鍾樂偉: Gangnam Style的南韓社會流行現象

K pop要衝破語言障礙成為風靡全亞洲的文化消費現象,賣弄型男索女的舞蹈、身材和臉孔,一直是他們在亞洲流行文化建立成功品牌的方程式。


其反其道而行的製作方式,卻竟然獲得名人如Britney Spears、Justin Bieber、Katy Perry、T-Pain和Robbie Williams等在自己的Twitter微博上推崇,並指出更有想學跳這個舞的衝動。

最近,此歌還躍升到了美國iTunes音樂MV排行榜榜首,開創了南韓歌手的先河流行曲,風頭簡直一時無兩:這就是南韓歌手PSY的最新歌曲<Gangnam Style>。

有看過此MV的朋友,大概都會只以 “啼笑皆非” 四字來總結對這個MV的評價,絕對對為何這首歌和其MV會成為今夏瘋行南韓和歐美等國感到迷惑。

這首歌中,既沒有俊男、也沒有應有扣人心弦的勁舞,換來的只是在南韓有大叔級歌手的PSY和他令人難以接受的 “騎馬舞”。



<Gangnam Style> 中的Gangnam,是指首爾的江南地區,這是相對於首爾江北區域的分野。在首爾的地理劃分中,是以一條貫穿首爾南北地區 “漢江” 為界,一分為二地分成 “江北” 和 “江南”。

“江南” 地區包括有 “江南區” (Gangnam-gu)、“瑞草區” (Seocho-gu) 和 “松坡區” (Songpa-gu)。

歷史上,“江北”一直是南韓首都首爾政經發展的中心,當中的 “中區” (Jung-no)屬整個首都的地理中心、“鐘路區” (Jongno-gu)則是舊首爾城發展的核心,也是韓國傳統600多年來每個皇帝皇后和後來的總統的居所之地。


直到70年代以前,“江南” 地區都是在首爾中較為發展落後的地段,主要是種植大白菜和韓國梨的農地。亦有被稱為 “永東” 的別名,因為其地理上屬永登浦 (Yongdeung-po)的東邊。


透過在1969年建成打通首爾南北的漢南大橋 (Hannam Bridge) 和在1970年建立貫穿南韓南北兩地的京釜高速道路,把首爾和釜山這兩個南北大城市連接起來,並把首爾的連接點建在位於江南的 “瑞草區”,成功把江南地區的交通和發展輸紐的重要進一步凸顯出來。

因而到了80年代起,由於江北地區的發展出現飽和和環境欠佳等問題,不少原屬江北地區的名校都遷移至江南 (因而有名為 “江南第8學校區”),帶動當區的地價和樓價不斷飈升,從60-80年代間升幅超過 800-1300倍。





PSY歌曲<Gangnam Style>中的意思就是表示出一位住在江南地區、擁有財富、地位、掌握時尚潮流脈搏和豐厚物質條件的有錢人。

他坐享江南這種得天獨厚的經濟身份,自豪地認為以短短十數年間 “升級” 的文化有無比的優越感,不欣賞有傳統韓國文化的古蹟、文化遺產和生活價值。

昔日的90年代起,的確江南地區是一塊反映出南韓 “經濟奇景” 的一片福地。虛榮、享樂與繁盛的生活籠罩著那個年代和那片樂土。






當然,以PSY的個人背景 (原名朴載相、畢業於美國名校波士頓大學和伯克利音樂學院,以獨特的台風及親自撰寫諷刺時弊的歌詞引起社會爭議。

例如在2001年正式的出道時因其專輯內容為青少年不宜而遭到限制販售、其後又因吸食大麻而遭到警方逮捕、更因虛報資料瞞騙服兵役而被檢舉) 和他在製作特輯的解釋,諷刺江南這種虛有其表、只懂消費而沒有目的的盲目追求潮流的文化,是他編制這首<Gangnam Style>的一大目的。

歌曲當中,有不少隱含PSY想借江南的 “糜爛生活”諷刺南韓人膚淺追求的物質享樂,但結果只是一場又一場自我美化夢境的虛妄。

(1) 歌詞人提到想找一個能夠與我一起有品味地喝杯咖啡的女子,其實背後的意思是反映出當下不少南韓女性 “愛充大頭” 的消費心態。

近日南韓興起一個詞彙叫 “豆醬女” ,是指那些長相不好看,卻又愛慕虛榮女性,例如他們只能花$10吃一個普通即食麵,但卻不按財政條件地買一杯價值$40 的Starbucks咖啡。因為他們在看過 “Sex and the City” 以後,認為喝Starbucks是西化、高級的象徵,因而希望模仿的膚淺行為。



(4)PSY想像自己好像名人P. Diddy一樣有美女陪伴走在紅地毯上,撲面而來的是五光十色的紙屑。但現實卻是走在一個空曠無人的荒廢車場,吹向他們的卻也是垃圾和飄雪。



(7)PSY想像著自己好像P. Diddy一樣坐在豪華椅子,但實質是坐在廁所上。


他們透過自己的政社經地位和朋友關係緊握權力,為自己及下一代把這種不平等繼續 “世襲” 下去,例如免去服兵役的國民要求、享受更豐厚的學習環境和生活質素。

雖然PSY也是來自上述的背景,但正如他曾經在訪問中講到 “請看著我,雖然我是也是來自江南,但我看起來不是很俗氣和可憐嗎?”。


(作者鍾樂偉現為澳洲悉尼大學韓國研究系博士候選人,南韓韓國學中央研究院訪問學人,Roundtable香港國際關係研究學會總研究主任。研究興趣包括南韓政治與社會文化、兩韓外交關係及北韓核外交與經濟改革政策等等。) (轉載自http://thehousenews.com/personal

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Comment by iPLOP on October 3, 2012 at 4:35pm





Comment by 用心涼Coooool on September 27, 2012 at 9:47pm

Ya, I found the English translation of Psy's Oppa Gangnam Style:

Oppa is Gangnam style

Gangnam style

A girl who is warm and humanle during the day
A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee
A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes
A girl with that kind of twist

I’m a guy
A guy who is as warm as you during the day
A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down
A guy whose heart bursts when night comes
That kind of guy

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let’s go until the end

Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style

Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays
A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes
A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all
A sensable girl like that

I’m a guy
A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays
A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles
That kind of guy

Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Beautiful, loveable
Yes you, hey, yes you, hey
Now let’s go until the end

Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa is Gangnam style

Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
I’m a man who knows a thing or two
On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby
I’m a man who knows a thing or two

You know what I’m saying
Oppa is Gangnam style

Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

Read more: http://www.kpoplyrics.net


Comment by iPLOP on September 27, 2012 at 2:05pm



聽聽中醫師怎麼說;不,怎麼個唱法。(((台語))) 。



Comment by iPLOP on September 25, 2012 at 4:23pm

Attor Attor 當初向愛懇推薦轉載鍾樂偉先生的这篇研究文字,就是希望给Gangnam Style所引起的狂飆現象,提供比較深入的文化分析,讓愛懇所服務的文化創意社群有所参考。

没想到後来的幾位愛懇網友,引進了其他有素質的相關材料,讓我感覺得這裏已經是一個有關Gangnam Style的小小主题館了(只差沒賣咖啡)。




Comment by Attor Attor on September 25, 2012 at 12:09pm


MV尾段的舞者們都是穿著制服的人, 是整個消費模式下被消費的人, 在品位者的帶領下跳舞的服務業人士。

Comment by 用心涼Coooool on September 23, 2012 at 10:56pm

Now you can see Malaysians are not too far away what is hot in the world, I mean in terms of Gangnam Style. After all, we are always a cheerful community, knows how to laugh (at ourselves) even in odd time.

This Malaysian parody of Psy’s Gangnam Style MV called Super Kampung Style, produced by Fly FM DJs.


Everybody wants to come to the city
For the promise of bling and lots and lots of money
What they don’t realize is that it’s noisy and hazy
And a 5 minute trip becomes a 5 hour journey.

But in your kampong,
You can wear sarong
Anywhere you go oh
Everybody knows oh
In your kampong,
Lepak kat lorong
You can go
Everybody knows
You can pancing, pull the pacat, panjat pokok, gotong royong

Super kampong style

Ehhhh…. nenek molek eh eh eh eh eh
Ehhhh… sexy monyet ooh ooh ooh ooh

In Kelate, we say huk alohh bakpomu natebeghuk
But don’t say that coz u might kena tumbuk

Wo mahder’s from Kampo
And we got excellent Kai Chai Peng
They’re funny looking biscuits made for humans out of chicken

Dei macha, Klang is our kampong in the city
Dei macha, we got cheap tires and great bkt
Dei macha, our kampong is as big as a country
Dei macha, say it, dei macha.

Coz in your kampong,
You can wear sarong
Anywhere you go oh
Everybody knows oh
In your kampong,
Lepak kat lorong
You can go
Everybody knows
You can mandi sungai, panjat kerbau, main lastic, gotong royong

I don’t know, US is my kampong yo,
We eat burrito, what is sambal telor?
Naw I love Terengganno,
We eat k’ropok lekor

Super kampong style

Comment by 用心涼Coooool on September 23, 2012 at 12:17am

Anthony Wing Kosner: Dress Classy, Dance Cheesy: PSY Tries To Teach Britney Spears (And The U.S.) Gangnam Style

For everyone who hasn’t been following this story for weeks, the Gangnam Style video by South Korean hip hop artist PSY is now up to 240 million views on YouTube.

As predicted in my original post, Psy signed with Justin Bieber‘s manager, Scooter Braun.

Here’s the video of the (drunken) announcement. “We’ve come to an agreement to make some history together, and be the first Korean artist to break a big record in the United States.”

Will that happen? A look at PSY performing the song on the Ellen show and working the crowd answers the question:

Korean pop star and YouTube sensation Psy gave Britney Spears a surprise visit on the show, and taught her his famous horse dance!

Less than three weeks later, how’s it going? Shortly after the announcement with Braun, Psy signed with Braun’s Schoolboy Records division of Universal Republic Records.

Schoolboy will represent him globally with the exception of the heartlands of Korea and Japan where he is already a huge star.

Gangnam Style has a bunch of things going for it other than Bieber-level management.

First, PSY is a genuine star. He’s funny and personable, but also rhythmically acute (Britney Spears, not so much).

Second, the Gangnam Style dance is easy to do badly, but requires a little skill to do well. Like the Macarena, which it resembles, this low barrier of entry makes it easy to get started with, but hard to let go of.

Third, the song and dance has intergenerational appeal, as this mother son video (also trumpeted by Ellen DeGeneres) shows.

Finally, far from being a liability, the fact that the song is sung almost completely in Korean makes it open to interpretation (and mis-interpretation) in viral ways. Just ask Gotye or Carly Rae Jepsen about the ability of YouTube parodies to boost virality.

A search for “PSY parody” on YouTube already lists 3,670 results (vs 7,420 for Jepsen and surprisingly only 1,430 for Gotye).

He has even caught the attention of the new regime in Pyongyang, which published this low-production value video parody.

That PSY is from South Korea is a viral benefit, as well. As we have seen from many of the big recent pop hits, having a local fan base abroad (Adele in the UK, Gotye in Australia and Jepsen in Canada) is a social media magnet when a song or video hits here.

That Korean Pop (or K-Pop) is huge in Asia but almost unknown in the US outside of Asian communities means that there is more where PSY came from, as well.

PSY s only #4 on the Billboard K-Pop chart, but he is the only K-Pop artist on the mainstream charts (like, ever): #11 on the  Hot 100, #28 on Pop Songs, #68 on Radio Songs, #4 on Digital Songs and #43 on On-Demand Songs.

Last week, PSY was in New York for an appearance on the season opener for Saturday Night Live in a sketch set in a Lids store.

He recorded this interview with Fuse on the origins and viral explosion of Gangnam style. (9/22/2012 http://www.forbes.com)

Comment by 用心涼Coooool on September 20, 2012 at 7:22pm

If Beatles were still around, will they Gangnam Style too; and have a new design for their classical album?

Comment by 用心涼Coooool on September 20, 2012 at 11:53am

Associated Press: Foster Klug 

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA — South Korean rapper PSY's “Gangnam Style” video has 220 million YouTube views and counting, and it's easy to see why. No Korean language skills are needed to enjoy the chubby, massively entertaining performer's crazy horse-riding dance, the song's addictive chorus and the video's exquisitely odd series of misadventures.

Beneath the antic, funny surface of his world-conquering song, however, is a sharp social commentary about the country's newly rich and Gangnam, the affluent district where many of them live. Gangnam is only a small slice of Seoul, but it inspires a complicated mixture of desire, envy and bitterness.

Here's a look at the meaning of “Gangnam Style” — and at the man and neighbourhood behind the sensation:

South Korean rapper PSY performs his massive hit "Gangnam Style" live on NBC's "Today" show in New York, Sept. 14.



Gangnam is the most coveted address in Korea, but less than two generations ago it was little more than some forlorn homes surrounded by flat farmland and drainage ditches.

The district of Gangnam, which literally means “south of the river,” is about half the size of Manhattan. About 1 per cent of Seoul's population lives there, but many of its residents are very rich. The average Gangnam apartment costs about $716,000, a sum that would take an average South Korean household 18 years to earn.

The seats of business and government power in Seoul have always been north of the Han River, in the neighbourhoods around the royal palaces, and many old-money families still live there.

Gangnam, however, is new money, the beneficiary of a development boom that began in the 1970s.

As the price of high-rise apartments skyrocketed during a real estate investment frenzy in the early 2000s, landowners and speculators became wealthy practically overnight. The district's rich families got even richer.

The new wealth drew the trendiest boutiques and clubs and a proliferation of plastic surgery clinics, but it also provided access to something considered vital in modern South Korea: top-notch education in the form of prestigious private tutoring and prep schools. Gangnam households spend nearly four times more on education than the national average.

The notion that Gangnam residents have risen not by following the traditional South Korean virtues of hard work and sacrifice, but simply by living on a coveted piece of geography, irks many. The neighbourhood's residents are seen by some as monopolizing the country's best education opportunities, the best cultural offerings and the best infrastructure, while spending big on foreign luxury goods to highlight their wealth.

“Gangnam inspires both envy and distaste,” said Kim Zakka, a Seoul-based pop music critic. “Gangnam residents are South Korea's upper class, but South Koreans consider them self-interested, with no sense of noblesse oblige.”

In a sly, entertaining way, PSY's song pushes these cultural buttons.

This photo taken in 1980s shows the scenery of Gangnam area in Seoul, South Korea. Gangnam is the most coveted address in Korea now, but less than two generations ago it was little more than some forlorn homes surrounded by flat farmland and drainage ditches.


More mainstream K-Pop performers, already famous in South Korea and across Asia, have tried and failed to crack the American market.

So how did PSY — a.k.a. Park Jae-sang — a stocky, 34-year-old rapper who was fined nearly $4,500 for smoking marijuana after his 2001 debut, get to be the one teaching Britney Spears how to do the horse-riding dance on American TV?

“I'm not handsome, I'm not tall, I'm not muscular, I'm not skinny,” PSY recently said on the American Today TV show. “But I'm sitting here.”

He attributed his success to “soul or attitude.”

PSY, whose stage name stems from the first three letters of the word psycho, has always styled himself as a quirky outsider. But he is from a wealthy family and was actually raised and educated south of the Han River, near Gangnam.

He's an excellent dancer, a confident rapper and he's funny, but another reason for his breakthrough could be that less-than-polished image, said Jae-Ha Kim, a Chicago Tribune pop culture columnist and former music critic.

South Korean music has scored big in Asia with bands featuring handsome, stylish, makeup-wearing young men, including Super Junior and Boyfriend. But seeing such singers “makes some Americans nervous,” Kim said.

“People in America are comfortable with Asian guys who look like Jackie Chan and Jet Li, who are good-looking, but they're not the equivalent of Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves,” Kim said.

Part of the initial interest in “Gangnam Style,” Kim said, was a kind of “freak-show mentality, where people are like, 'This guy is funny.' But then you look at his choreography and you realize that you really have to know how to dance to do what he does. He's really good.”

People stream into a street near Gangnam Station in Seoul, South Korea.



PSY, at times wearing sleeveless dress shirts with painted-on untied bowties, repeatedly flouts South Koreans' popular notions of Gangnam in his video.

Instead of cavorting in nightclubs, he parties with retirees on a disco-lighted tour bus. Instead of working out in a high-end health club, he lounges in a sauna with two tattooed gangsters. As he struts along with two beautiful models, they're pelted in the face with massive amounts of wind-blown trash and sticky confetti. The throne from which he delivers his hip-hop swagger is a toilet.

The song explores South Koreans' “love-hate relationship with Gangnam,” said Baak Eun-seok, a pop music critic. The rest of South Korea sees Gangnam residents as everything PSY isn't, he said: good-looking because of plastic surgery, stylish because they can splurge on luxury goods, slim thanks to yoga and personal trainers.

“PSY looks like a country bumpkin. He's a far cry from the so-called 'Gangnam Style,'“ Baak said. “He's parodying himself.”

The video abounds with ironic, “not upper-class” images that ordinary South Koreans recognize, said Park Byoung-soo, a social commentator who runs a popular visual art blog. Old men play a Korean board game and middle-age women wear wide-brimmed hats to keep the sun off their faces as they walk backward — a popular way to exercise in South Korea.

PSY's character in the video is modeled on the clueless heroes of movies like “The Naked Gun” and “Dumb & Dumber,” he told Yonhap news agency earlier this year. He has also said his goal is to “dress classy, but dance cheesy.”

Others see more than just a goofy outsider.

“PSY does something in his video that few other artists, Korean or otherwise, do: He parodies the wealthiest, most powerful neighbourhood in South Korea,” writes Sukjong Hong, creative nonfiction fellow at Open City, an online magazine. (Published by http://www.thestar.com on Wednesday September 19, 2012)

Comment by 陳老頭 on September 11, 2012 at 5:02pm

Oppa Gangnam Style 红遍全球,风下之乡也刮起了这大叔之风,一时间冒出多支重拍之作。

论制作水平,这支余畑龙的"Sabah Hakka Style 沙巴客家 Style",出现了亚庇漂移,算是比较严慬的“大制作”。

而且,从骑马变成了吃生肉面的姿势,更有新意;要不,大家都 Style, 看多几遍,大同小异,实在很厌了。


早晨起身 不知道闹钟酱吵做么 要去刷牙才发觉我的牙膏已经没完
别紧张 最多讲话嘴角不要开酱大 现在想下 要吃什么
要吃生肉面 最紧要汤放多点猪油渣
吃弹弓面 放炸肉再加水饺就很劲
吃TUARAN面 叉烧切片要配丹南春卷 吃什么面? 要吃什么面?
真是好烦 SEMUA好吃喔 头痛喔 吃PANADOL
真是好烦 现在怎样哦 我很乱 真是很乱
哦鬼吃不完 吃不完 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼吃不完
吃不完 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼吃不完
EH... 吃好饱咧 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼吃不完
EH... 面都青咧 哦哦哦哦哦 EH EH EH EH EH EH
猪狗朋友讲要出来吹水讲话 其实坐在一堆大家都没时间去讲话
有些玩WHATSAPP 不理是谁总之CHAT到毁
上FACEBOOK看到靓4相片最紧要记得ADD 你要记得ADD
是没便咯 要认识多4 勤力咯 上INTERNET
是没便咯 最怕LINE慢了 独木睡 真是眼睡
哦鬼精神完 精神完 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼精神完
精神完 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼精神完
EH... sexy lady 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼精神完
EH... 鼻孔流血 哦哦哦哦哦 EH EH EH EH EH EH
今晚夜 想约你去disco baby baby最好今晚夜别喝太多
因为哦 老实对你说哦 我还没有出粮creditcard又刷爆
EH... 好鬼丢脸 哦哦哦哦哦 哦鬼好丢脸
EH... 好鬼丢脸 哦哦哦哦哦 EH EH EH EH EH EH

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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