Sattar Bawany·領導力4.0:最好的管理者很可能是最無趣的管理者(上)

The perfect manager would be utterly predictable, using data and evidence to make decisions and provide feedback. In other words, the perfect manager would be completely boring. But dullness isn’t how most companies choose managers. Instead, they look for flash, vision, and bold displays of confidence — regardless of whether those attributes translate into actual competence.



A better method is to choose managers who can help the company execute its vision and keep their teams engaged and productive. Instead of valuing charisma and ruthlessness, look for managers who are authentic and effective in leading and engaging the team towards achieving sustainable organizational results.



Emotional intelligence helps managers stay calm and cool so they can connect with their subordinates and help their teams succeed. And look for people who display integrity. There are many case studies of leaders who are brilliant in terms of expertise but morally feeble. Most people would rather work for a boss they can trust.



In recent times, the world has moved well beyond basic and enhanced process automation and is entering an era of cognitive automation leveraging on artificial intelligence and robotics which the World Economic Forum termed as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. To ensure their readiness toward digital business transformation, most organizations would deploy the state-of-the-art technology but do they have a relevant structure in place? Are they equipped to attract, develop, and retain digital talent? Do you know what it takes to lead in a digital era? These are questions that many, if not all, organizations are grappling with as they seek to succeed in the digital era.



Leadership 4.0 is about leaders creating their own digital transformation strategy and ensure it is aligned with the business and growth plans of their organization. It is critical that there must be a commitment to and ownership of it by the various stakeholders including the Boards and senior leadership team. For those willing to embrace this new world, it presents huge opportunities to be leveraged, which offers the prospect of new markets and new customers. However, to accomplish this, it would be crucial for the next generation of leaders to develop the relevant knowledge and skills, and that will help them evolve into a digitally transformed leader.



Leadership 4.0 is also a "digital leader" who can build teams, keep people connected and engaged, and drive a culture of innovation, risk tolerance, and continuous improvement. As digital disruption sweeps across every major industry, regrettably leadership capabilities are not keeping pace.


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