超越叙事厭倦&焦慮·體驗 4.0 的技藝基礎











Artwork style by Vincent Bourilhon






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Comment by 私貨珍藏 on April 30, 2024 at 9:34am


這個故事在棺材板掉到地上的關鍵時刻,小羊記起了聽石虎伯講故事的情形。他記得石虎伯一邊說一邊摔肩膀的神態,都被他們攝入鏡頭。令他們感到驚訝的事是,老廟祝也好,石虎伯也好,當他們說鬼說得入神的時候,一點鏡頭意識也沒有。他還記得石虎伯的頭像一隻泄了氣還破了一個黑洞的皮球:「黑洞上下不超過四顆的牙齒,像不受管訓的徵兵歪七歪八地站在那裏,任憑 [殺豬匠]、水鬼、或早期的洪水和浮屍,在它一張一合之間,跑出來借著唯一的一根顫動不安的燭光,化成老人背後菅蓁壁上的黑影陰森森晃動。」(頁159)石虎伯講完故事後,小羊和朋友們都很感動:





石虎伯是個本省人,所以把國語的「鄉土」錯聽成台語的「上土,」以為這些城裏人在嘲笑他而不高興。他顯然不理解鄉土是個現代主義的概念,是通過讚美鄉下人的純樸忠厚來批評華而不實的都市生活。小羊給石虎伯努力地解釋了一番後,石虎伯心裏還是鯁著:「鄉土又是甚麼意義的褒獎呢?」(頁160)這時,整個敘事完全回到了現在,即第三次遠足,說小羊他們已經很快要到達目的地。 然後視角陡然一轉,拋開了小羊和女生們而轉移到在田裏看瓜的石虎伯那裏。這中間只有一小段過渡,說雨下得很大,看來濁水溪又要漲水了。














但有沒有不導致誤解、焦慮、甚至悲劇的相遇呢?我認為在小羊一夥的第一次遠足中確實有一種另類的相遇。這就是他們與老廟祝的相遇。當小羊他們向老廟祝詢問關於白鷺鷥的情況時,老廟祝解釋說白鷺鷥的消失好像與鬧鬼有關,但卻不願進一步講怎麼個鬧鬼,只說,「我們不要談人家的私事。」 隨後便任憑小羊他們將鏡頭對準他,而一個人沉浸在他的想像世界中。在這個世界裏,成千上萬的白鷺鷥又棲息在山邊的竹圍上,整個竹圍遠看去像一座白色的城圍。(下續)(李海燕〈宗教的異域,異域的宗教〉,載《二十一世紀》網絡版 二○○八年三月號 總第 72 期;2008年3月31日)

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on April 28, 2024 at 4:46pm


老廟祝又說白鷺鷥不見了以後不久,還有人聽到白鷺鷥鬼一起鼓動翅膀飛起來的聲音,還會看到竹枝被起飛時蹬跳而彈了一陣子的樣子。但現在連鬼也沒有了,「現在甚麼都沒有了。」(頁154) 如果說老廟祝的世界曾經是一個體驗與經驗相吻合的世界,一個生與死、鷺鷥與鷺鷥鬼相接替的世界,那麼現在這個世界也消失了,正如老廟祝本人也會在一周內過世一般。他留下來的不過是小羊想像中的帶有陰影的空白照片。




人類學家伍爾夫(Author Wolf) 曾寫過一篇有關台灣民間信仰的經典文章2,其主要論點是世俗生活與超現實世界有一種對應關係,具體地說,就是各路神靈無非是世俗世界大大小小的官僚的化身,得敬而遠之;自己的親人去世後則成為需要供奉的祖先;陌生人的魂靈,尤其是暴死的或沒有後人的死者的魂靈就是鬼。 孤魂野鬼會四處遊蕩,尋找替身以便早日超生。鬼崇拜便有一種強烈的驅邪性質,也源於人們對黑暗勢力的既恐懼又仰慕的雙重心理。人們祭鬼既是為了消災免禍,也是為自己招財牟利,因為鬼不受道德牽制,所以往往會比祖先或神更靈。

人類學家魏勒(Robert Weller)指出,在當今台灣社會盛行的鬼崇拜是個人主義和功利主義的折射3。因為從定義上講,鬼本來就是游離於社會關係之外的存在。鬼永遠是孤魂野鬼,不屬於任何社會群體。人們是為了個人利益而不是家庭或社區的利益而拜鬼。鬼是講一報還一報的,會毫不留情地懲罰許了願卻不兌現的人。鬼崇拜是一種金錢換奇跡的市場,一手交錢,一手交貨,無所謂人情的扯扯絆絆。

魏勒認為鬼崇拜是一種社會沙漠化的表現,跟社會學家講到的美國人獨自一人玩保齡球是同一種現象。但是他沒有涉及到的是鬼崇拜也可以成為那些追求真實體驗的人們的魔幻之域。雖然都市生活確實已到了個人主義和商業化的登峰造極的程度,但至少這篇小說裏的年輕人對於鬼的興趣幾乎沒有甚麼功利性質。尤其是這些嘻嘻哈哈的女生們,很難說她們撒冥紙念標語的舉動是在跟鬼魂作交易。而水鬼不過是神怪故事的必備角色而已。年輕人是來聽鬼故事的,而不是來拜鬼的。他們尋求的是一種審美體驗,而不是存在主義意義上的經驗。但是,正因為他們的審美體驗是建立在鄉下人的宗教經驗之上的,也因為他們的樂趣是跟現代化進程中的生態環境的惡化緊密相連的,所以他們自己也就成為非道德的鬼,莫名其妙地來到鄉下,並且總是湊上下傾盆大雨的時候,好像是老天爺遣送的鬼差使,來宣告即將降臨的災難。 難怪石虎伯會心驚膽戰地把他們當作前來索命的水鬼。(李海燕〈宗教的異域,異域的宗教〉,載《二十一世紀》網絡版 二○○八年三月號 總第 72 期;2008年3月31日)


「體驗」vs 「經驗」



Comment by 私貨珍藏 on April 26, 2024 at 8:43pm

「體驗」vs 「經驗」


and Erfahrung,前者指一種相對直覺、神秘、但短期性的、孤立的「體驗」,後者指經過長期累積、比較系統化、有深度意義的「經驗」。德國哲學家諸如伽達默爾,狄爾泰,本雅明等都對這對概念有過深入的探討。比如說,本雅明就認為在現代工業文明和都市化的衝擊下,人們已經無法享有Erfahrung 或經驗。每個人只能有短暫Erlebnis 或體驗,而沒有能力把日常生活中的種種刺激綜合並昇華成為有意義的經驗。現代鬼故事可以說是文學對於經驗的破裂的一種回應,而形形色色的魑魅魍魎就是現代生活中無休止的既帶來快樂、也引起焦慮的種種刺激。 這些鬼怪忽隱忽現,人們卻無法將他們撞鬼的體驗綜合成有意義的經驗。但是,當城裏人來到遙遠偏僻的村莊時,他們會驚奇地發現經驗的可能性。這是因為對於當地

份子貼近農村宗教生活的故事。敘事者想用他的筆記本和答錄機保留一絲在國家政策和商業運作的壓力下殘喘而即將消失的生活方式的跡象。到最後,在一個居家道士家目睹了即興的道家儀式表演和一場小型的鄰里狂歡會之後,他有了一次頓悟似的體驗,但是仍不過是一次體驗而已。《靈山》的作者沒有加以考慮的是這樣的相遇對本地人以及他們的經驗有甚麼樣的影響和衝擊。這正是黃春明的短篇小說《呷鬼的來了》的核心問題。(李海燕〈宗教的異域,異域的宗教〉,載《二十一世紀》網絡版 二○○八年三月號 總第 72 期;2008年3月31日)

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on April 19, 2024 at 9:42am











(李耕 馮莎 張暉:中國藝術人類學前沿話題三人談:藝術參與鄉村建設的人類學前沿觀察; 原文載於《民族藝術》2018年第3期,請以紙質版為准。)

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on February 8, 2024 at 5:42pm


While it would seem unrealistic that the dominance, or hegemony (Levin, 1993), of the visual will be overturned any time soon, that does not mean that we should not do our best to challenge it. As critic David Michael Levin puts it: “I think it is appropriate to challenge the hegemony of vision– the ocular-centrism of our culture.

And I think we need to examine very critically the character of vision that predominates today in our world. We urgently need a diagnosis of the psychosocial path ology of everyday seeing– and a critical understanding of ourselves as visionary beings.” (Levin, 1993, p. 205).

While not specifically talking about architecture, what we can all do is to adopt a more multisensory perspective and be more sensitive to the way in which the senses interact, be it in architecture or in any other as pect of our everyday experiences.

By designing experiences that congruently engage more of the senses we may be better able to enhance the quality of life while at the same time also creating more immersive, engaging, and memorable multisensory experiences (Bloomer & Moore, 1977; Gallace & Spence, 2014; Garg, 2019; Spence, 2021; Ward, 2014). Stein and Meredith (1993, p. xi), two of the foremost multisensory
neuroscientists of the last quarter century, summarized this idea when they suggesting in the preface to their in fluential volume The merging of the senses that: “The in tegration of inputs from different sensory modalities not only transforms some of their individual characteristics, but does so in ways that can enhance the quality of life.

Integrated sensory inputs produce far richer experiences than would be predicted from their simple coexistence or the linear sum of their individual products.” There is growing interest across many fields of endeavour in design that moves beyond this one dominant, or perhaps even overpowering, sense (Lupton & Lipps, 2018). The aim is increasingly to design for experience rather than merely for appearance. At the same time, however, it is also important to note that progress has been slow in translating the insights from the academic field of multisensory research to the world of architec
tural design practice, as noted by licensed architect Joy Monice Malnar when writing about her disappointment with the entries at the 2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial.

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on February 8, 2024 at 5:41pm

There, she writes: “So, where are we? What is the current state of the art? Sadly, the current research on multisensory environments appearing in journals such as The Senses & Society does not appear to be impacting artists and architects participating in the Chicago Biennial. Nor are the discoveries in neuroscience offering new information about how the brain relates to the physical environment.” (Malnar, 2017, p. 153).19 At the same time, however, the adverts for at least one new residential development in Barcelona promising residents the benefits of “Sensory living” (The New York Times International Edition in 2019, August 31–Septem ber 1, p. 13), suggests that at least some architects/de signers are starting to realize the benefits of engaging their clients’/customers’ senses. The advert promised that the newly purchased apartment would “provoke their senses”.

Ultimately, it is to be hoped that as the growing awareness of the multisensory nature of human perception continues to spread beyond the academic community, those working in the field of architectural design practice will increasingly start to incorporate the multisensory perspective into their work; and, by so doing, promote the development of buildings and urban spaces that do a better job of promoting our social, cognitive, and emotional well-being.

(Source: Senses of place: architectural design for the multisensory mind by Charles Spence; in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2020) 5:46 Keywords: Multisensory perception, Architecture, The senses, Crossmodal correspondences)




Comment by 私貨珍藏 on February 7, 2024 at 3:17pm

Senses of place: architectural design for the multisensory mind

Abstract: Traditionally, architectural practice has been dominated by the eye/sight. In recent decades, though, architects and designers have increasingly started to consider the other senses, namely sound, touch (including proprioception, kinesthesis, and the vestibular sense), smell, and on rare occasions, even taste in their work. As yet, there has been little recognition of the growing understanding of the multisensory nature of the human mind that has emerged from the field of cognitive neuroscience research. This review therefore provides a summary of the role of the human senses in architectural design practice, both when considered individually and, more importantly, when studied collectively. For it is
only by recognizing the fundamentally multisensory nature of perception that one can really hope to explain a number of surprising crossmodal environmental or atmospheric interactions, such as between lighting colour and thermal comfort and between sound and the perceived safety of public space. At the same time, however, the contemporary focus on synaesthetic design needs to be reframed in terms of the crossmodal correspondences and multisensory integration, at least if the most is to be made of multisensory interactions and synergies that have been uncovered in recent years. Looking to the future, the hope is that architectural design practice will increasingly incorporate our growing understanding of the human senses, and how they influence one another. Such a multisensory approach will hopefully lead to the development of buildings and urban spaces that do a better job of promoting our social, cognitive, and emotional development, rather than hindering it, as has too often been the case previously. (Source: Senses of place: architectural design for the multisensory mind by Charles Spence; in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (2020) 5:46 Keywords: Multisensory perception, Architecture, The senses, Crossmodal correspondences)

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on January 29, 2024 at 11:14am


Customer experience, not marketing, is becoming the main focus for many brands. This causes some companies to replace the CMO role with a CXO, which is often a rebranding rather than the firing and replacement of a CMO. However, many organizations still have both CMO and CXO roles.

Chief marketing officer

Traditionally, the CMO is responsible for driving marketing strategy, which includes understanding the company's position in the market, directing marketing campaigns and overseeing branding strategies. However, the roles of the CXO and CMO often overlap, and CMOs are expected to have skill sets and tools that drive CX strategies.

Chief experience officer

The CXO drives the company's entire CX strategy. This involves mapping customer journeys, overseeing the customer success and customer service teams, and digging into customer data analytics. The CXO is often responsible for improving employee experience and engagement, while a CMO is generally not.

How to become a successful CXO

Becoming a CXO requires a combination of experience, skills and qualifications. Some of the most important qualifications to prepare for the CXO role are the following:

• Gain experience in CX and UX. Aspiring CXOs should build strong foundations in CX and UX principles. This would involve working in roles that enable them to understand customer needs and behaviors on platforms like social media, conduct user research and design intuitive user interfaces.

• Develop leadership skills. CXOs are responsible for leading cross-functional teams and collaborating with other C-level executives. Potential CXOs should increase their leadership abilities by taking on managerial roles when the opportunity arises, attending leadership development programs and seeking mentorship from experienced professionals.

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on January 29, 2024 at 12:07am

• Acquire business acumen. CXOs must have a deep understanding of their organization's business goals, objectives and various departmental functions. To get this, they should seek out experience in areas where the business's CX strategy must align, such as marketing, finance, operations and data analytics.

• Foster collaboration and partnership. Collaboration is essential for a CXO to succeed. CXOs should cultivate strong partnerships with other C-level executives such as the chief financial officer, CMO, chief information officer and chief human resources officer. This will help CXOs gain buy-in for CX initiatives and ensure the integration of CX into all aspects of the organization.

• Stay on top of industry trends. CXOs attend conferences and webinars, as well as read relevant publications, to monitor the latest CX trends, technologies and best practices. This can help CXOs expand their knowledge, drive innovation and retain a competitive advantage.

Future of the CXO role

The role of a CXO is dependent on the evolving nature of CX. As CX changes, the CXO position and job description will also change. Some important trends that could affect the role of the CXO include the growth of AI and automation technologies. AI and automation are already changing the speed and accuracy of analytics-based customer profiles. CXOs must understand these technologies to lead personalization, automation and other future projects.

At the same time, CXOs must balance increased use of AI and automation with ethical and responsible CX practices. As data privacy, security and responsible AI concerns grow, CXOs will have to ensure ethical and responsible handling of customer data to build trust with customers. CXOs will play a critical role in driving ethical CX practices and maintaining transparency in data collection and usage.

Source: https://www.techtarget.com

Comment by 私貨珍藏 on January 20, 2024 at 1:06pm

Sasar Lipis sebagai UNESCO Global Geopark menjelang 2026-MB Pahang

KUALA LIPIS - Kerajaan Pahang menyasarkan Lipis yang dimasyhurkan sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan hari ini mendapat pengiktirafan Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Kebudayaan dan Saintifik Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNESCO) Global Geopark (UGGp) menjelang 2026.

Menteri Besarnya, Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail berkata, pengiktirafan sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan yang ke-11 negara itu berkuat kuasa pada 9 November lepas, iaitu setahun selepas kerajaan Pahang memulakan usaha untuk mendapatkan pengiktirafan tersebut.

Pengiktirafan itu menjadikan Lipis Geopark yang berkeluasan 5,408 kilometer persegi iaitu meliputi keseluruhan daerah Lipis, sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan termuda dan terbesar di Malaysia buat masa ini.

"Pelaksanaan Lipis Geopark adalah selari dengan draf perancangan Blueprint Pahang Destinasi Warisan Dunia 2024-2028, untuk menjadikan Pahang destinasi bertaraf dunia bagi pengiktirafan tapak berjenama UNESCO di bawah kategori Tapak Warisan Dunia (WHS), program Manusia dan Biosfera (MAB) dan UGGp," katanya.

Wan Rosdy berkata demikian semasa berucap pada Majlis Pemasyhuran Lipis sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan di Taman Negara Sungai Relau di sini hari ini, yang turut dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam, Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah berkenan mencemar duli menyempurnakan pemasyhuran itu.

Selain itu, Wan Rosdy berkata, antara kawasan yang diangkat sebagai tapak Geopark Kebangsaan itu ialah Galeri Aspirasi Lipis Geopark, Geotapak Bernilai Kebangsaan dan Geotapak Bernilai Geopelancongan, dengan setiap satunya mempunyai sejarah yang boleh diceritakan kepada pelancong.

"Saya diberitahu terdapat bukti perlanggaran dua benua kecil iaitu Malaya Barat dan Malaya Timur di daerah ini lebih kurang 200 juta tahun lepas yang membentuk Semenanjung Malaysia seperti hari ini.

Al-Sultan Abdullah berkenan mendengar penerangan daripada Pengarah Bahagian Reakreasi Alam Semulajadi, Perhilitan Semenanjung Malaysia, Haidar Khan Makbol Hassan (kanan) ketika mencemar duli berjalan melalui Treetop Walk, Taman Negara Pahang, Sungai Relau selepas menyempurnakan Majlis Pemasyhuran Lipis sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan di Taman Negara Sungai Relau di sini hari ini. Foto Bernama

(18 Januari 2024; sinarharian)


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