文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
Investment in creative economy bearing fruit
By: Anthea Peter
IN 2012, a Government investment arm dubbed “MyCreative Ventures Sdn Bhd” was launched to spur the country’s creative industry.
This is primarily done via strategic and innovative funding through debt or equity investments in Malaysian creative companies.
MyCreative was incorporated on April 20, 2012 under the Malaysian Companies Act 1965 by the Minister of Finance (Incorporated) [‘MOF(Inc)’] and now reports to the Multimedia and Communications Ministry.
MyCreative Group Chief Executive Officer Junady Nawawi
MyCreative Non-executive Chairman Noor Azmi Mat Said
Last year, MyCreative appointed Junady Nawawi as its Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) who bears the responsibility of navigating the corridors of multiple stakeholders to make the Orange Economy matter for creatives.
Noor Azmi Mat Said was also appointed as MyCreative’s Non-Executive Chairman last year.
From the allocated funds, MyCreative invests in equities and gives out loans to potential and viable creative Malaysian businesses with a mission to achieve three goals.
This includes boosting the attractiveness of Malaysia’s creative industry, subsequently creating more jobs.
It also has a goal to increase the creative industry’s gross income and make significant contributions to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and thus increase Malaysia’s GDP.
Additionally, it also aims to elevate the status of Malaysia’s creative industry via public awareness and social impact.
Private Debt funding requires Malaysian-owned businesses operating under a Sendirian Berhad entity to be incorporated in Malaysia with minimum RM20,000 paid-up capital & at least one year in operation.
Riuh Nau! Carnival in Melaka, the third State to host the carnival after Johor and Sabah. (Source: MyCreative Venture)
Private Equity would require a minimum three years business track record.
Such funding by My Creative supports 10 main creative pillars in Malaysia, namely Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Music, Literature, Content Creation, Fashion, Traditional & Cultural Arts, Culinary Arts, Design and Creative Education.
Some notable successful brands that were previously funded under MyCreative include dUCk, Christy Ng, My Apparel Zoo and Oyez! Books, among others.
To further support creative industries in Malaysia, the MyCreative Group established its subsidiaries, “Riuh” and the Economic Development Agency of Cultural Art (Cendana) in 2017.
Riuh, a wholly-owned subsidiary of MyCreative Ventures is a curated creative platform that hosts an eclectic array of pop-up stores, international and local food, creative workshops, showcases and live acts on a regular basis.
Whereas Cendana is a division under MyCreative that develops and promotes Malaysia’s cultural economy.
It acts as a link between creators, regulating bodies, private investors or businesses, policy makers and consumers.
Positioning itself as an umbrella body with sufficient resources and expertise, it aspires to elevate Malaysian arts and showcase its diverse beauty on the local, regional and global stage – transforming Malaysia into a cultural destination.
Under the 2022 National Budget, the Government allocated RM20 million towards Riuh Keluarga Malaysia Programmes while RM30 million was allocated to elevate local animation.
MyCreative Chairman Noor Azmi Mat Said that the creative economy is significant in achieving the Government’s aspiration for the industry.
He said the Government aspires for the industry to contribute RM31.9 billion to Malaysia’s GDP by 2025, as outlined in the Twelfth Malaysia Plan.
Noor Azmi said the “Orange Economy” has massive potential to be harnessed given the country’s rich pool of talents which include practitioners in visual art, performances, music, crafts, fashion, writing and talent from the technical arts such as design including industrial design.
(Published on: Friday, August 12, 2022)http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news/197504/investment-in-creative-e...
砂拉越計劃設立小型航空公司,並由砂拉越政府所持有的犀鳥航空(Hornbill Skyways)經營。
他今日出席柏布林(愛墾註:Bebuling, Spaoh, Central Sarawak)短跑道機場動土禮後在記者會上這麽說。
「這機場也充作重要的交通中心,除了靠近巴當艾旅遊景點,也能從木中、實巴荷及鄰近地區運載食品。」(馬新社 Nov 30, 2021)
改善內陸銜接 木中加帛建機場
砂副首長兼砂基本設施與海港發展部部長丹斯裏占瑪欣於今日發文告表示,砂拉越政府正致力於加強郊區經濟轉型和航空服務的承諾。因此,計劃在加帛的武吉瑪豐(Bukit Mabong)和木中實巴荷的柏布林(Bebuling)興建機場。
他說,武吉瑪豐和柏布林將提貨運和客運承運人。柏布林的貨運將需要36個月來完成。(詩華日報 2020年6月30日)
The agri-food and tourism sectors in Betong District
KUCHING, Nov 30: The Bebuling Airport in Spaoh will become an important logistics hub and enabler which drives, supports and sustains the agri-food and tourism sectors in Betong District.
Construction on the RM108 million short take off and landing airport (STOLport) featuring a 790-metre runway, a 185-metre taxiway, two units of aircraft parking spaces, a terminal building and a watch tower have commenced with completion scheduled in September 2023.
Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg pointed out that transport is vital to every industry, including agriculture to ensure an efficient supply chain, and tourism to enable people to reach places they desire to visit.
「Access to markets is important for agriculture and tourism development as these two are among the main economic activities in Betong. The airport is to connect the movement of cargo and people. I am here today to fulfill my promise today.
「Betong is part of the food basket areas in Sarawak. Apart from that, cattle rearing is also being developed in Salcra farms and other oil palm plantations with plans for a slaughterhouse to be set up,」 he told a press conference after officiating at the ground breaking ceremony for the Bebuling Airport in Spaoh today.
So from the agriculture perspective, Abang Johari said, the Bebuling STOLport will cater for the cargo transportation by air in food basket areas including Bukit Sadok.
「We need to bring our produce to the markets and air cargo is important especially for perishable produce with a short life span to reach the end destination in a consumable state,」 he added.
With efforts ongoing to position Sarawak as a net food exporter by 2030 as well as an office set up in Singapore offering a range of local produce and products including tilapia fish, midin and even gula apong already exported there, Abang Johari said the airport will improve the productivity and growth of Sarawak』s economy and uplift the rural community.
「This is our long-term strategy considering the importance of food security in Malaysia and globally. Sarawak still has a lot of room for development especially with technology,」 he said.
As for tourism, he emphasised that better air connectivity is crucial to promote Batang Ai and the historical Bukit Sadok which was the last bastion for Dayak Iban nationalist warrior Rentap in his fight against the White Rajah rule, as tourist attractions and destinations in Betong District.
「With this, tourists can take a flight here from Kuching which only takes one hour compared to my experience when I was a tourism minister where I brought travel agents from Hong Kong (to Batang Ai) which took a four-hour bus ride. They said it was too long and tiring,」 he shared.
Apart from Bebuling, a STOLport is also being developed in Bukit Mabong, Kapit and an airport in Lawas which Abang Johari described as a multi-pronged strategy that will benefit the State』s economy and provide more opportunities for the local community.
Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Assistant Minister of Transport Datuk Dr Jerip Susil, Betong MP Datuk Robert Chuat Lawson as well as incumbents Dato Gerald Rentap Jabu (Layar), Razaili Gapor (Beting Maro) and Mohd Razi Sitam (Saribas) were among those present.(https://manred.sarawak.gov.my/modules/web/pages.php?mod=news&su...)
State has enough local products to export, says Uggah
By:Nur Ashikin
KUCHING: Sarawak is confident of having more local products with the potential for export.
「I was concerned with not having enough local products to export in the past but I am no longer worried now,」 Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said after taking a walk round the 『My Best Buy (MBB) Direct Sales From Farm (JTDL)』 programme at the Old Legislative Assembly building here yesterday.
He said with enough products to sell, Sarawak is ready to look closely at the proposal to have own aircraft to facilitate transportation of these products.
「I was informed that Fama (Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority) is bringing one ton of banana per week. Another company that I met is also going to have coconut for export. Thus, we can move towards increasing our food production,」 he told the reporters after launching the event.
He continued, 「The first strategy is to utilise the Collection, Processing, and Packaging Centre (CPCC). One of the centres is in Tarat, Serian and is still in the final phase of upgrading.
「Later on, we will look at the whole supply chain and facilities. For the farm, we have the facilities for initial packaging, and then wholesale areas. For example, we have been exporting almost 70 tons of durian paste this year.
「Before processing, the products have to go through a process of withholding in cold temperature of minus 45 degrees so the products can last long. All these facilities must be made available within the CPCC to ensure our products meet the requirements before being exported,」 he added.(March 1, 2019,https://sarawakvoice.com/2019/03/01/state-has-enough-local-products...)
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一隻約寬二米,長四五米的破舊小木船,靜靜地靠泊在小屋中央,這就是「海的故事」 樸實得任何浮華的點綴,也沒有任何多餘的累贅,唯一奢侈的只是歡愉的浪花和椰風的奏鳴。
因此,人們在極端恐怖的條件下(無論是驕車還是過分擁擠的公共交通工具)前往上班地點,而在那裏的活動,如果從必要成果的意義上說,最多可以被視為工作的轉喻。人們年復一年花在路上的時間,恐怕有難以算計的數百萬毫無疑問數十億小時。在美國,人們呆在辦公室的時間遠遠超過做工作所需要的時間,很多時候其實無所事事,或者是避免因為心理疲勞而犯下錯誤。他們被期待要表現出對僱主的承諾而願意犧牲自己的私生活,如果可能增加白天的小時數,如延緩地球自轉的速度,他們也願意這樣做,只是為了向僱主顯示,他們工作比你更加賣力。當然,很多工作其實是沒有效率的,甚至產生相反效果,即便不是故意的目標,至少其主要作用是防止其他人做任何有用之事。包括私有領域在內的官僚機構,就是要通過創造工作的方式來回避工作。(西奧多·達林普爾 著 / 吳萬偉 譯《不必要的旅行》愛思想平臺 2020-04-03 / 譯自:Unnecessary Journeys by Theodore Dalrymple)
劉士林教授從歷史、哲學、文化、審美、倫理等層面,解讀中國人文精神代表之一的江南詩性文化。他說,審美精神是江南文化的本質特征。因為對以務實著稱的中國民族來說, 由於持續的文化壓抑因而它的審美機能是嚴重匱乏的。在充滿苦難、又在苦難中產生出巨大生命熱情的江南軸心期, 才使得中國民族的審美意識從沈重的政治倫理異化中解脫出來。以禮樂政治為中心的“北國詩性文化”, 只能看作是一個自身特征尚不明晰的“初級階段”或“早期狀態”。
迄今為止,已邀請原中共浙江省委常委、杭州市委書記,浙江省人民政府咨詢委員會副主任,杭州城市學研究理事會理事長,浙江省城市治理研究中心主任、首席專家王國平,中央美術學院原院長、中國美術學院原院長潘公凱,北京大學講席教授,北京大學政府管理學院院長俞可平等著名專家學者,圍繞“讓城市因歷史而美麗”“筆墨藝術、美術理論、裝置藝術、建築設計的創意實踐”“傳統謚法的政治學意義”等主題開展演講,獲得了聽眾的一致好評並產生了積極廣泛的社會影響。 (2019-01-09 來源:城市怎麽辦,城市學研究動態︱在江南發現詩性文化 ——浙江人文大講堂•未來講堂第四講開講)
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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