“Tourist Gaze”“Staged Authenticity”一樣,是旅遊社會學最著名的概念。同名書籍出版於1990年,2002年再版,2011年出版叫做Tourist Gaze 3.0。這個書名,就充分反映了John Urry的個性:學術和業界,誰也不落下,傳統與時尚,我志在兼得。想想Dean Mac Cannellthe tourist副標題叫做A new theory of the leisure class,一看就仍是在經典社會學框架內。真有意思。

我只看了3.0,對於“tourist gaze”之前的理解在各種文獻中接觸到,無非是借福柯的gaze來寫旅遊者,觀光客的凝視是社會建構而成,觀光經驗的建構來自符號的消費與收集,觀光客的凝視是符號化的凝視,有浪漫的/個人的,也有集體的。

Urry 特別強調了旅遊中的視覺經驗(vision),更強調gazer- gazee之間社會權力關係的操作(operate)與展演(display / performance)。所以我在看3.0之前的預估是,這會是本很理論的書。但結果,我更願意用「接地氣」來形容。對於GiddensUrry的閱讀,對「好的英國學者是什麽樣的氣質」有些直觀感受,非常經驗主義,非常實用,但是不至於沒有反思,庸俗或者沒有關懷,但是你要想在裏面找到「激情,想象力,創造力」是會失望的,大概這樣。





4)販賣「生活方式」的跨國公司(brand producers, Nike,Gap, easyJet, Body Shop, Hilton, Starbucks, p28)以更深刻的方式繼續影響著旅遊業。

之所以出現這幾個趨勢,我自己的理解是,一則是旅遊與日常生活關係更緊密,界限更模糊(increasing similarities between behaviours that are “home” and “away”),「儀式化」程度降低;二則是互聯網的出現和全球化進程的深入,以下還會涉及。

第二個值得注意的,是3.0較之前兩版的增刪,主要是對新趨勢和“tourist gaze”這個理論提出受到的批評/挑戰的回應。套用原話,the concept of the tourist gaze receives more theoretical consideration, including its “darker” sides,具體指p15: power relations between gazer and gazee within tourism performances, different forms of photographic surveillance and the changing climates that the global tourist gaze seems to generate) . Three new chapters examine the tourist gaze in relation to photography and digitization, recent analyses of embodied performances within tourism theory and research, and the various risks of tourism.

所以3.0共有九章,分別是theories,mass tourism,economy,working under gaze, changing tourist culture, vision and photography, place, building and design, performance, risk and future。下面主要是就每章的核心問題和對我的研究有價值的點展開探討。


第一章Theory. 首先還是介紹了為什麽要用“gaze”這個詞,“highlights that looking is a learned ability and that the pure and innocent eye is a myth”。把「個人行為」背後的「社會機制」揭露出來,是所有社會學研究的第一步。Urry“to depict vision as natural or the product of atomized individuals naturalizes its social and historical nature, and the power relations of looking”。

但是真的,我看完整本書,都沒覺得他對power relation的分析有很多,多透徹,在他的體系裏,這不是重點。甚至,從p97 we have so far conceptualized the tourist gaze as being distinct from other social activities and occurring at particular places for specific periods of time這句話來看,他其實是把tourist gaze等於tourism的。

而且,他應該也不想把自己變成一個馬克思主義者,在關於「mass tourist」(more or less emptied of meaning, a commercialized cliché)是不是只會消費,是不是cultural dope的問題上,他也用了福柯彌散的權力觀,甚至Fiske的文化觀,這個跟MacCannell始終批判的立場完全不同。(作者:讓我想個名字,Tourist Gaze 3.0 讀後,2014-11-20 豆瓣)

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