
Feature Photo: ... by Shoaib www.facebook.com/mirza.m.shoaib

Shoaib: Work as a flower breeder, do bit of photography and think very widely!! Life is wonderful!...have a great life!!

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Comment by Rajang 左岸 on June 29, 2024 at 10:01am
















以中國為例,改革開放以来,鄧小平創造性引用「小康」概念描繪并墊下中國特色建設的階段性目標。十八大以来,中國更進一步深化對人類文明發展規律的把握,面對「世界怎麼了,我們怎麼辦」的世紀之問,在繼承發展優秀傳統文化的精神下,提出了「講信修睦」「親仁善鄰」的交往之道。造就一個新的文化生命體,朝  更高境界發展。










Spice Island 香料群島

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on June 28, 2024 at 3:32pm













延續閱讀:任姍姍;講好廣袤大地上的中國故事;來源:2024-06-12 人民日報

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on June 21, 2024 at 3:40pm



友人女婿是二毛子,最近想湊中國熱,賺點RMB, 除了努力學習普通話,還似模似樣背點成語。好像這一句~~



我一天到晚跟人說故事,友人問我要點有趣的case,給這年輕人Study study。學學好。




Comment by Rajang 左岸 on June 15, 2024 at 3:58pm

[南宋] 蘇洵〈六國論〉白話譯文


















Comment by Rajang 左岸 on June 10, 2024 at 10:04pm




(摘自:《追憶似水年華》[法語:À la recherche du temps perdu,英语:In Search of Lost Time: The Prisoner and the Fugitive],[法国]馬塞爾·普魯斯特 [Marcel Proust ,1871年—1922年] 的作品,出版時間:1913–1927,共7卷)

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on February 16, 2024 at 12:54pm

How Storytelling Can Drive Strategic Change

Conventional wisdom says that when confronted with a major organizational change– one that shakes the very foundations of how a company does business– top executives need to leave their offices and venture out among the frontline employees to make sure that everyone understands what is at stake and embraces the organization’s strategy for change.

Memos are written, speechwriters summoned, PowerPoint slides prepared, and communications plans developed all to get everyone ‘‘on the samepage,’’ ‘‘rowing in the same direction,’’ or ‘‘singing off the same sheet.’’ E-mails are sent, meetings called, retreats planned, and newsletter articles published, all to insure
that, at the end of the day, the new value proposition and business model have been ingrained in the culture.
Thenleaderspackuptheirstuff,go backtotheiroffices,and waitto seethe seedsof change take root and blossom. Usually, not much happens, leaving managers scratching their heads and l am enting to each other about how much people hate to change. Whydoesn’t this standard managerial approach work?

Andwhy,aftersomanyfailedattempts,doleadersstill use it?

(How storytelling can drive strategic change, Article in Strategy and Leadership · January 2006 [DOI: 10.1108/10878570610637876], Four Author including: Notes: 1. B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore (1999), The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA, chapter 10 in particular. 2. Stephen Denning (2000), The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations, Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, p. xiii. Corresponding author: Gary Adamson is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: gary@starizon.org)






Comment by Rajang 左岸 on February 15, 2024 at 10:17pm

Let’s examine the underlying assumptions on which the ‘‘Just Tell ’Em’’ approach is based:

First, it assumes that the front-line employees have the needed context and background
information required to understand major changes in strategic direction. However,
frequently even the managers, who have much more information, confess that they don’t
fully understand what it all means.

Second, it assumes that employees totally accept the decisions of their top executives.
This is most dubious, especially after several ‘‘major’’ change efforts have come and

Third, ‘‘Just Tell ‘Em’’ assumes that employees don’t have valid ideas of their own about
where the company should be going. But they do, and while they may be forced to deal
with the conclusions and actions of management, they will still draw their own conclusions
and act accordingly.

Fourth, this approach assumes that change is basically an information issue and that if
employees just knew the reasons why it would be good to change, they’d change.
However, change is as much about relationships, emotions, and gut feel as it is about

And, lastly, this approach assumes that no ‘‘fluff’’ or entertainment value is needed;
because the subject matter is so very important and the people presenting it so
noteworthy, employees will pay attention even if it’s boring. However, this assumption flies
in the face of that old saying that ‘‘Great teaching is one-fourth preparation and
three-fourths theatre.’’

‘‘ So the key message executives should take away from this story on stories is: don’t just spend countless hours, valuable brain cells, and barrels full of money doing the research, analysis, goal-setting, and implementation planning necessary to come up with an industry-altering strategy.’’

So if this standard approach doesn’t work, why do so many leaders keep doing it? The reason may be as simple as this: it’s hard for even the most courageous leader to bet the future of the company on something he doesn’t know how to do. And few executives know how to tell the stories required to elicit organizational transformations.

A good story inspires

A good story always combines conflict, drama, suspense, plot twists, symbols, characters, triumph over odds, and usually a generous amount of humor– all to do two things: capture your imagination and make you feel. It draws you in, places you at its center, connects to your emotions, and inserts its meaning into your memory. That is why storytelling must becomeanintegraltoolofcorporatestrategy. Stories create the experience that lets strategy beunderstood at a personal level[1]. In order to be effective, strategy must not just inform, it must inspire. And people are never inspired by reason alone. That’s why the ‘‘Just Tell ’Em’’ approach usually fails. It totally overlooks the role emotion and meaning play in any life-altering action. And if your strategy isn’t about transforming the way your company and its employees do business, why do it?

Storytelling develops relationships by helping everyone realize we all have issues in common. Stories crystallize common values and beliefs. They build stronger teams and a stronger sense of community. Stories invite people to bring the ‘‘whole person’’ to work (both heart and head), and therefore elicit much more thorough perspectives and meaningful commitments. They create a context for work aspirations and thus make each employee feel more valued. In short, stories have the potential to revitalize the way we do business.

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on February 15, 2024 at 10:22am

(Pg 3) As Stephen Denning, former program director at the World Bank, said in the introduction to his book The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations, ‘‘Time after time, when faced with the task of persuading a group of managers or front-line staff in a large organization to get enthusiastic about a major change, I found that storytelling was the only thing that worked[2].’’

A case: telling the story of a new business model ‘‘It was a real trying period,’’ says Steve Altmiller, President and CEO of San Juan Regional Medical Center, reflecting back on his early years at the 175-bed, sole-community provider in Farmington, New Mexico.‘‘There I was, a new CEOatahistorically strong community hospital and suddenly everything was out of sync. We were taking lots of financial hits; our earnings were down; our hospital-sponsored health plan was going bankrupt; unions were trying to organize our nurses; and, we were making many operational and management changes that introduced lots of anxiety. It seemed like everything we talked about was negative, one problem after another. My board said we had to find a way to focus on something positive.’’

Altmiller decided to engage a top group of his leaders, directors, board members, and physicians in developing a comprehensive experience strategy that would change the company’s business model. Shortly into this two-year project it began calling itself the Galileo Group, for its goal was to discover a new and more personally meaningful center of the healthcare universe. In the midst of their work the members made a radical decision: they would focus first not on the patient experience but rather on the employee experience. ‘‘We can’t consistently provide the most personal patient experience until we can consistently provide the most personal, healing, professional experience. If you expect to be successful in individualizing the patient experience you’d better get good at individualizing to the employee,’’

Altmiller told us. ‘‘Our entire patient experience redesign will start with an exclusive focus on the employee experience. We’regoingtotrytopersonalizeeverything from recruitment to retirement because we think it will do more than anything else to help our employees understand what we want for patients. And in these times of staff shortages and heavycompetition for the best people, it would bea good strategy even if we weren’t planning on doing it for patients. As it is, we’ve come to believe that individualizing the experience will ensure our future success. You’ve got to be able to do it not just whent imes are good but when times are hard. We’re not just following a trend– we’re putting it in everything we do.’’

So a new mission, vision, and philosophy were developed, a new personalized benefit program put in place, and a completely new healing environment designed into the facility expansion project. Many other initiatives were being readied while the rollout of the first phase of changes was begun. And then something quite unexpected happened. The hard work, careful planning, and the innovative design– all of it resulted in confusion, not cohesion. ‘‘I realized pretty quickly,’’ Altmiller relates, ‘‘that while we had done a good job of
defining ‘the what,’ we were doing a bad job of communicating ‘the why.’ If we were ever going to connect the dots, it wasn’t going to be with another PowerPoint presentation. Instead we needed a ‘what’s the point’ experience.’’

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on February 14, 2024 at 12:58pm

The story of ‘‘Raiders of the Lost Art’’ And so work began on a story– one designed todescribe the future of San Juan Regional. It became known as ‘‘Raiders of the Lost Art’’ (see the story map, Exhibit 1). As the name implies, through this adventure story wewere looking for something that had been lost, namely the art of personalized healthcare. The story took place in three distinct lands: the land of Medicus (Medical Professionals), the land of Communia (Regional Community), and the land of Patiem (Patients). In each land, operational statistics, industry trends, competitive issues, and organizational initiatives relating specifically to the subject of that area were provided.

Here’s a quick sampling of the lessons presented on a journey through each land: B In the land of Medicus, employees learned how the Baby Boomer generation affects not only the patient population they treat, but also the peers with which they work on a daily basis. B In the land of Communia, employees took an in-depth look at the hospital’s community satisfaction  results and discussed how they could change processes and/or work styles to improve these results in the future. B Lastly, in the land of Patiem, employees learned of the exciting new plans built into the Facility Expansion Project, which would provide a unique healing environment for employees as well as all patients and their families. These encounters were enlivened by an environment filled with props, presented by an Indiana Jones-like facilitator (with assistance from manager guides), and through map icons (landslides, volcanoes, rope bridges, mirages, a treasure chest, hidden caves, a bottomless pit, deserts, oceans, secret passageways, and lush gardens– to name just a few). But the Raiders of the Lost Art story was not only told–it was also asked. At each map icon, when some new challenge or initiative was presented, a series of small group discussions were held that involved every employee in the session in a deeper examination. Questionslike, ‘‘Does this surprise you?’’, ‘‘How do you think this will affect us?’’, ‘‘Are we doing enough?’’, and‘‘What else would you do?’’ engagedemployeesinstrategy workas neverbefore.And as word of the exciting work spread throughout the hospital, more and more employees wanted to be involved.

Intheend, nearly 70 percent of SanJuan Regional’s1,300 employees attended the voluntary day-long sessions. Almost 900 distinct process, program, and facility suggestions were captured and then analyzed, with approximately half of them implemented. All of a sudden, the connection between management and employee changed. Skepticism, fear, and apathy were replaced by understanding, excitement, and a sense of partnership. According to both soft and hard measures, morale improved, turnover plummeted, and employee satisfaction scores climbed dramatically. New initiatives were understood and embraced; for example, over 80 percent of the employees have signed up for the customized benefits program that is more personally relevant and less expensive to the provider. Further, San Juan Regional recently opened a Child Discovery Center with almost 70 percent of its capacity filled by the children of employees (see Box 1).

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on February 12, 2024 at 2:55pm

Riddle of the Sphinx

Since the day of the last Raiders session things have changed dramatically, and will continue to do so. Therefore, the need for another story, and down theroadanotherone after that, and one after that. Steve Altmiller said, ‘‘When we decided to do theRaiders story,I lookedat it as R&D. At worst, we would learn something, and what we had done up to that point wasn’t working anyway. At best, we would build a whole new capacity that would enable us to do newthings better, faster, and, ultimately, less expensively. So it seemed it was worth the risk. When Raiders was such a big success, I wanted to use that success as a building block. I didn’t want anyone to see it as a one-time thing done primarily to pass the gross receipts tax. That would have missed the whole point of what we learned. We learned a whole new wayfor management and employees to work together to make dramatic new things happen. Sowehavecommittedto this type of storytelling and feedback to be done every 18 months. It’s just the way we’re going to do things from now on.’’

And so a second story was prepared and told, this one entitled ‘‘The Riddle of the Sphinx’’(see the story map, Exhibit 2). Through solving various riddles and an anagram posed by an Ancient Egyptian Sphinx, San Juan Regional employees solved the many confusions that plague an industry as complicated as healthcare. For example, the employees’ first riddle revolved around various communications confusions– such as an in-depth look at the most recent employee satisfaction survey (wherein communications between employees and their managers ranked 4 percent below the national norm). The next riddle comprised all of the confusions related to staffing. Here, employees learned about the ne west work/life balance programs recently put into place by the hospital. Riddle three considered an assortment of processconfusions. Duringthisstage, employeesbrainstormed ideastomoreeffectivelytreat patients despite ever-increasing industry regulations.

The next riddle addressed numerous patient-expectation confusions. In one example, employees were asked for ideas about ways to decrease the number of patients who seek treatment elsewhere because they were unaware that San Juan Regional offers those specific treatments. The final riddle asked employees to uncover technology confusions, through conceiving new ways to more effectively train staff members on increasingly complicated technologies throughout the system. Best of all, as these riddles and confusions were addressed and discussed, employee ideas were meticulously recorded so they could be used in future initiatives. From an environment and employee engagement point of view, Riddle of the Sphinx was an even bigger production than Raiders. ‘‘We wanted to capture the same element of surprise and amazement we had in Raiders, and we knew that would require an even more elaborate experience, since Raiders had raised everybody’s expectations so high,’’ said Altmiller.

And so it was. The Sphinx story took over a recently closed elementary school and transformed it into Ancient Egypt. The Raiders story ended under crossed palm trees (‘‘X’’ marked the spot), so that’s where the Sphinx story began. A Disney-esque pre-show and post-show video was produced to engage employees in the storyline before the work began and to summarize the story’s key moral once it was over

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