文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
(Photo Courtesy: Eric Chavet *top; Katerina Vorvi *bottom)
According to the champion and researcher of cultural creative industries in Malaysia, Dr Tan Beng Huat, who is also a fellow member of the renowned Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), the “character” of a city is defined by its awareness, attitude, style and philosophy it believes in.
It seems no issue in understanding the awareness, attitude or philosophy of a city.
For instance, in Berlin, every Berliner follows traffic light; green you go, orange and red you stop, whether it is 3 in the morning or in the afternoon, for men or vehicles.
Your car just has to stop right in front of red light, even when there is no car coming from the other side in midnight.
(Photo Courtesy: Samuel kreuzer *top; Olah Laszlo Tibor *middle/bottom)
It is obvious, all Germans “aware” or “appreciate” how important it is to be law-abiding. It is part of their disciplines, which often translate into the reliable quality of their manufacture goods such as cars, machineries and electronics.
But, what is style? To be precise, the style of a city? and how does it shape the “character” of a place?
To me, it is simple. Style is defined by the mental image we hold for a city. When I travel to a place, there are usually a few things I would first observe.
Umbrella is one of them. Isn’t it strange enough?
(Photo Courtesy: 2006 *top; Misha Kaklakov *middle; Diana Tula *bottom)
The way people face the weather; how do they go through rain, thunderstorm or hot sun, reflects their contentment or dissatisfaction toward the life in that city.
Are they elegant or in a hush; bitter-faced or look into the sky with a smile?
When most people in that place hold the umbrellas and walk with poise, the scenery can be contagious. We will say to ourselves that, I would like to be part of this city.
On the contrary, when most people are sour-looking, and rush through the weather, you know, how bad, people are not happy at all here!
The style of a city constitutes its attractiveness. With imagination and innovation, the cultural creative activists can help shape peoples’ mental picture towards a city. However, the policy makers must first have the concept of how to make life easier for their citizens.
(Photo Courtesy: Julia Drobonova *top; Irina Klimenko *bottom)
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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