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Comment by Suyuu on April 11, 2024 at 4:25pm


當代數位科技已扮演猶如社會中樞神經系統的角色,「數位轉向」(digital turn)似乎也已是不爭的事實,且打造此般的數位天地,促使許多人深信「機器優於人類」的命題。貝爾納.斯蒂格勒(Bernard Stiegler)在《人類紀裡的藝術》指出,這種始於1993年數位轉向的科技震撼中,透過網路科技的全球開放網絡,超工業化的系統透過遠程──行動的網路,對遠程的對象進行控制,致使整體社會運作體系轉化成人們所熟悉的數位經濟。隨著數位時代的全面到來(包含大數據、機器學習、人工智能、物聯網等新科技的普及),大規模「數位化」世界圖景的景致既是歷史性的,也是增補性的當代生存樣態,整體且普遍的人工智能化而引發一系列社會文化、地緣政治、生存環境、生命倫理等人類生活世界的改變。

甚至,人們生活經驗藉由技術所構成的景況已不言而喻。如同唐.伊德(Don Ihde)在《科技與生活世界》所述,科技技術以物質文明中各種人工物的形式存在於我們的環境之中,且深深地影響人們的行動、知覺與理解方式,然而,當「數位無所不在」,人類社會卻悄悄地進入所謂的「後數位情境」(Post Digital Condition)。羅素.戴維斯(Russell Davies)便曾言,後數位應該是下一個激動人心的階段,它不是舊秩序的回歸,而是人們開始「在屏幕之外進入世界的地方」(in the world beyond the screen)。梅爾.阿利森貝格(Mel Alexenberg)在《後數位時代的藝術未來》一書中清楚地定義所謂的「後數位」(post-digital),指涉的是一個在人類與數位科技間關係快速變遷下的藝術創作,以及藝術如何更關切人類的生存實際景況,而非數位科技本身。

王新仁 明日的路徑 2019 演算音像 尺寸依場地而定(圖版提供:王新仁)


無所不在的巨量資訊運算公司根據從每個人身上蒐集到的「數位足跡」,直截了當地造成了數位個體。而根據馬克.莒甘(Marc Dugain)與克里斯多夫.拉貝(Christophe Labbé)的《裸人》一書,這種巨量資訊公司所抱持的自由意志主義,更不計一切代價爭取科技進步。從人機、跨物種系的混雜,從「以人類為中心」的思維(即人類被其他物種所取代的人文主義),轉向「人類其實早已是科技主體的賽博格」思維,在這個轉向的過程裡,是賽博格自身的演化史,它涵蓋所有知識領域,從生物學、地質學、資訊學、神經醫學、文化、藝術領域……,疊合積累成「人類紀」(anthropocene)。


Comment by Suyuu on February 19, 2024 at 8:06am

Malaysian digital firms rake in RM767 mil in exports

KUALA LUMPUR: Local companies in the digital technology industry have generated RM767 million of export value to Malaysia's economy, said communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

Fahmi said in the startup arena, companies like Aerodyne and Meraque are gaining international recognition.

"Aerodyne is ranked number one by Drone Industry Insights in its 'Drone Service Provider Ranking 2021 and 2022', while another drone company, Meraque, ranks among the top 20 in the world.

"I am proud to announce that our local companies have generated RM767 million worth of export value," he said at Malaysia Digital Expo (MDX) 2023 Grand Finale.

Meanwhile, Fahmi said Malaysia's gaming market and animation industry is thriving with local studios making a global impact.

He said to date, local animation studios have produced more than 65 original pieces of intellectual property, creating over US$40.5 million in export value while at the same time expanding their presence to more than 120 countries.

"Over RM1 billion in annual export value has been generated through over 100 Malaysian gaming studios," he said.

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) chief executive officer Mahadhir Aziz said the corporation is setting a new direction for Malaysia's digital ecosystem, focusing on self-reliance and innovation while reducing dependency on grants.

Mahadhir underlined the necessity of moving away from what he referred to as the 'grantrepreneur' mindset, where businesses solely rely on grants without taking proactive steps to innovate and address market needs.

"We have been trying so hard to move away from the mindset that we call 'grantrepreneur.' People will just wait for something like this, without doing anything."

"Look at the success of local businesses like Aerodyne and carsome, what is common among those companies, they were never initial beneficiaries of any Malaysian grant," he said.

However, Mahadhir said while MDEC is committed to nurturing self-sufficiency, the organisation will continue to focus on grants for specific purposes.

These grants will be directed towards initiatives that create new intellectual property and foster competition in the digital creative content space, he added.

The MDX 2023 Grand Finale marks the culmination of a six-week empowerment journey through 18 auxiliary events that commenced on September 25, 2023. MDX 2023 has garnered significant attention, with a total of 120,000 participants engaging in the event.

Over the course of three days, industry experts will share their insights through a series of conferences and networking sessions.

The MDX 2023 Grand Finale will also include an exhibition and an exclusive MDX 2023 Awards Night to celebrate the outstanding innovations and achievements within the local digital technology ecosystem.

(Source: NST, Malaysian digital firms rake in RM767 mil in exports- Fahmi Fadzil By Azanis Shahila Aman and Aliza Shah - November 6, 2023)

Comment by Suyuu on February 13, 2024 at 10:11am

How Do I Find Someone to Write My Life Story?  by Harvey Beck

People hire writers to help write their memoir for lots of different reasons.


Perhaps you’re struggling to decide what’s important to include. Maybe some things are simply too difficult emotionally to write about yourself. Perhaps you’ve started a memoir but can’t make headway. Maybe you simply can’t decide where to begin.


Hiring a professional writer means that someone skilled will organize your stories into a cohesive, compelling read in as little as a few months.


Together, you and your writer will turn your life story into a memoir that will be in your voice and have your message. Though someone else’s hands may have typed the words, those words (and that book) will be yours in every other way.

Comment by Suyuu on February 13, 2024 at 10:11am

Before you read ahead, check out Memoirs App fromLifeTales. The best app for writing your memoir online.


How Do I Find a Ghostwriter?


“Ghostwriter” is a term for any writer hired to help you write your story in your own voice.


A simple Google search will turn up any number of reputable writing companies that specialize in memoir and biography (remember—there is a difference!)


Make sure you do your research: some companies are a single individual; others are larger companies with best-sellers under their belts. Either way, know the difference and be sure to ask for samples and references. Make sure you’re happy with the writer before signing a contract.

The Writing Contract

writing a memoir contract with a ghostwriter


Any reputable ghostwriter or writing firm will have a standard contract that lays out the expectations and obligations of each party to one another. Make sure you read and understand the contract and that you’re in agreement, as it is a legally binding agreement. This is a serious investment of time and money you are making, so it couldn’t hurt to have a lawyer look it over if you are unclear about any of the clauses or terminology. If anything is unclear or makes you uncomfortable ask for clarification or negotiate to reword the contract.

How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Writer for My Life Story?


The short answer is: it depends.


You can find writers who are inexpensive (but probably not as experienced) and writers who have years of experience and even New York Times-bestselling books (but who will cost a lot more to hire). And, as is often the case, you get what you pay for.

Comment by Suyuu on February 12, 2024 at 1:24pm

For a typical memoir, expect to spend at least thousands of dollars ($7500 to $10,000 on the low end) to tens of thousands of dollars (professional ghostwriters with a serious track record can easily command anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000+ per project).

Payment Schedule for Writing Work

payment schedule for writer

You should work out payment in installments, and these should be spelled out in your contact with the writer.

You could pay in thirds (one third on signing, one third on a complete first draft, one third on revised final draft). Or you can pay in quarters or any other breakdown that’s mutually agreeable.

Any request for payment in full upfront should be a red flag, and you should not pay. Walk away from anyone making such demands as it is unprofessional and you might get scammed.

How Long Will It Take to Write My Memoir?

From start to finish, expect the process to take between six and twelve months. This includes time for all interviews, research, drafting, and revision. Other factors, unexpected delays, or requests for changes midway through may extend this range.

If you want a manuscript complete in a short timeframe, it may be possible depending on the writer but expect to pay a premium for an accelerated schedule.

What Will Ghostwriting Involve?

1) Interviews and research to get to know you and your story

This could be handled remotely via Skype or telephone, or it may involve travel by the writer to visit you and your family to conduct interviews. You should expect hours or even days of interviews, depending on the scope and scale of the project.

2) Planning and outlining your book

With reviews in hand, the writer will begin to work up a plan and outline for your book. They will likely run this outline by you for your approval and input before they start work

3) Ghostwriting the content

Just like it sounds. This is where the bulk of the writing will occur, based on the interviews and outline.

4) Revisions based on your feedback and guidance

You will have an opportunity to read and review the draft, either in stages or once completed. At that point, you should make a detailed list of changes or corrections you’d like the ghostwriter to make. If you don’t want any, that’s great! But if you do, your writer should revise the work until you are satisfied with the product.

5) Editing to eliminate spelling and grammar errors

Editing (also called copyediting) is usually the last stage. Once the writing and revisions are complete, the writer will go through the work to ensure it is as error-free as possible.
Who Owns the Rights to the Work?

As a work-for-hire project, the contract you sign with the writer should spell out that you—the person who commissioned the work—will have all rights to the work, including copyright. The contract should also say that you’re free to pursue use of the material in whatever way you want with no further compensation due to the writer.

We hope this post helps you hire the right person to write your life story or memoir. If you want to start writing your memoir yourself, try the Memoirs App from LifeTale for free. (https://www.lifetales.com

Comment by Suyuu on January 20, 2024 at 12:19am







Comment by Suyuu on January 20, 2024 at 12:19am

珍貴史料 了解地方經濟







Comment by Suyuu on January 20, 2024 at 12:18am



他說,目前正搜羅巴生河及一些河流的沿岸史料記載,包括流經班達馬蘭的奧河(Sg Aur);可惜該河流如今飽受河岸兩旁的非法垃圾場嚴重破壞,令人心頭淌血。







舊時代的廣告有列出商號業務,進而能窺探當時地方上的經濟特色與發展。<br /







她披露,新書首版印刷800本,包括100本送給贊助人的精裝版。平裝版每本售價80令吉,目前還剩大約50本,有意者可聯系她本人(012-291 8939)

協助在網上營銷此書的Jalan-jalan Klang(巴生歷史戶外學堂)社區導覽平台創辦人兼在地導覽員周鴻輝,以說故事的方式來推廣新書,獲得全馬甚至遠至新加坡的地方志愛好者不俗反應,他通過親自送上和寄送外地,賣出了約180本書。



(21.3.2021,星洲日報地方版都市動態欄;原題:特刊廣告 集體回憶·劉崇漢編撰巴生史輯發掘老字號,報導:謝仲洋,攝影:高建業)

Comment by Suyuu on January 9, 2024 at 11:40am



中國新的軟實力出海,也成為英語世界的爆紅現象,從超短劇「Reel Short」,到Webnovel的中國網絡小說的英文版本,從中國電動遊戲的「原神」到西方吸取中國智慧的「 Total War」, 都讓西方人驚艷。文化的商品不再只是看價格的「性價比」,而是要靠價值的「心價比」,打造一種新的商業模式,爭取在國際文化領域中占一席之地。




這都是逆境中的民間中華爆發力,柳暗花明,將傳統的歷史和文化,作出「創造性的轉化」(Creative transformation),迎接新時代的挑戰。這不是宣傳,而是中國民企的創意,面對市場機製的考驗,創造了新的需求,讓英語的世界,突然發現中華的情緣,也發現了新的自己。

讀者評論欄反應: 有幾個有意思的數據,中國遊戲產業2023年吸金超過3000億,整個國內電影票房549億;韓國kpop產業全年收入不敵米哈遊的一年的海外收入;騰訊常年居於世界遊戲收入第一,在索尼任天堂之前;遊戲產業管理草案一出,騰訊網易股票狂跌,日本遊戲業股票看漲:對手自殺了。(https://weibo.com)

Comment by Suyuu on January 6, 2024 at 2:44pm


隨著互聯網的快速發展,綫上視頻的空間越來越大。1997年成立於美國的Netflix (Nasdaq NFLX,中文譯為奈飛或網飛),原是一家在線DVD及藍光租賃提供商,數年前蛻變為會員訂閱制的流媒體播放平臺 ,在幾乎全球戲院因為冠毒疫情而休業的2020,成了各國家庭獨占鰲頭的娛樂來源;在大部分影業公司沒戲開的當兒,它也成了最活躍的電視劇與電影的攝制公司之一,顯示互聯網音像等内容產業的廣大空間。


除了電商,直播產業的機會還很多。首先是垂直方向的機會,原來在線下的例如財經、房產、旅遊領域,現在通過短視頻和直播,得到更廣泛的傳播。上半場更多是做娛樂直播,帶貨上只有部分行業參與進來了,下半場做內容更專業一些,現在我們看到很多之前做電影,做電視劇的朋友現在開始進入到這個行業,在內容領域的創新也是壹個機會。未來的互動劇、微劇、直播劇,直播綜藝也可能會有一些新的機會,內容升級,在這一塊應該會有一些機會。(February 11, 2021 地方文化營銷 1.6:新媒體

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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