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Comment by 文創 庫 on March 9, 2023 at 4:17am

Genovasi formulates new education programme to address worker issues raised by MEF

Wednesday, 14 Apr 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, April 14 — Genovasi University College has created a special business programme aimed at addressing all the practical aspects of the business workplace, in response to the problems raised by the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF)

Genovasi said the programme was designed to remedy employee shortcomings over the past two decades that the MEF highlighted.

“These weaknesses are chronic and mostly focus on issues such as poor working attitude amongst new graduates, poor command of the English language and weakness in applying IT skills,” it said in a statement.

Genovasi added that these problems seriously hamper national productivity and negatively impact the earnings of the employees.

“They will address these shortcomings through knowledge enhancement using technology and incorporating design thinking approaches to enable their students to take control of their career through continuous self-directed lifelong learning.

“They are betting big on a flexible e-learning approach to accounting and financial studies,” it said.

Asides from teaching regular subjects like accounting, economics and business management, Genovasi has evolved a course in design thinking tailored to specially give their students a competitive edge and advantage over their peers.

“The professional degrees not only include accounting, financial and corporate subjects but also subjects like employability and entrepreneurship.

“These topics together with the design thinking module helps the student to be more management or employer-centric. With these innovative subjects, students are expected to greatly enhance their employability, facilitate promotion opportunities and self-actualization upon graduation,” Genovasi said.

Its Department of Accounting and Financial Studies, which created and will spearhead the programme, will train the students in their chosen field especially in accounting, financial intelligence and corporate management, ready for practice upon completion of their business courses.

“However they seek out ideas using technology to focus on helping students, especially for those students who for whatever reasons missed out on opportunities to further their education.

“Genovasi’s courses help to improve their learning attitude and to secure the necessary skills to advance their career. They will then contribute better to the economy and increase productivity within the context of becoming lifelong learners,” it said.

Genovasi’s unique package offering includes online learning, flexi-hours and flexi-location learning, a unique financial intelligence syllabus, and learning outcomes addressing professional exposure.

The department is currently headed by Adjunct Professor Dr. Christopher Heng Kee Chai and assisted by Adjunct Associate Professor Dr. Chan Khin Thiam.

Comment by 文創 庫 on March 8, 2023 at 3:10pm

ChatGPT is already impacting our client work—here’s how

Manolis Perrakis Feb 1, 2023

From ideation to creating assets, advisement to copy writing, ChatGPT is fast becoming an indispensable enabler for creative teams.

Few technologies have sparked as much interest and controversy as GPT, as the world grapples with the implications of generative AI across everything from art to education. The creative industry has greeted this new era of machine learning with equal parts excitement and horror, thanks to the technology’s eerie ability to mimic aspects of creativity.

But AI shouldn’t be thought of as a substitute for human creativity. I view it as an intelligent tool that can extend my abilities in the creative field. Unlike regular software like Photoshop, working with AI-generative algorithms is like having an intelligent support system that can vastly speed up the process of generating and executing ideas.

For example, when looking for a very specific image online, it can take hours to find the right one. With AI-assisted image generation tools, you describe what you need and the process is instant. If you don’t like what it comes up with, you fine-tune your request to get a better response.

This boosts creatives’ ability to communicate their ideas with clients and creative collaborators, such as illustrators and designers. At We Are Social, we’re experimenting with ChatGPT which is a conversational version of GPT3, GPT3 being a language transformer model created by OpenAI that’s trained on billions of written text samples in a variety of styles. We’ve worked with it in the ideation process, copy writing and creating assets.

AI can enhance the creative process by offering a different point of view or a variety of angles on a brief. When brainstorming ideas, you can also embark on creative role-playing where the AI takes the role of the client.

For example, I asked ChatGPT to pretend it was a consumer electronics client reviewing an idea for a campaign that projects characteristics of a phone, like the camera shape, onto buildings in New York and London.

Comment by 文創 庫 on March 8, 2023 at 3:10pm

In its long list of recommendations, the AI ‘client’ suggested first taking the cost and logistics of the project into account and considering how the initiative can fit into a larger integrated launch campaign. It's also useful for copy writing.

Maybe you need a series of social posts for a brand event. AI-generated suggestions for posts can help you get to the final product more quickly, subject to your (human) changes, re-writes and modifications. I’ve found ChatGPT’s ability to enhance how we communicate and collaborate together the most useful aspect of the technology, and it extends far beyond the work environment.

Together with my three-year-old daughter, Zoe, I recently got ChatGPT to generate a bedtime story for her that had Zoe as the protagonist and featured a unicorn cat. For all the possibilities this technology presents, the dystopian implications cannot be dismissed.

At We Are Social, we recently investigated the current discourse around AI in art, with artists now questioning their relevance and continued existence. For our investigation, we used AI to generate artworks inspired by its understanding of the biggest news headlines for any given day. We named our research Social Diffusion, a reference to Stable Diffusion, the text-to-image algorithm that provides its visualization functionality.

We were blown away by the AI’s ability to create something that was contextualised to a news story using just the headline and to select a style of art that related to the story. For example, for the news headline: “Hurricane Ian continues to batter Central Florida as residents cope with record flooding”, the AI came up with the following prompt and generated an accompanying expressionistic image: “The image is of a large body of water with trees and houses partially submerged. There is debris floating in the water and people are standing on the shore looking at the damage.

The image is in the style of Abstract Expressionism, utilizing expressive brushstrokes to convey the feeling of chaos and destruction caused by the hurricane. The image is large and chaotic, with bold colours and lines representing the destructive force of the storm.”

This was achieved through a chain of data exchanges between multiple layers of AI that are optimized to process a facet of the artwork creation. But as fascinating as this process was, it also showed us how integral human intervention is to it.

In this installation, the creation of art was the subject of exploration. But even in this case, you still need a human mind to put things into motion and chain these machine learning models together. While this technology raises serious ethical questions, it is possible to figure out a way to proceed that ensures human creative output is protected.

Napster was hailed as the death knell for the music industry when it first emerged, but, instead of destroying it, it forced the industry to develop streaming technology, revolutionising it in the process.

At We Are Social, we will always work with human creatives, illustrators, designers, artists, writers, craftspeople. Human creativity is critical to us and to the creative industries. But right now every creative technologist out there is experimenting with these tools.

Will there be AI-generated creative agencies in the future? Perhaps, but we won’t be one of them. We believe AI has the power to supercharge, not kill off, our creativity.

Manolis Perrakis is drector of innovation at We Are Social Singapore.

Comment by 文創 庫 on March 8, 2023 at 9:42am

Genovasi University College gets green light

By Azura Abas - July 19, 2017

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today announced that Genovasi Malaysia has received approval from the Higher Education Ministry to establish Genovasi University College (GUC).

Najib said GUC would be a design-thinking dedicated university focusing on the ‘fourth Industrial Revolution’.

“This will enable Genovasi Malaysia to reach out to a wider audience and position Malaysia as a hub to promote design thinking.

“This aligns with other initiatives such as the Design Thinking Association of Malaysia which, among others, looks to expand Genovasi and design thinking into the Asean region,” he said at the ‘Cultivating a Thinking Culture’ showcase today.

Also present were Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia chief executive officer Datuk Mark Rozario and Genovasi Malaysia Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Lee Yew Meng.

The prime minister also announced that nine out of 10 pilot schools from the International Baccalaureate-registered (IB) Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) had received the IB World School accreditation.

“The remaining school is expected to receive verification later this year. Our nine schools now join a select cadre of 1,424 IBMYP schools worldwide.”

The nine schools are Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Sungai Tapang, Samarahan, Sarawak; Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Perak; SMK Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, Kedah; SMK Putrajaya Presint 9(2), Putrajaya; SMK Pantai, Federal Territory Labuan; and Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, Bandar ENSTEK, Negri Sembilan.

Others were SMK Seri Tualang, Temerloh, Pahang; SM Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Kota Bahru, Kelantan; and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) Sheikh Abdul Malek, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.

The IBMYP was established soon after the i-Think programme and Design Thinking programme, both implemented in 2012.

“The i-Think programme was introduced to foster higher order thinking skills in classrooms and thus ensure our next generations develop critical thinking skills.

“Today, four years on, I am proud to share that more than 156,000 teachers have been trained in the i-Think methodologies,” said Najib. (Source: NST

Comment by 文創 庫 on February 1, 2023 at 9:27am




在表象上,文創產業涉及「文化」變遷至「創意」產業的歷史意義、資本主義全球化的文化商品販賣、新自由主義下政府採行的文化政策,國家或區域的行銷。實際上這些表象所闡明的是理論主流與意識型態的改變,文化、經濟和社會不斷調整相對關係的過程,如同 19801990 年代的文化、媒體、物質的轉向。文化創意產業的議題則又是 2000 年開始的另一波社會科學整合轉向的結果,結果也適當的調節了藝術與社會的關係,使藝術的重心從高雅文化、大眾文化移轉為日常生活皆可碰觸的物質與商品。

研究材料的特性與文創產業的分類一樣散碎,全視角的了解涵括的取徑,再重新選擇是一項解決方式。1980 年代為分水嶺的文化產業研究,形成兩支路線,一偏向文化中的文本與符號研究;另一方則與商業中的產製靠攏,與其後的文創產業中「文化」與「創意」的不同研究內容大約相應。將不同產業集合而成的「文創產業」雖是政經策略,研究上卻無法任意排除已合法的分類子項,導致材料編輯零散,微妙的呈現後現代主義特色—片段與模糊性。分類問題不只出現在子項目產業的架構中,也在社會科學研究中呈現「跨領域」特性。經濟與商業模型難以和社會與文化鑲嵌,量化與質化之爭,目前的發展也無法令人都滿意。



近幾年英國文創產業研究稍有停滯的現象,取而代之的是解構全球化的地域性研究,歐亞都有各自的發展路線,形成一個文創議題下,多樣地區案例的特殊研究結構與趨勢。(節錄自:張硯涵,2014,〈文化創意產業溯源—研究取徑與概貌〉,《南藝學報》9:77-108 )

81 「文化產業」或「創意產業」(creative industries)政策提出的目的是,藉由政治性的宣示達成經濟財貨的累積。(李天鐸,〈文化創意產業的媒體經濟觀〉,《文化創意產業讀本》(臺北:遠流,2011 年),頁 82。)

82 新自由主義(小政府、刪減福利開支、私有化、解除管制、開放自由貿易與競爭、公私合夥、使用者付費……)基本上是檯面上的政策修辭和策略, 但整個社會結構的核心趨勢,還是促進資本積累、經濟發展、強化本國統治階級力量,壓制社會反對力量。(王志弘,〈新文化治理體制與國家–社會關係:剝皮寮的襲產化〉,《世新人文社會學報》13(2012 年),頁 55。)

Comment by 文創 庫 on January 31, 2023 at 9:42pm


中國創意經濟的持續上升與創意產業的逐漸形成, 使得作為文化創意產業重要組成部分的文化創意產品也得到了迅速發展。然而, 對國內的文化創意產品市場深入研究可發現, 其設計總體上雖然達到了以文化作為核心, 但是在文化元素的具體運用方面, 更多的是偏重於紋飾圖案的轉貼或外觀造型的模仿, 而忽略了文化內涵, 精神品質等深層次的表達。目前, 中國經濟發展水平穩步提高, 居民的消費觀 念從節約型與實用型逐步轉變為個性型與象征型, 人們在追求物質消費的同時, 更加注重文化消費、精神消費。「文化」屬性作為文化創意產品最具標誌性的內涵, 能夠在某種程度上引起消費者情感上的認同與歸屬, 從而滿足其對精神消費的需求。然而, 如何使得文化轉化及運用於產品設計, 文化創意加值設計, 以滿足了人們對於物質和精神的雙重追求, 這需要設計師對文化創意產品的設計做進一步的研究。敘事設計作為一種「講故事」的設計思維, 符合文化創意產品的設計訴求。本文以敘事設計理論以及其在相關領域的研究成果為基礎, 通過分析文化創意產品的設計需求, 結合案例闡述敘事設計理論對文化創意產品設計的啟示, 找到文化創意產品設計與敘事設計的結合點; 在此基礎上, 詳細闡述文化創意產品敘事的基本內容, 並從敘事設計要素、敘事設計方法、敘事設計原則等方面構建文化創意產品的敘事設計體系; 最後以秦淮文化為背景, 通過具體的設計實踐對此設計方法進行驗證。本文研究得出的文化創意產品敘事設計要素, 以及敘事理論指導下的文化創意產品設計方法和相關原則,有效地拓展了文化創意產品的設計思路, 同時, 也為敘事設計在其他領域的應用研究提供了借鑒的方向。[機 構:南京理工大學 / 領 域:工業通用技術及設備;關鍵詞:文化創意產品;敘事設計;文化;敘事(https://wap.cnki.net)]

Comment by 文創 庫 on January 29, 2023 at 3:33pm








胡塞爾通過兩種還原的配合,使意識生命向自身敞開了純粹體驗,或者說實現了一般的主體性概念向超越論主體性概念的躍升。因此,盡管胡塞爾和狄爾泰一樣,把意識生命作為科學奠基的基地,但是他們對意識生命的揭示路徑與旨趣實則不同。狄爾泰默許的心理物理學仍然受制於笛卡爾傳統中的心物二元論,並且包含著模糊的自然主義前提。超越論現象學跳出了這一哲學圖景,構成了意識生命自身理解的一種新嘗試。(摘自:王嘉新:意識生命的本質與還原:從狄爾泰到胡塞爾 [結論] ,愛思想 2022-12-07)

Comment by 文創 庫 on January 19, 2023 at 12:17am


Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition

Action type: Research and Innovation Actions
Opening date: 14 December 2022
Closing time: 14 March 2023 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Budget per project: € 4 000 000 of total € 12 000 000
Estimated number of projects funded: 3


The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are an important source of growth and job creation in the European economy. Moreover, the CCIs play a key role in shaping culture, values and perceptions across the European Union and beyond. Thus, the role of the CCIs in achieving the European Union’s climate transition objectives is crucial.

At the same time, the CCIs are characterised by a large and diverse number of chiefly small and micro enterprises, as well as by hefty differences across geographical and sectorial divides. Large parts of the CCIs, thus, lack the capacity to take the necessary measures to adapt to and thrive under the climate transition, not to speak of driving this transition.

Specific approaches are therefore needed to enable Europe’s CCIs to develop their full potential to support a sustainable climate transition.

Comment by 文創 庫 on January 19, 2023 at 12:16am

Proposals should provide for developing and validating an economically sustainable model, or a portfolio of approaches, that address this challenge. A suitable set of CCI sector(s) or/and cross-sectoral issues should be selected to focus on, which allow significant impacts to be achieved.

The approach(es) developed should address the adoption of new sustainable business models, including the use of new technologies and possibly the development or adaption of new technological solutions, as well as gaps in skills and capacities. The proposed models should be valid across different Member States/Associated Countries (where appropriate including regions), and address the needs of small, micro as well as larger companies. Different Member States/Associated Countries should therefore be involved, as well as a wide set of stakeholders including concerned policymakers, in order to ensure that solutions developed are effective and realistic.

Solutions may involve the use of platforms or networks to facilitate sharing investments, facilities or competencies among several companies or across sectors. In such cases, established platforms, networks or clusters for CCIs should be taken into account, to avoid duplication of efforts.

Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

• Enhanced and updated understanding of the challenges and opportunities for the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in relation to a sustainable climate transition.

• Research and knowledge-based approach(es) on how innovative business models, including use of new technology, can make Europe’s CCIs true drivers of a sustainable climate transition.

• Significant contributions to help European CCIs become better prepared to adapt to and contribute to the climate transition in line with the 2030 goals spelled out under a European Green Deal. (https://ec.europa.eu)


Proposals should build on existing knowledge, activities and networks, notably the ones funded by the European Union. Furthermore, links should be established and synergies sought with closely related actions, such as relevant R&I actions funded by Horizon Europe or Horizon 2020. In particular, when appropriate cooperation with projects funded under the topic ‘Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition’ of the Horizon Europe Cluster 2 2024 calls should be sought. (source: https://www.timemachine.eu)

The ten pillars of sustainable digital transformation, as presented in the World Economic Forum playbook

Comment by 文創 庫 on January 12, 2023 at 10:00pm


88 日上午,2018 傳統文化藝術巡展「海絲丹青風獅爺文化藝術展」在同安文化館 1 樓展廳開幕,吸引了眾多市民及藝術領域專家前往參觀。該展覽也是閩南地區最大的風獅爺展。展期將持續至 15 日。




此後,風獅爺文化又隨著閩臺出海的漁民,沿著海上絲綢之路傳播到馬來西亞、印度、新加坡、伊朗等地。時至今日,在這些國家仍然可以見到風獅爺的身影。(摘自 :劉承烺 , 余雪燕 . 兩百多尊風獅爺亮相同安 [N]. 海 峽 導報, 2018-08-09 (03).)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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