Vibrant Cities Constructed by The Cultural Creatives

(Barcelona, Photo By Peter Keleptrishvili)

(Barcelona, Photos by Denis Yakimchuk)

Why should we have creative cities, if there is no creative individual, since no one can appreciate their beauty of resourcefulness, open-mindedness and reflexivity?

At the very first place, if there is no creative individuals, who is to take intellectual risk as their own challenge, and bring about or create the difference that make a city unique and charming

We of course do not expect everyone in the city to be innovative and look at things with fresh perspectives. However creative urban life is usually the product of the creatives who are strategically grouped-up and collaborate.

(Barcelona, Photo byChuchoNozzi)

Sometime, a few of such creative individuals can bring about the wonders. According to Charles Landry, author of the Popular book Creative City: A toolkit for Urban Innovators, Barcelona, Glasgow and Emscher, are some of that cities. 

Besides the synergy among the creatives, Landry argues, we also need the common people to test, pilot, adapt, deploy and explain. I other words, people who can put the ideas to work. There is where the leadership plays a vital role.

(Barcelona, Photo by Eva Litvinenko)

(Barcelona, Photo by Mario Lameiras)

(Barcelona, Photo by jspr hrmsn)

(Barcelona, Photo by olga kaostra)

(Barcelona, Photo by jspr hrmsn)

(Barcelona by Russia Spain)

(Barcelona by Russia Spain)

(Barcelona by Russia Spain)

(Barcelona by Russia Spain)

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Comment by 非常灑狗血 on June 22, 2011 at 12:20pm
love your writing and photos, we need more of this kind of in depth writing.
Comment by 馬來西亞微電影實驗室 Micro Movie Lab on June 21, 2011 at 6:43pm
Welcome back, enjoy reading your article.

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, supports creators since July, 2009.


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