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corps sans organes commented on No Agency's blog post Creative Leader Converges Positive Energy
"A bit of updating for the new development of Thaksin / Yingluck's family BANGKOK - Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra insists his return to Thailand will come without help from Pheu Thai or the ruling Palang Pracharath Party and…"
Feb 14, 2023
No Agency posted a blog post

Business Philosophy: Everything You Need to Know

Business Philosophy Definition: Everything You Need to KnowThe business philosophy definition is the set of principles and beliefs that a company is working toward to achieve success.The business philosophy definition is the set of principles and beliefs that a company is working toward to achieve success.Business PhilosophyA business philosophy may also be called the: Company vision Mission statementThe philosophy of any company serves as its blueprint for operation. This statement outlines…See More
Feb 12, 2023
No Agency posted a blog post

Philosophy the key to good business By Tim Dean (Part 2/2)

Philip Wright St James Ethics Centre in SydneyHigher purposeAccording to Philip Wright, who works with the St James Ethics Centre in Sydney, misaligning a mission statement with the ultimate purpose of a business is a common trap.“Whenever I ask people about purpose they usually come back with a mission statement. But we’re looking for something higher than a mission statement. What is the higher purpose?”A mission statement might be a useful guiding slogan, but purpose speaks to the values…See More
Feb 8, 2023
No Agency posted a blog post

Philosophy the key to good business By Tim Dean (Part 1/2)

Looking for an innovation injection and a business boost? Philosophy can be transformationalIn brief    Philosophy is a discipline that helps us to make better sense of the world — including business    Apply some critical scrutiny to your own beliefs and the values that underpin your business    A mission statement is useful guiding slogan, but purpose speaks to the values that underlie itToo often, business leaders dismiss philosophy as a trifling dalliance. But actually it could be the path…See More
Feb 5, 2023
No Agency posted a blog post

Is philosophy useful to industry? by Elisa Massoni

(Source: 5 November 2021 in - Interni Magazine) According to the philosopher Leonardo Caffo, no. Unless there is an ethical shift and a more realistic view of the world on the part of businessesThe design? According to Leonardo Caffo it is philosophy, which occasionally takes the form of a bedside table. Her curating work for the exhibition Design in pratica, pratiche di…See More
Feb 4, 2023
No Agency posted a blog post

Thailand’s creative industries

Thailand’s creative industries showing steady growthCreative industries are a promising component of Thailand’s economy and national development strategy, while the government expects those industries to expand by 3.5 percent next year and earn over $100 billion.Recognizing the value of arts and innovation, the Thai government has established the Creative Economy Agency. It counts 15 sectors in its portfolio that contribute roughly 10 percent to Thailand’s gross domestic product (GDP). Agency…See More
Oct 22, 2022
No Agency commented on 卡萊爾的書包's photo


"陳明發博士《酸辣冬炎湯與泰國風格》 甚麼是泰式廣告?一個可能比較接近的形容,是他們的酸辣冬炎湯。一般人善意地酸人兩句的時候,不自覺得意地笑,吃得太辣會流淚;冬季寒冷就顫抖,炎熱起來要穿少一件衣。這樣一種充滿隱喻的混合體,讓人滿是滋味與感受地聯想起許多事。在過去二十餘年,泰國廣告界淋漓盡致發揮了他們的幽默與催淚,於國際廣告圈闖出了盛名。就像酸辣冬炎湯的秘方,泰式廣告有它的一套牽引受眾情感的模式,其常數就是對(神話/象征)敘事原型的掌握,從而激活人們的集體無意識,領會到有關廣告故事的所傳播的價值觀念…"
Dec 30, 2020

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Is philosophy useful to industry? by Elisa Massoni

Posted on February 4, 2023 at 3:36am 0 Comments

(Source: 5 November 2021 in - Interni Magazine)

According to the philosopher Leonardo Caffo, no. Unless there is an ethical shift and a more realistic view of the world on the part of businesses

The design? According to Leonardo Caffo it is philosophy, which occasionally takes the form of a bedside table. Her curating work for the…


Business Philosophy: Everything You Need to Know

Posted on January 31, 2023 at 3:00am 0 Comments

Business Philosophy Definition: Everything You Need to Know

The business philosophy definition is the set of principles and beliefs that a company is working toward to achieve success.

The business philosophy definition is the set of principles and beliefs that a company is working toward to achieve success.

Business Philosophy

A business philosophy may also be called the:

Company vision



Philosophy the key to good business By Tim Dean (Part 2/2)

Posted on January 29, 2023 at 3:00am 0 Comments

Philip Wright St James Ethics Centre in Sydney

Higher purpose

According to Philip Wright, who works with the St James Ethics Centre in Sydney, misaligning a mission statement with the ultimate purpose of a business is a common trap.

“Whenever I ask people about purpose they usually come back with a mission statement. But we’re looking for something higher than a mission statement. What is the higher purpose?”

A mission statement…


Philosophy the key to good business By Tim Dean (Part 1/2)

Posted on January 23, 2023 at 3:00am 0 Comments

Looking for an innovation injection and a business boost? Philosophy can be transformational

In brief

    Philosophy is a discipline that helps us to make better sense of the world — including business

    Apply some critical scrutiny to your own beliefs and the values that underpin your business

    A mission statement is useful guiding slogan, but purpose speaks to the values that underlie it

Too often, business leaders dismiss philosophy…


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