方 / 詩學
Sinakut 鮮拿哥 玩得哥與妹
Sandakan 新加坡回憶
Sentul 藝頻道 / 商韻敘事
SRCE沙巴 / 福柯 + 德里達 / 後現代
Suan Lab 詩性動漫/生態
誰還記得北婆羅州? 鄉韻 / 鄉頻道 / 一帶一路 / 地方文化營銷
Suyuu 媒軆 / 文化遺産 / 地方营销
Trengganu (旅遊 / 文學 / 美學 / 都德)
TV Plus 電影 / 媒軆
Yanlianke 堅硬如水 文學/
用心涼Coooool English
Iconada: A Clubbing Place for Curators?
I came across a good book by Steven Rosenbaum, Curation Nation: How to Win In a World Where Consumers Are Creators. In this book, the author suggests that the editors and contributors of content to an internet site be called "curator", like a curator works in museum with his professional knowledge to organize collections of exhibit into a meaningful pattern. This blog, to me, is a testimony to Rosenbaum's thesis, where the blogger organizes outstanding photographs into a meaningful story. After reading the convincing story, we are just like having visited a nice exhibition in museum or arts gallery. (Comment by iPLOP on July 6, 2011)
Curator? I buy the idea. All of us are drown in the information tsunami. We used to describe the great difficulty of finding something as " looking for needle in a hay". I find that this description do not reflect our reality in the internet world today. The reason is simple, the size of hay is growing tremendously everyday, while the size of that pity needle is becoming tinier and tinier. There are too many good things that GOOGLE simply can't find. The reason, information grows in size and speed that no search engine can cope with now a day.
Good content is struggling with rubbish for web audience's attention. Curators' job is to organize good content for people's appreciation. We have been fed up with wasting time to look for good creators and their great works. GOOGLE doesn't help us much. We need outstanding curator to help locate, manage, organize and present good creators and their works. (Comment by corps sans organes on July 17, 2011 )
Can ICONADA be the clubbing place for web content curators? Or even the exhibitions hall of the curators' works?
We need to commence and convene a productive and local-specific conversation with all our stake holders. Voices must be heard and that is more than a monologue or one-way carpet-bombing of sales talks.
We need a central organizing place for all our stake-holders to meet, share ideas, and build a communal trust. It is not a matter of “create content and they will come”; it is “create content that gets socially connected and they will come”.
We need to put together an exhibition supervised by a curator or director of insight, someone who can give pattern and meaning to the fast changing incidence happened in our market place.(Comment by MalaysianCinema on August 3, 2011 ) (Words Collage)
More On Iconada's Review of Current Malaysian Mass Media ——
媒體與藝頻道 MEDIA § ART
愛墾雲端藝廊: 族群和解主題館
福柯的美學‘自身技術’: 通過對古希臘羅馬時代,具有生存美學意義的‘自身的技術’的重建,通過對基督教之後的‘自身的技術’的批判,建構和實施由我們自身依據審美愉悅的需要而創造出來的生存美學。
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《我的加雅街杜順公主 》文化劄記
(Photo by FERN EVANS)
iki kia kiak·輕博、微博
近來咳嗽,生產力不高,上《愛墾》也看不下大篇文章,倒發現Host Studio的圖與文,很適合我的胃口。去他的頁面去看,再看看我自己的,發現我們其實都是不愛長篇大論的人,卻很愿意把自己的一些短小想法造句出來,借好的攝影給予表達。
無所謂啦,比較也無謂,還是努力的把這個微薄、輕博的格式,好好聚焦在文化中華創意產業上,我知道這是“愛墾”的自許,老編應該把這根釘子敲深一點。(愛墾網 September 29, 2011 )
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
Added by engelbert@angku张文杰 0 Comments 75 Promotions
Posted by 馬來西亞微電影實驗室 Micro Movie Lab on February 21, 2021 at 11:00pm 7 Comments 62 Promotions
Posted by 馬來西亞微電影實驗室 Micro Movie Lab on February 18, 2021 at 5:30pm 18 Comments 74 Promotions
Posted by Host Studio on May 14, 2017 at 4:30pm 11 Comments 51 Promotions
Posted by 用心涼Coooool on July 7, 2012 at 6:30pm 39 Comments 56 Promotions
Posted by 就是冷門 on August 24, 2013 at 10:00pm 81 Comments 82 Promotions
Posted by 罗刹蜃楼 on April 6, 2020 at 11:30pm 40 Comments 65 Promotions
Posted by 葉子正绿 on April 2, 2020 at 5:00pm 77 Comments 70 Promotions
Posted by Rajang 左岸 on August 26, 2013 at 8:30am 29 Comments 63 Promotions
Posted by 來自沙巴的沙邦 on November 4, 2015 at 7:30pm 3 Comments 78 Promotions
Posted by Dokusō-tekina aidea on January 5, 2016 at 9:00pm 35 Comments 75 Promotions
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