文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
滿是遊蕩和告別,我們走完了那首曲子。一位將要離開他女友的美國男子。當他在一段段歌詞里穿越一個個城鎮──鳳凰城、阿布奎基、奧克拉荷馬,馳上前方的漫漫長路──我母親從沒能這麽做。如果我們能那樣將一切拋諸腦後就好了──我想我母親也是這麽想的。如果能以那種方式哀傷的話。 (石黑一雄2009年作品《夜曲》(Nocturnes)の 抒情歌手 Crooner)
Why Keen Tham:Before you start creating video content, make sure you know these 3 terms!
Recently, a friend shared these terms with me, PGC and UGC and I stared at him blankly. Apparently, these terms are used regularly in the Chinese market, and it is time we start to understand what they mean. If anything, they provide a roadmap on how to plan your branding strategy.
First off in my research, I added an additional BGC to the mix, and these are acronyms to the following :-
BGC - Business Generated Content
PGC - Professionally Generated Content
UGC - User Generated Content.
With these, let me give quick examples and what they are used for.
Business Generated Content is the long game. In the west, BGC is also known as Content Marketing. Mainly, this is content created by your business and this tends to be a long game. This include videos that reside on your website and on your social media pages.
If your business is in car servicing and repairs, for example, you could create some videos with content like “Top 3 Habits to a Better Running Car” or “5 Simple Things You Can Do Before Sending Your Car in”.
With BGC, your customers will be looking for authenticity. Establish your brand personality and how you stand out from the rest of your competitors.
How do you create this content? Get your phones out, do some Insta Stories, create some quick Instagram videos, or even hold a live stream where you answer frequently asked questions! You may even hire professionals, but do remember to communicate what you are doing. There is a difference between BGC and PGC, and we will illustrate further later.
Professionally Generated Content are your advertisements, your sponsored documentaries and testimonial videos. These can be for lead generation, a video about your upcoming promotion, for example. These can also be for branding, just like Nike’s ads featuring Tiger Woods and LeBron James, for example.
With PGC, you are essentially able to craft what your brand is aspiring to. This is the professional front to your business, while BGC and UGC tends to ‘keep it real’. With a professional team handling production, you are able to craft a clearer message with a polished looking video for your audience.
That said, to have that kind of production value, you typically have to set aside a bigger budget and a lot more time for the entire production. Take your time with this, but get started early.
Of course, you would know what this is. This is a big one that has not really existed until social media was created. User Generated Content refers to videos created and shared by users on social media and online platforms that are supposed to be ‘fans’ to the brand.
UGC helps to create social proof. If the content feels genuine, your customers would trust your brand more.
So what can you do to create UGC? You can sponsor influencers to help with content creation. Therein lies the contradiction. Companies can, and do pay users to help them share positive content, hence the inverted commas placed around ‘fans’.
One thing to note when working with influencers is their personal branding. Do research on the influencers you want to engage to make sure that their branding and their voice is aligned with your brand’s image too. If an influencer is quirky and fun while your brand is serious and professional, it would not help your brand much to have that person represent your brand.
Another thing you can do to encourage UGC would be to run promotions and competitions. You could run promotions encouraging content from your customers and fans. Giveaways, and collaborations are just some of the formats you can run your campaign on.
So we hope these definitions work! It is time to figure a good mix of all 3 kinds of content that best suit your brand and your market. Do feel free to comment or drop me a message if you would like some ideas on how to start! (Published on August 16, 2019 by Why Keen Tham)
Professionally Generated Content (PGC)
Professionally Generated Content (PGC) is that content generated by the brand itself in order to let people know its brand and much more than they have to offer through images, videos, blog posts etc.
When compared to UGC, PGC not only ensures good quality content but also is equipped with good capabilities of commerce and operations. The PGC team can invest more time, energy and money in producing videos as they pay more attention to the quality content and the message being sent to the viewers and customers. They plan to be real and formal when it comes to promoting their brand, unlike UGC. PGC platforms usually attract a large number of viewers and customers because of offering the best of content and deals.
The content created professionally does justice to its name as it is very apt and aims to let viewers have complete information about their product or brand in such a manner that indeed involves them in knowing about it even more.
There is no worry of quality of content, the participation of fans as such or consumption of time like UGC as the brand themselves keeps a check on all of the above and thus performs accordingly.
The main issue with videos or content created by a professional production company is the perceived value given by high-quality content. PGC also holds a level of perfection when it comes to people working with the process as there’s a lot to research on and know about people’s interests and values and what they’d be looking for.
It takes efforts and hard work to create a platform that would attract customers and let the business flourish. Abiding the laws, keeping a factual check, interests of the viewers, participation percentage and a lot more is associated with PGC platform.
Though there are both pros and cons of UGC and PGC, we still wonder who’d be taking over the throne of Social Market and how would it be possible with time? (Photo Credit:https://www.linkedin.com/)
這裏有兩張圖,發表於2020年8月頭的 https://www.dw.com 。
從中,我們可以洞察一件事:同樣面對冠病肆虐,從上圖,看見已經抗疫成功的中國,在去年7月間,位於中國北京市朝陽區三里屯商業區的蘋果手機店外大排長龍,等待購買剛上市的新型號蘋果手機 iPhone 11。下圖,在同時間的美國,人們大排長龍等待政府發下600元美金的每月失業救濟金。
面對疫情,中國各地採取了什麼實際行動,以保全他們的經濟活力?文化産業為特色小鎮提供了那些疫後振興的衝力?專業生產內容(PGC)提供了什麼文化仲介效能?(03.08.2020 Keyword: COVID-19, insolvencies, stimulus measures, growth)
平時出入泰國國際機場的旅人多如過江之鯽,在冠病疫情時期,冷清情景令人淚下。這是全球機場的共同命運。Police captain Nicha Nitinavakarn works at the Arrival Immigration Bureau in Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand. Photo: UN Women/Ploy Phutpheng UN Women/Ploy Phutpheng
每個孩子都想知道自己從哪來,每個文化也都有創始的故事來回答那些問題,給活在當中的人民道理和意義。(見邱于芸著 《故事與故鄉~創意城鄉的十二個原型》, 臺灣遠流出版社,2012年12月,22頁) Terunobu Fujimori Tetsu Teahouse
延續閱讀 》
由於區域民眾生活及在地經濟活動密切相關,政府聚焦地方產業、活絡地方經濟,創造自立自足的地域經濟,而推動在地特色產業發展的同時,更需要鼓勵中小企業能運用在地人才或素材、自然資源、傳統技藝、勞動力或其他特色,發展出具三創(創意、創新、創業)及三生(生產、生活、生態)的獨特性產品或差異化服務之在地產業;抑是具地方產業特色及經濟活動密切相關之生產、商業聚集區域及服務特色產業園區(試驗場域)。(蔡鳳凰/中華經濟研究院第三(臺灣經濟)研究所 分析師,《借鏡日本經驗發展我國地方特色產業》)
這篇《心裏欣賞說出來》(陳明發原創《文創意識 25》系列),記載了33年前的一場青運培訓課程。地點是在青運當時于森州波德申海濱所設立的培訓中心。
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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