文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
(Photo Credit: Liew Foo Wui,http://iconada.tv/profile/LiewFooWui)
Albums: 《我的加雅街杜順公主》生活&旅遊札記
Location: 馬來西亞沙巴,北婆羅洲
1 首先當然要萬分感謝沙巴大學孔子學院馬方院長羅國安教授及中方院長鄧嶸副教授的邀請及貼心安排,並得到沙巴亞庇華人同鄉會館聯合會總會長拿督黃小娟的大力協助,加上各族、各領域、各年齡層參與者的積極上線,讓我有機會在家做分享,表達我對婆羅邦的真摯寄望。
2 有關講題〈海絲文化~一帶一路的沙巴敘事〉的嘗試,鎖在三個方向:
3 此講座論據得到舉辦與合作單位的接受與認可,並可與彼此現有的項目互相交融、借力,無疑有助於各行各業疫後振興的努力。
4 也是沙巴著名民俗學專家的羅院長,和来自中國深化創新創業教育改革示範高校長沙理工大學的鄧院長在會後表示,他們目前正在積極輯稿有關本邦華裔文化的學刊,還有援助影視工作者的鄉土紀錄片等計劃,都非常需要“説好沙巴故事”的內涵。
5 “一帶一路”終極目標是全人類“命運共同體”,沙巴南海敘事+文創策略+各行各業創新整合,是我們立足21世紀海上絲綢之路網絡,面向疫後重建復興的總體工作。
6 華裔近代二百餘年來有能力紥根海外並開枝散葉、開花結果而不竭,學界一直推崇要歸功於“三寶”:華教、華媒與華團。
7 沙巴孔子學院這回的講座完成舉辦,在在顯示了學府+媒體+社團三寶融洽配合的良好範式。
8 把前述的“總體工作”接軌“良好範式”並逐步昇級,沙巴敘事對一帶一路的價值勢將實現出來。
Creative industry content can be lucrative export for Malaysia
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said creative industry content such as movies, dramas and animations could be a lucrative export for the country if the products were of high quality.
The prime minister noted that the creative industry is a thriving sector in Malaysia with the existence of 345 MSC Malaysia status companies under the Creative Content and Technology cluster out of a total of 2,986 active MSC Malaysian companies as of March 31, 2019.
"In 2018, the MSC Malaysia status companies under this cluster recorded sales of RM7.69 billion with export value of RM1.4 billion and provided 11,471 job opportunities," he said in his speech at the 15th National Academy of Arts Culture and Heritage (Aswara) Convocation Ceremony here today.
Dr Mahathir believes that ASWARA, with its variety of faculties can provide high quality creative industry content and products for local and international markets.
Meanwhile, the prime minister stressed that Malaysia could not lose its identity which was shaped through its cultural and artistic diversity.
"We need to balance physical and material progress with the development of arts and culture because it is only in this way that we can strengthen the civilisation of the nation," he said.
He further noted that Malaysian culture, like the culture of other countries, is constantly changing due to external influences, developments in communication, technology and others.
"In this regard, arts and culture education is very important because we do not want to experience cultural degradation and poverty," Dr Mahathir said, adding that the decline would erode values vital for the survival of the nation.
“If arts and culture are not championed, society will no longer understand the functions and use of the core culture which becomes (our) identity, and instead they will know more of foreign cultures. With this, the noble values we inherited will also disappear,” he said.
Dr Mahathir said the rich Malaysian culture should not just be expanded within the country but should also be promoted on the global stage, while the people should also learn the cultures of other communities.
He said it is time for the government and Malaysians to pay attention to the country’s arts and culture which formed the pillar of racial identity.
Earlier, Dr Mahathir and his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali were awarded an honorary Doctorate in Creative Arts in conjunction with the Aswara convocation. The award has just been introduced by the institution.
“This award is very meaningful to us. But what is more important is that this award has placed arts and culture as a subject which should be given attention.
"Culture in particular can determine the success or otherwise of a race, and indeed an individual,” said Dr Mahathir, adding that he and his wife were honoured to be the first recipients of the award. (Bernama : 07 Nov 2019 )
Malaysia’s creative industry contribution to GDP remains low
by Dr. Tan Beng Huat
In every 15 Malaysian employees, there is 1 creative worker, or 6.7% of our total labor force. However, the creative industry contributes approximately only 2% towards the Malaysian GDP for the last year before Covid-19 pandemic,and constitute 0.2% of our exports. In 2019, the country’s exports of creative goods were at RM220 million, comprising items such as printed books,brochures, printed materials, pictures and photographs. Among the countries involved in the exports of creative goods are India, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey and Poland.(Source: 21.10.2020 The Malaysian Reserve)
The Global Reality
If we compare our data with with that of the world market, we will soon realise where are our weaknesses and opportunities for catching up:
Figures published by UNCTAD in May 2013 show that world trade of creative goods and services totalled a record US$ 624 billion in 2011 and that it more than doubled from 2002 to 2011; the average annual growth rate during that period was 8.8 per cent. Growth in developing-country exports of creative goods was even stronger, averaging 12.1 per cent annually over the same period. (CREATIVE ECONOMY REPORT 2013>WIDENING LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PATHWAYS by UNDP)
Documentary on Murut’s 1936 New York visit
Published on: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
By: Sherell Jeffrey
Kota Kinabalu: The first Sabahan – and perhaps the first Malaysian – to visit New York in 1936 and who returned to tell his tale is the subject of a documentary slated for release next year.
Called “Saudin the Orang Utan Whisperer” it is expected to spark interest in Sabah and Keningau and revolves around Saudin Labotao from Kg Ambual in Keningau. He was hired by the world’s first wildlife filmmakers Martin and Osa Johnson to handle animals on their voyage from Sandakan to New York.
Among the animals was Abai, the largest Orang Utan to be captured alive who was placed in the New York Zoo. It was so strong that it bent the bars there as reported in the New York Times then.
Saudin’s experience travelling to New York just before World War II was chronicled in Agnes Keith’s 1939 international classic, Land Below the Wind. She devoted an entire chapter to Saudin, as she did the Johnsons.
It was also Agnes who recommended Saudin to the the Johnsons for the purpose as he was skilled in looking after animals.
Saudin was featured in a coffee table book entitled “Spirit of Borneo: Hollywood’s first glimpse” about the Johnsons’ visit to then British North Borneo in 1920 and 1935.
The book was co-authoured by Daily Express Chief Editor James Sarda and Universiti Malaya History Professor Datuk Dr Danny Wong.
James had also featured Saudin in a special report in the paper titled “Saudin, The Murut Marco Polo.” His trip to New York took him to Singapore, India, South Africa and many other ports of call along the way.
Producer Noreini Rahman of Rye Production Sdn Bhd said interest in making a movie about Saudin was sparked when she came across the “Spirit of Borneo” now a collector’s item due to its limited circulation. She carried out extensive research on Saudin both in Keningau as well as places he had been to while in New York and liaised with the Safari Museum in Kansas where much of the Johnsons memorabilia are kept.
Noreini also established contact with Saudin’s family members and has involved his grandchildren in the film as well.
The production team on Monday met with Sabah Tourism Board Chairman Datuk Joniston Bangkuai to discuss possible collaboration to promote the documentary as well as turn Saudin’s house in Keningau into a museum gallery for heritage tourism.
Also present were Sabah Tourism Board chief financial officer Julianus Jimit and Saudin’s grandchildren Norman James Saudin and Norsina James Saudin.
Joniston, who is also Assistant Minister of State Tourism, Culture, and Environment, agreed on the necessity for Saudin’s story to be told because he played an important role in bridging the gap between different cultures.
“Something has to be done. The Sabah Tourism Board is always looking for new tourism products, and Saudin story has much potential.
“We need to promote who Saudin is and I believe the documentary will generate interest. Of course, we will play our part in promoting Sabah,” he said.
Joniston said a team would be sent to Saudin’s abandoned house in Kg Ambual to assess the possibility of turning it into a tourist attraction.
Saudin’s house, according to his grandchildren, is in its original condition but has been slightly damaged by termites. His belongings have also been left in place. His grave is nearby.
Noreini said she spent four years researching Saudin and that the production team pitched the story to the National Film Development Corporation (Finas) and History Channel.
The documentary is nearly finished and would be submitted to Finas as well as the History Channel for final approval.
“With the assistance of the Sabah Tourism Board, we hope to launch the documentary in Sabah. This is a crucial documentary focusing on a native Sabahan and we want the younger generation to know him as he is part of history.
“We also engaged the Kansas History of Museum, and they are excited to collaborate with us,” she added.
Norman, his grandson, plays Saudin in the documentary. The friendship between Saudin and the animals he cared for, as well as the western people he met, is highlighted in the story.
There was also interest in making a musical on Saudin a few years ago by a Sabahan entrepreneur, Peter Chua. However, it did not materialise.
Further Reading: Murut’s 1930 New York journey going global
The Story of Belt & Road initiative
By Dr. Tan Beng Huat
Good story is always universal. I still remember when I paid a visit to my old acquaintance in Wu-ai Distribution Market of Shen Yang City a few years back, I met a group of delegations from Selangor. A few Indian business leaders were among them, and there were no problems at all for them understanding the concept of the Belt and Road Initiative. Their leader even said that they could help convey the opportunities offered by this initiative to their partners in India. Yes, the Indian government do worry about their ocean may be dominated by the Chinese Fleet. However, if they are willing to learn just a little bit of the history of Zheng Ho's voyages (not once, twice but 7 times), or that of Arabian or Venetian merchant ships right before the arrival of Spanish, Portuguese, Netherlands and English war ships, then they will understand whom they should be cautious of. (The author: 1st on the right)
崇武的石雕舉世聞名,崇武的海岸全國享譽,這些優質資源催生出令人向往的旅遊目的地,在這個初夏慢慢發酵,叫人欲罷不能,總想來一場說走就走的旅行 。
之後 又化作遼遠的回聲
更進一步說,在森林的周遭,會形成特有的土壤與河流、物候與天象,表現出喧囂與寧靜、光明與黑暗之間的張力。森林以此啟示了美學的豐富性和我們自身經驗的完整性,是世界之澄澈狀態的隱喻。甚至它還攜帶著自身的德性,幫助人“穿過幽冥與晦暗”,重新獲得一種透徹與明朗。(劉東黎 “永恒的青春在樹林里”——關於森林的詩學,2021,作者劉東黎為中國林業出版社社長、總編輯 / 原載《光明日報》2021年04月16日13版)
劉東黎 “永恒的青春在樹林里”——關於森林的詩學
新篇 森林康养
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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