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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on Monday







「閉門覓句非詩法,只是征行自有詩。」從黑土地滋養的大東北到多民族聚居的大西南,從燈火輝煌的大都市到振興發展的小山鄉,廣袤的中國大地上,中國式現代化氣象萬千,中國故事無處不在。願更多創作者的心靈向生活打開,腳步向遠方丈量,推動文藝創作走向天高地闊的新天地,不斷吹響時代奮進的號角。(2024-06-13 來源: 利川市場監管

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on Sunday


(摘自:弗吉尼亞·伍爾芙:到燈塔去 27)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on March 28, 2024 at 5:29am


(刘崇汉:《独立前北根华人简史》,收录在刘崇汉主编:《彭亨华族史资料汇编》, 关丹:彭亨华团联合会,1992年,第140页。)


早在12世纪,彭亨海岸线及彭亨河口交界处,即北根及瓜拉彭亨一带,已建立了 一个商埠。根据葡萄牙学者伊利地业(M. G. de Eredia)在1597-1600年的黄金半岛报告中指出,彭亨是14世纪以前马来半岛中最重要的一邦。 那时候的北根之所以成为一个重要的通商口岸,主要的原因包括当时的彭亨河港 阔水深,船只停泊非常便利,加上彭亨内地盛产黄金和锡,天然物产亦非常丰富。 当时中国的商船及华族商人到北根港口及彭亨内地进行贸易相当频繁,而彭亨於 1378 年及1411年至1416年之间更多次遣使至中国,建立密切的邦交。

虽然彭亨曾於1454年被马六甲征服,而马六甲又於1511年被葡萄牙人统治,但北根未受到太大的干预。北根作为彭亨的贸易中心有更迅速的发展。在北根,前来进行贸易的中国商船更加频繁,其他的商人来自其他马来土邦、暹罗、马来群岛, 甚至来自阿拉伯。15世纪中期至17世纪初期的北根政治稳定,人口迅速增长,农 商业发达。随着商业活动的增加,北根出现了华族商人的社区。 荷兰航海者弗罗里斯(Floris)曾写道:1612年9月柔佛军队曾烧毁北根的华人 村。

1838年间,有一位马来人作家鸭都拉在他的航海记(Pelayaran)中有一段这麽的叙述:取道丁加奴时,曾在瓜拉彭亨 登岸,沿彭亨河航至华人村,即北干峇鲁(Pekan Bahru)发现有数百名华人和马 来人浑身武装,在岸上等着,那时盘陀诃罗(财务大臣)和华人工头已到齐赖的金矿去了,当时华人村的华人是客家人,他们与马来人或峇里女人通婚,但子女说的是华语,而非马来语。由上述可见华人很早就在北根定居下来了。

从17世纪至18世纪,彭亨东部海岸线出现了各方势力争夺的局面,加上海盗的扰 乱,北根的农商业地位逐渐衰落。 19 世纪彭亨统治者亚里在位时,他致力恢复彭亨河及东海岸的贸易。他除了本身 经营矿场外,也鼓励欧人与华人从事贸易及开发金矿和锡矿。当时彭亨约有数千至 1 万2000名华人。

一位名叫Medhurst的外国人曾於1824年到访北根,他估计北根 的华人约有5000人。他的报告也指出,当时的统治者亚里规定每位离开彭亨回中国的华人须缴交相等於12英磅的税金。

当亚里於1857年去世後,彭亨陷入内战中,州内的华人矿工、华商及马来农民受到两个敌对马来集团极大的压力,受害也最大。北根华人的财产和生计再一次因 动乱遭到破坏。1885年彭亨的华裔人口降至数百人,而北根的华裔人口也大大减少。(下續)



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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on March 27, 2024 at 4:55pm

 [二] 英殖民地时期的北根华人

至1888年为止,彭亨的交通主要依赖森林小道、海及河流。彭亨河是彭亨州内商旅及货物所依赖的最重要运输线,因为彭亨河的运输费远比陆上运输费来得低。 北根发展为重要的商埠与彭亨河的运输线有着极密切的关系。北根的华人除经营 生意,收购土产及与停泊在港口的船只(包括中国及外国人的商船)进行贸易外, 不少北根华人商家通常雇用来自苏门答腊或吉兰丹的马来人在彭亨河上运输货物。

 位於槟绒(Penjom)的欧洲人矿务公司,拥有本身的船只川行於瓜拉彭亨/北根 及槟绒之间,华人商家则成为货品的供应商。另外一些华商则收购土产输出至新加坡。

北根华裔人口在英殖民地政府时期逐渐回升,1888年彭亨的华人估计不超过1500 人,到了1891年彭亨的华人总数已达到3241人,主要分布在北根及矿区如槟绒、 林明、关丹及劳勿等区一带。虽然如此,华人在北根仍属於少数。

1911年的华裔 人口仅占北根总人口的3%左右。 英殖民地政府时期,定期川行於新加坡及瓜拉彭亨之间的船只服务也促进了更多华工及华商进入北根工作和经商。根据北根父老追述,从前大帆船也从新加坡运载货物至北根,然後开往关丹、淡马鲁、文德甲及而连突等地。

瓜拉彭亨的捕鱼业为北根提供了新鲜的鱼类海产。北根的一些华人商家向瓜拉彭亨及邻近的渔村收购鱼产制成咸鱼外销。 1898 年期间彭亨州内的欧洲人及华人资本曾在瓜拉彭亨发展椰园,面积各为数百亩。至於其他农业活动,并无多大的发展。




(三)北根的华裔人口极少,加上华人资本并未踊跃以北根为投资目标,新的华 人移民可说少又少。 北根的华人早期聚居在老北根,後来才搬到新北根。

[三] 我国独立前的北根华人社会

北根的华人多聚居於市区,只有零星的华人散居在渔村或其他郊外地区。 北根市区面向北根河,市区中四条街道形成一个井字,其中唯一以华人名字命名的是邓贵街 (Jalan Teng Quee)。

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on March 26, 2024 at 3:43pm

(续上)华人多在此街经营生意。 北根的华人居民多属潮州籍。广东人从事树桐及开芭工作,而海南人多开咖啡店。 潮州人及其他籍贯华人的进出口生意范围包括树桐、米粮、树胶等。华人也开设 板厂及收购土产等。 独立前北根的交通极不方便,南下北上都须乘坐好几趟渡轮。北根与关丹之间的 陆路交通也须依赖渡轮。

北根的商业不甚发达,但据说北根华人从前曾组织华人商会,後来商会兴办学校, 把商会会所让出给学校作为教室,并由各华人商家捐款来维持学校的经费。 据说北根华人曾助苏丹打天下,而获得拨出地皮作为古庙和义山的用途。

位於老北根的伯公庙前,古墓林立,其中有些墓碑依稀还能辨别得出是清朝嘉庆年间立的。距离古庙半英里路程的另一座华人义山历史最为悠久,但墓碑已残缺。这些 古墓或许可说明华人在二百多年前已在老北根居住。

北根的广肇会馆已有八十多年的历史,原址位於甘榜吉打邦(Kampong Ketapang)。琼州会馆则成立於1930年代。潮州会馆成立较迟,前身为互助社。



 1. Dr. R. G. Cant, A Historical Geography of Pahang
 2. 口述历史资料及照片。
3. W. Linehan, A History of Pahang
4. 夏观明特稿,屹立二百多年的北根大伯公庙。(星洲日报1990 年10月1日)

彭亨北根伯公庙历史遗物 北根伯公庙不是一间寻常的庙。庙里的历史遗物是华人在北根开荒拓土的历史见 证。伯公庙可说是北根华人仅存的历史古迹。庙内的一个拥有229年历史的大唐本 头公石碑,说明华人祖先在200多年前便来到北根。


1. 大唐本头公石碑,乾隆28年岁次癸未(公历1763年)。
2. 四方石炉,乙亥春月即嘉庆20年岁次乙亥(公历1815年)。
3. 四方石床,丙子,即嘉庆21年岁次丙子(公历1816年)。
4. 甲必丹神主牌。
5. 神主牌,道光元年,(公历1821年)。
6. 木造高脚烛台,光绪四年岁次戊寅(公历1878年)。
7. 大铜炉,光绪30年岁次甲辰(公历1904年)。
8. 木横牌,同治13年岁次甲戍(公历1874年)。

从以上伯公庙的古物中,我们有理由说华族先辈在乾隆28年(即1763年)间便来 到北根。史籍中记载明代郑和於永乐十年及正统元年,曾经两次登陆彭亨,可惜没有历史遗物为证。

据说郑和登陆的地点就是北根附近的瓜拉彭亨,而北根的旧名叫嘭哼。证据是北根华侨公山有块石碑,刻着嘭哼华侨公山碑,而伯公庙内也有一块木碑刻着钦授嘭哼甲大学科黄。 这些历史问题尚有待考古工作者加以研究。


1. 夏观明特稿,屹立三百多年的北根大伯公庙。(星洲日报1990年 10 月1日)

2. 北根列圣宫主席黄盛伟提供的历史遗物名表及资料。

3. 陈小燕老师采访的资料及照片。

(刘崇汉:《独立前北根华人简史》,收录在刘崇汉主编:《彭亨华族史资料汇编》, 关丹:彭亨华团联合会,1992年,第140页。)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 6, 2024 at 4:17am

Why "Save the Best for Last" Slogans Remain a Timeless Marketing Strategy

The idea behind "save the best for last" slogans is to create a memorable experience that builds anticipation from your audience. Most effective advertising campaigns today use this strategy to add an element of surprise or to make the customer feel special. When a product, service, or message is saved until the end, it creates a higher level of excitement and interest in the audience. These kinds of slogans are used to build hype around the product, making it more desirable, and people remember what they experience as unforgettable.

One example of a successful "save the best for last" slogan is Mazda’s "Driving Matters." This slogan is effective because it gives a message to the customers that Mazda cars are not just a device to commute, but they offer an exceptional driving experience which matters.

Another classic example is Nike’s "Just Do It," which was used to create a compelling message that encouraged people to take action and embrace their passion. It was such a powerful motto that people still use it today, years after the slogan was first introduced. In conclusion, a good "save the best for last" slogan has the power to create excitement and anticipation among customers, making them desire your product or service.

The slogan creates a level of emotion which influences the buyer’s purchase decision. That’s why brands put so much emphasis on developing engaging campaigns that leave last impressions. By utilizing this strategy, companies can make a lasting impression on their target audience, and achieve business growth by converting more leads into loyal customers.

1. Keep the best until the final act.

2. All good things come to those who wait.

3. The grand finale is worth the wait.

4. A sweet ending makes the journey worthwhile.

5. Don't rush the finish, savor the delight.

6. Delicious anticipation is the key to pleasure.

7. Save the best for the last dance.

8. Enjoy the journey and celebrate the arrival.

9. The last step is always the most fulfilling.

10. The crescendo is worth the buildup.

11. The final touch is what makes it perfect.

12. Good things come to those who wait it out.

13. The grand finale is worth every moment of anticipation.

14. Don't speed through life, relish every moment.

15. Quality always shines through at the end.

16. Fine wine gets better with age, and so will you.

17. Bide your time, and you will be rewarded.

18. Don't rush through life; enjoy the little things.

19. Great accomplishments are worth the effort.

20. The final stretch is what matters.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 5, 2024 at 11:21am

21. You saved the best until last.

22. The end is not the end; it's a new beginning.

23. Take your time; don't hurry through life.

24. Patience and perseverance are the keys to success.

25. The best comes only to those who wait.

26. Hold out for the good stuff.

27. The finish line has never been sweeter.

28. It's not over until it's over.

29. Save the best for the last chapter.

30. All's well that ends well.

31. Life is a race, but the winner is the one who finishes strong.

32. The best surprises are always last.

33. Endings are just the beginning of a new story.

34. Stay tuned for the grand finale.

35. Life's final act is always the most fulfilling.

36. The big finale is always worth sticking around for.

37. The ultimate reward comes at the end.

38. Keep going to reach the best.

39. Nothing compares to a grand finale.

40. The sweetest victory is the last one.

41. Don't miss the sweetest part of life.

42. Only the very best comes last.

43. Delayed gratification is always sweeter.

44. The best is yet to come.

45. Keep striving; the best is within reach.

46. Give life your all until the very end.

47. Save the best for the last hug.

48. A happy ending is worth the effort.

49. The biggest reward is at the finish line.

50. Winning the last match is what counts.

51. Nothing comes close to an epic ending.

52. Keep the best for the grand finale.

53. Savor the sweet taste of success.

54. The best trophies always come last.

55. The last taste lingers the most.

56. The final piece of the puzzle is always the most satisfying.

57. Don't end it until you have given your best.

58. The final score is all that matters.

59. Save the best for the last goodbye.

60. The best victory is the last one.

61. Great things come to those who finish.

62. All good things come to those who wait until the end.

63. The ultimate goal is the final prize.

64. The final curtain call is what counts.

65. The end result is more important than the journey.

66. Good things come to those who refuse to give up.

67. Hold out until the last moment.

68. The last chapter is always the best.

69. Only the best has survived until the very end.

70. The last kiss is the sweetest.

71. The final moment is what defines you.

72. The best comes only after the hard work.

73. Never give up; the reward is worth it.

74. The final push is what makes all the difference.

75. Remember to save the best for the last dance. (con't below)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 4, 2024 at 1:47pm

76. Don't forget to finish with a bang.

77. The sweetest triumph is the last one.

78. Don't rush to the finish line; enjoy the scenic route.

79. The best comes to those who put in the effort.

80. Don't give up; the last victory is the sweetest.

81. Save the best for the last cast.

82. The final chapter is the most memorable.

83. Hold out for the very best.

84. The ultimate reward is just around the corner.

85. Keep your eyes on the prize till the end.

86. The final finish is where the best is found.

87. Keep pushing until it's all over.

88. Success is the reward for the final push.

89. The final stage is where greatness is achieved.

90. Don't lose hope; the final victory is the sweetest.

91. Hold out until the end; the reward is worth it.

92. The final score is always worth the wait.

93. Remember to save the best for the last laugh.

94. The best can only come after the hard yards.

95. Don't stop until you have given it your all.

96. The final push is what separates the best from the rest.

97. Keep climbing till you reach the summit.

98. The hard work pays off at the end.

99. Don't give up; the final victory is within reach.

100. Remember to save the best for the last bow.

When it comes to creating a memorable and effective "Save the best for last" slogan, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you stand out from the crowd. Firstly, try to keep it short and sweet - a catchy phrase or play on words can be more effective than a lengthy tagline. Secondly, make sure your slogan ties into your brand or message in some way, whether that's through a clever pun, an emotional appeal, or something else entirely. Finally, consider using visual elements (such as bold typography or graphic design) to bring your slogan to life and make it more memorable.

(Source: Why "Save the Best for Last" Slogans Remain a Timeless Marketing Strategy in www.thereporteronline.com)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 2, 2024 at 7:59pm







                                                          (Sculpture by artist Ben Butler

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 31, 2024 at 12:14am


Institut Kemahiran Tenun Pahang DiRaja Tengku Ampuan Besar Meriam (IKTPD) bertempat di Kompleks Budaya Kg. Pulau Keladi, Pekan berhampiran dengan Rumah Kelahiran Tun Abdul Razak yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Ke-2.

IKTPD adalah sebuah Institut yang menawarkan pengajian berteraskan pendidikan vokasional.

Konsep pendidikan di IKTPD memberi penekanan tujuh puluh (70) peratus dalam aspek kemahiran dan tiga puluh (30) peratus dalam bidang akademik.

Bagi meninggkatkan tahap kemahiran, para pelatih diberi peluang mengikuti latihan industri di perusahaan kraf yang berjaya.

IKTPD menawarkan program pengajian Sijil Seni Kraf Tenunan ( Tenun Pahang DiRaja ) secara sepenuh masa.


Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia memainkan peranan utama dalam memajukan industri kraf di negara ini. Matlamat penubuhan IKTPD ialah untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir bagi keperluan industri kraf negara agar warisan kesenian dan budaya tempatan terus kekal dan berkembang maju.


Menjadi pusat kecemerlangan pendidikan kraf yang dapat melahirkan tenaga mahir, usahawan kraf dan menjadi pusat rujukan, penyelidikan serta pemuliharaan warisan negara.


Menjana sumber manusia yang berkemahiran, berilmu, menguasai pengeluaran, peka pada warisan tradisi dan berketerampilan dalam bidang kraf melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan bagi memajukan industri kraf tenun.

(Tel:09-422 1612;Emel : iktpd2010@gmail.com; www.kraftangan.gov.my


愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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