文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
挪威建築理論家諾伯-舒茲(Christian Norberg-schulz)1979年出版了《場所精神:邁向建築現象學》(Genius Loci: towards a phenomenology of architecture)(施植明中譯,1995),書中闡述了源自古羅馬的人所認為「場所精神」,認為「每一種『獨立的』本體都有自己的靈魂(genius),守護神靈(guaraianspirit)這種靈魂賦予人和場所生命,自生至死伴隨人和場所,同時決定了他們的特性和本質。」而這就是「場所精神」。諾伯-舒茲提醒場所(地點,place),不是物理學向度的空間(space),而是與社會文化連結,進而產生意義與認同的地方。
人的存在意味著「在大地之上,蒼穹之下「,首先必須面對的就是自然場所,經由對自然場所的理解,人構築了人為場所。人透過對「物」「秩序」「特質」「陽光」與」時間「而得以理解自然場所;「物」與「秩序」屬於空間組織;「特質」與「陽光」屬於「造型特性」「時間」意味著恆常與變遷的向度——使 「空間組織」與「造型特性」成為「真實生活」的一部分。
運用「形象化」補充「象征化」的手法,使人得以將自然場所的意義轉化成人為場所的特性。因此造型特性——浪漫式、宇宙式、古典式、複合式——具體表達了特殊的場所精神。場所雖然會因其他的因素產生變遷,然而唯有在變遷中仍能掌握其場所精神才不至於造成場所的混亂與迷失。因此建築的目的不在於實踐抽象的理論,而是具體地表達場所精神以滿足人類居住的需求。[引自 譯跋]
遵循著建築的定義為「存在空間的具現」。「具現」更以「集結」(gathering)和「物」(things)的概念來解釋。「物」的原始意義是一種集結,而任何物的意義即其所集結為何。[引自 前言]
認同感和方向感是人類在世存有的主要觀點。因此認同感是歸屬感的基礎,方向感的功能在於使人成為人間過客(homo vitor),自然中的一部分。[引自第21頁]
(《建築中的意圖》)對知覺和象征性加以透徹的探討,同時強調人不能僅由科學的理解獲得一個立足點。人需要象征性的東西,也就是「表達生活情境」的藝術作品。本書仍主張藝術作品的概念系生活情境的「具現」(concretization)。人的基本需求在於體驗其生活情境是富於意義的,藝術作品的目的則在於「保存」並傳達意義。[引自 前言]
(慕尼黑2024年7月9日綜合電)全球最大旅外人士網站InterNations針對53個國家或地區進行的2024年Expat Insider年度調查,旅居海外人士最負擔得起的國家或地區是越南,而且連續4年奪冠,馬來西亞今年十大不入。
個人財務指數方面,報告邀請受訪者針對整體生活成本、財務狀況滿意度 以及每戶可支配所得是否能過上舒適生活進行評分,排列了旅外人士心中「最負擔得起」的國家排名榜,一共排了53名。
另外,調查也統整出旅外人士認為最適合移居國家或地區的前10名,分別是巴拿馬、墨西哥、印尼、西班牙、泰國、巴西、越南、菲律賓、阿聯酋,亞洲國家表現依然出色,惟去年排名第5的台灣今年掉出十大。(9.7.2024 見:星洲日報)
習近平總書記指出:「青年興則國家興,中國發展要靠廣大青年挺膺擔當。」當代青年,生逢其時,也重任在肩。深入了解青年群體所思所想所求所盼,為他們創造良好的發展環境,搭好施展才華的舞台,定能讓青年與城市的創新創造活力相互激蕩,為高質量發展匯聚起磅礴的青春力量。(2024-06-21 來源:人民日報 作者:楊 柳)
結 語
文化是一座城市的「根」與「魂」,是一座城市的識別符號。無論是維也納還是杭州都印證了高雅藝術對城市文化、城市品質的深刻影響。習近平總書記在主政浙江省期間就曾強調文化的力量,重視文化對城市經濟發展、城市高品質生活的積極作用。他指出「文化的力量,或者我們稱之為構成綜合競爭力的文化軟實力,總是『潤物細無聲』地融入經濟力量、政治力量、社會力量之中,成為經濟發展的『助推器』、政治文明的『導航燈』、社會和諧的『黏合劑』」。在現代高品質城市的建設中,注重城市經濟發展的同時必須重視文化藝術的發展,尤其是高雅藝術的傳承與弘揚。只有如此,才能鑄就高品質的城市生活,保持高度的文化自信,推動文化的繁榮興盛,實現中華民族偉大復興。(古琴流派與城市文化品格——浙江人文大講堂•未來講堂第五講開講;2019-04-28 來源:城市怎麼辦)
((原題:「浙江人文大講堂•未來講堂」第十講開講 l 宋韻文化的認識維度和內涵例解——2022-09-29 來源:都市快報; 来源:《都市快报》2022年9月26日;延續閱讀:地方文化營銷 0.9:國内遊;韵文化:鄉韻 ;愛墾慕課·在地篇)
Typology of Charoen Krung’s Creative District
As an area continuously developing since the 1700s through successive waves of migration, settlements and royal initiatives, Charoen Krung’s hard and soft infrastructures are layered with various historical, cultural and commercial influences
Hard Infrastructures
Another unmistakable place for gathering is the Grand Postal Building (ไป์รษ์ณีย์กลางบางรัก), which Long established hard infrastructures such as major arteries and buildings have been developed further through increased investment since Charoen Krung’s designation as a creative district in 2015. New BTS and MRT train extensions make it a major transportation hub, while the river that made it conducive to early trade gives this area a unique advantage for businesses to continue to prosper. As with many old districts, the long, narrow streets and small shops have discouraged large-scale urban development, keeping its underlying historical character intact.
Creative Spaces for Gathering There are a growing number and variety of art spaces and galleries around Charoen Krung.
Warehouse 30 is the most prominent. Located amongst abandoned warehouses behind the Portuguese Embassy, Warehouse 30 became a บ landmark when Mr Duangrit Bunnag (ดวงฤท่ธิ นนาค), a famous Thai architect and a key player in this district, renovated the warehouses into an art and design hub and market in 2016. His previous project, the Jam Factory, was very successful in turning another abandoned warehouse in Klongsan into an attractive art space. Warehouse 30 is home to a cafe, co-working space, art spaces, design shops and furniture store P. Tendercool, and it regularly provides public talks, events and exhibitions. It has become a creative hub for designers, artists and craftspeople to showcase and market their work.
Another unmistakable place for gathering is the Grand Postal Building (ไป์รษ์ณีย์กลางบางรัก), which was the British Consulate during the 1850s before that moved to Phloen Chit Road (ถนนเพัลินจิต) in 1940. Thereafter it was renovated and used as the headquarters of Thailand Post, marking the birthplace of Thailands’ postal service.2 In 2017, the TCDC moved its main office here with a mission to develop it as a creative district, making it a hive of creative activities and events. The CEA also plans to use abandoned spaces in Charoen Krung for art and design exhibitions – for example, Marine Police Lodging (บานพัักตำารวจนำา) and the Custom House (โรงภาษ์ีรอยชีักสาม).
Aside from the landmarks mentioned above, there are three other prominent art centres – O.P. Place, O.P. Garden and the River City Bangkok Shopping Centre, near Si Phraya Pier (ท่่าเรือสี พัระยา). The pier, the largest in Charoen Krung, is next to a bus terminal. Si Phraya Pier is also located near luxury hotels as well as connecting to ICONSIAM, the largest shopping centre in Thailand, across the river.
2 Kongma, C. (2019). Central post office in Bang Rak. The Cloud. https://readthecloud.co/grand-postal-office/
3 Bangkok River. (2020). O.P. Place. https://www.bangkokriver.com/th/place/op-place/
Nearby the pier, O.P. Place on Charoen Krung Road Soi 38 has been a commercial building for more than 100 years, and it won the Association of Siamese Architects’ Best Architectural Conservation Award in 2008.
Currently it has more than 58 stores, mostly selling luxury furniture, art, antiques and homeware,
and is now one of the best places for buying art in the area.3
Next to O.P. Place is O.P. Garden, which was built in the 19th century and is located on Charoen Krung Road Soi 36. In 1936, it was turned into the first polyclinic in Thailand, where Dr Boonsong Lekagul (นายแพัท่ย์บุญิส่ง เลขะกุล) worked as a medical practitioner. 4 O.P. Garden was also the private residence of Dr Boonsong, who later became a pioneer of wildlife conservation in Thailand. In
2009 it was renovated by TCC Capital Land and became a shopping arcade with a focus on art,
design and craft.
River City Bangkok is another art and craft shopping centre in Charoen Krung. It was built in 1985 by the Italian-Thai Development Public Company (กลุ่มบริษ์ัท่อิตาเลียนไท่ย) and the Mandarin Oriental Group (กลุ่มกิจการแมนดารินโอเรียนเต็ล). River City Bangkok was the first commercial mall on the riverside in Thailand and it has more than 120 creative stores and contemporary galleries inside with collections from Asia and around the world.
It is also an art and antique trading centre holding RCB auctions. Since its opening there have been
more than 90,000 antiques sold in the RCB forum, a magnet for collectors and traders from around
the world.
Iconic Landmarks
Many iconic buildings are situated along the river next to well-known tourist attractions. Several of
these are heritage and conservation listed, being more than 100 years old, representing early modern, Western-influenced architecture in Thailand. For example, the Portuguese Embassy was marked out as an important creative landmark due to its cultural significance, architectural heritage and contemporary street art on the front wall. Its presence indicates the long relationship with Portugal, as many Portuguese have settled here since the 1760s.
The colonial-style building, which was designed in 1860 using local materials, welcomes visitors and provides tours. Another landmark is Custom House, built in 1886 in a neoclassical style, which was used as a customs office and hosted royal events in its banquet hall until 1959. It later became Bang Rak fire station (สถานีดับเพัลิงบางรัก) and then remained empty until 2019, when the owner, the Treasury Department of Thailand (กรมธนารักษ์์), began work with the Fine Arts Department of Thailand (กรมศ์ิลป์ากร) to restore the building, which will continue until 2025.
Charoen Krung Road Soi 30 (ซอยเจริญิกรุง 30) or Captain Bush Lane (ตรอกกัป์ตันบุชี) is an important
historical area of this district that housed early Western settlement. The name hails from John
Bush, a British sailor who lived on this lane and worked as the head of the Marine Department of
Thailand at the end of the 19th century. Captain Bush Lane connects to the main Charoen Krung
Road where House No. 1 (บานเลขท่ี 1) is located.
It is the first house number in this district, with a unique blend of Thai-Western neoclassical design,
making it a landmark venue for hire. Contemporary landmarks are also noteworthy – for example, standing tall behind the Grand Postal Building is CAT Tower, where the Communications Authority of Thailand and Silpakorn University (มหาวิท่ยาลัยศ์ิลป์ากร) are located. Many design and digital media students mingle here with other workers that use it as offices. Some unusual places have also become tourist attractions.
Sathorn Unique Tower (สาท่รย้นีคท่าวเวอร์) was planned as a luxury apartment complex but was abandoned in the 1997 financial crisis and became home to itinerant squatters. Urban myths sprung up that it was a haunted building and it has since become an unusual tourist destination.
Tourism is a key driver of Charoen Krung’s creative economy. While the area has historically attracted affluent visitors and foreign travellers, its emergence as a creative district has attracted more cultural tourists to the area.
Its riverside is populated with luxury hotels, such as Mandarin Oriental Bangkok, the first hotel here, with a 150-year history and famous for its hospitality service training in Thailand. Other well-known hotels within the vicinity include Shangri-La Bangkok, Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel and Lebua. Most riverside hotels have their own private piers in order to shuttle their guests between the east and west bank of the Chao Phraya River.
Religious and Educational Structures The diverse cultures are reflected in various clusters of schools, churches, temples, shrines and mosques that exist side by side, reflecting Charoen Krung’s historical settlement. Religion has always been an important aspect of life here so it’s no surprise that schools are strongly linked to religious organisations. These infrastructures serve people with different beliefs, mainly Christians, Muslims and Chinese. Assumption College and Assumption Convent, both located on Charoen Krung Road, are Catholic schools next to Assumption Cathedral (โบสถ์อัสสัมชีัญิ บางรัก) – a key landmark in the area.
These schools provide education to the Christian communities that live nearby. Other schools include the Bangkok Christian College (โรงเรียนกรุงเท่พั คริสเตียนวิท่ยาลัย), Sajja Pittaya School (โรงเรียนสัจจพัิท่ยา)– which is a Chinese (Cantonese) school built in 1919 – and Buddhist schools such as Satree Wat Mahaprutharam Girls’ School (โรงเรียนสตรี วัดมหาพัฤฒิาราม) and Wat Mahunnopparam School ( โรงเรียนวัดมหาพัฤฒิาราม), which is reported to be the first public school in Thailand.
Talad Noi (ตลาดนอย) in the north has a mix of Chinese, Catholic and Vietnamese buildings. The Holy Rosary Church (โบสถ์กาลหว่าร์ หรือ วัดแม่พัระล้กป์ระคำา) was built for the Portuguese Catholic community, the Vietnamese Temple (วัดญิวนตลาดนอย) there celebrates Mahayana Buddhism, and the Chow Sue Kong shrine (ศ์าลเจาโจซือกง) is one of the oldest Hokkien shrines in Thailand.
Other buildings include Hong Wong Kun (ศ์าลเจาโรงเกือก หรือ ศ์าลฮอนหว่องกุง) for Hakka descendants, the Muang Kae temple (วัดม่วงแค) for local Thai Buddhists, and the Haroon Mosque (มัสยิดฮาร้ณ) for its strong Muslim community.
These religious institutions are also important places to learn traditional arts, such as Arabic
calligraphy, which are taught to children in the community at the Haroon Mosque. Famous for
its Islamic art, it also provides classes to the public.
Transportation Infrastructures
Charoen Krung Road is the main artery through the district, connecting Yaowarat and Rattanakosin Island (เกาะรัตนโกสินท่ร์). The Charoen Krung area is walkable, allowing visitors to explore tourist landmarks, cafes and galleries. From the Grand Postal Building where the CEA is located, it is only around a one-kilometre walk to the Saphan Taksin BTS station (สถานีสะพัานตากสิน), situated at a prime location on the riverside, adjacent to Surasak station (สถานีสุรศ์ักดิ), Chong Nonsi station (สถานีชี่องนนท่รี) and Sala Daeng station (สถานีศ์าลาแดง), where the main business areas are located. Saphan Taksin station is Charoen Krung’s main transportation hub and the most crowded skytrain station in Bangkok, with more than 27,000 commuters. It was built in 1999 as the terminal station on the Silom Line, though now that line extends to the Thonburi area (ฝั่ั งธนบุรี) and terminates at Bang Wa station (สถานีบางหวา). The congestion and increased demand have led to plans to expand and reconstruct Saphan Taksin station.
(Street art around Talad Noi neigbourhood)
Charoen Krung has other access points, across Taksin Bridge and Taksin Bridge Pier. Built in 1980, Taksin Bridge, also known as Sathorn Bridge (สะพัานสาธร), crosses the Chao Phraya River
connecting Bangkok and Thonburi, providing the shortest route to reach the busy areas of Sathorn
and Silom Road. Commuters using the Chao Phraya Express Boats (เรือด่วนเจาพัระยา) travel to
Charoen Krung, Sathorn and Silom using Taksin Bridge Pier.
Soft Infrastructures
As one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Bangkok, Charoen Krung has a rich, diverse mix of cultures,
communities and languages, shaped by various waves of migration. Grounded and nourished by
strong and stable community groups, new creative businesses and communities are increasing in
number since Charoen Krung’s designation as a creative district. The area is experiencing the
benefits and challenges of this influx of new people, including tourism, accelerated by the
creative opportunities provided by the area.
The TCDC and CEA
The Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC) was founded in 2004 as part of the Office of
Knowledge Management and Development, reporting to the Office of the Prime Minister
(สำานักนายกรัฐมนตรี) and originally located at the Emporium shopping centre in the Phrom Phong
area (ย่านพัรอมพังศ์์) on Sukhumvit Road (ถนนสุขุมวิท่).
The TCDC is a public-facing organisation to raise awareness about the value of design, and support creative activities and businesses. It is active in organising events to connect designers, suppliers and clients, with seminars that encourage creative development and showcase the latest design trends. It acts as a key connector in the creative ecosystem, providing services such as a design library, material library, exhibition spaces, designer network and database. Its relocation to Charoen Krung in 2017 aimed to drive the urban renewal of the area and develop it as Bangkok’s first creative district. In 2018, the TCDC expanded into a larger organisation with the new task of encouraging the creative economy, and was renamed the Creative Economy Agency (CEA).
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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