文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
Zaha Hadid 建築師事務所於2016年奪得沙特阿拉伯德拉伊耶(Diriyah,世界文化遺產地)城市文化遺產博物館管理中心的設計大賽。 管理中心將成為博物館的總部;一所全新的教育機構也將建設於此,以保護當地符合UNESCO世界遺產的歷史文化遺產地和周邊的哈尼發谷地(Wadi Hanifah,120公里長)村落。
德拉伊耶的世界文化遺址圖賴夫區(At-Turaif District)建立於公元15世紀,此處是沙地王朝的第一座首都所在地。在18世紀與19世紀初時,德拉伊耶成為瓦哈比派在政治及宗教的思想傳播中心。(來源:https://www.archdaily.cn)
Albums: 札哈哈蒂:房子能浮起來嗎?
愛墾APP:喬治·巴塔耶內在體驗理論vs意念科學~~喬治·巴塔耶的情色-內在體驗理論與意念科學(noetic sciences)之間雖然沒有直接的聯系,但兩者在某些層面上存在著有趣的共通點,特別是在探討內在體驗、意識狀態的超越、個體認知的擴展等方面。
意念科學關注的是人類意識、心靈與物質世界的相互作用,研究直覺、超常感知、心靈與宇宙的關係等超越常規理性框架的現象。而巴塔耶的理論則聚焦於內在體驗(inner experience),尤其是通過極限體驗(如情色、暴力、死亡等)打破常規意識,進入一種超越性、非理性、無法言說的狀態。以下幾點展示了巴塔耶的理論與意念科學領域的可能聯系——
[後記] 2025,愛墾網創立16載;陳明發博士轉行文創研究與推廣第28年。雖然焦頭爛額沒啥獎項可領,但自告奮勇的事還幹得不少。實踐多了,面對自己原創的或經手發佈出去的5、6萬筆內容,多少有些心得。自信還有點前瞻的價值。現陸續整理出來,答謝這麼多年來默默支持著我們的國內外友好。有些事恐怕不是一代人能完成的,更不是一個人可能完成的。在泛政治的社會,更無異於緣木求魚。現留點檔案,有緣並有能力的人若及時看到,對鄉土轉型或有參考價值。(13.9.2024)
讀者反應批評(Reader Response Criticism)、文本召喚結構(Response-inviting structures)與接受美學 (reception aesthetics theory )三種理論,在文學批評和美學中有不同的側重點,但都涉及到讀者與文本的互動。下面是它們的學術定義、代表學者和各自的貢獻:
讀者反應批評(Reader Response Criticism)
代表學者與貢獻:路易斯·羅森布拉特(Louise Rosenblatt):她的交易理論(transactional theory)認為閱讀是讀者與文本之間的一種雙向交易,文本沒有固定意義,意義由讀者在閱讀過程中生成。斯坦利·菲什(Stanley Fish):提出了讀者共同體(interpretive communities)概念,認為不同的讀者共同體基於他們的背景、文化和興趣,對同一文本會產生不同的解讀,文本的意義取決於這些共同體的解釋。
文本召喚結構(Response-inviting Structures)
代表學者與貢獻:沃爾夫岡·伊瑟爾(Wolfgang Iser):作為接受美學理論的代表人物之一,他提出了文本的「空白」(gaps)概念,認為文本通過某些「空白」或「未完成之處」,促使讀者去填補和解讀,文本的召喚結構因此形成。這種「空白」鼓勵讀者的參與,讀者通過自己的想象和經驗為文本賦予意義。
接受美學(Reception Aesthetics Theory)
代表學者與貢獻:漢斯·羅伯特·瑟爾(Hans Robert Jauss):作為接受美學的奠基者之一,瑟爾提出了視野融合(fusion of horizons)和期待視野(horizon of expectation)概念。他認為讀者的期待是由其所處的歷史和文化背景決定的,文學作品的意義在於它如何與讀者的期待進行互動和對抗。他主張通過考察作品在不同歷史時期的接受,來理解其文學價值。
相关:呼唤型造物 evocative object The Etymology of Vocative Linguistic Theory on Vocative
接受美學 愛墾思潮篇
愛墾APP:情動與情緒的區别~~情動(affect)與情緒(emotion)是兩個相關但有所不同的概念。它們的區分在哲學、心理學以及人文社會科學的討論中尤為關鍵,尤其是在「情動轉折」(Affective Turn)的研究中——
情動轉折(Affective Turn):情動在「情動轉折」中被廣泛討論,作為一種與情緒不同的概念,情動不受制於傳統心理學中的理性分析框架。研究者們認為情動不僅僅是個人的主觀體驗,而是一種與社會、文化、身體動態相互作用的能量。比如,情動可以理解為集體抗議中集體情緒的激發,而不一定是個體的明確情緒反應。
召喚結構是由德國著名接受美學家沃爾夫岡·伊瑟爾提出來的。他認為,「作品的意義不確定性和意義空白促使讀者去尋找作品的意義,從而賦予他參與作品意義構成的權利」。這種由於文學意義"不確定"與"空白"相互組合起來構成的文學結構,也可說就是"召喚結構", 它指的是一種召喚一個文學讀者將自己在一篇文學作品中所可能蘊含的"不確定點"或"空白"與自身的某種實踐生活經歷及對於現實世界的某種認識進行相互聯系。這樣,有限的語言文字就已經具備了某種意義上所產生的無窮無限可能。
根據伊瑟爾的說法,一部作品中的"不確定點"或"空白"之處愈多, 讀者便有機會更加深入地直接參與到它的審美價值及其重新創造中。這些"不確定點"、"空白"之處就形成了對文學文本的召喚結構。
(一)尋找詩詞「空白」 激發學習主動
1.誦讀詩詞 感悟「空白」
2.品悟語言 發現「空白」
3.了解意象 探究「空白」
4.體會意境 探析「空白」
(發表時間:2021/7/30 來源:《時代教育》2021年9期;關鍵詞:召喚結構;古典詩詞;教學方法;作者:宓志曉, 浙江省麗水市伯溫中學 浙江 麗水 323900)
Roman Jakobson's Linguistic Theory on Vocative, Conative and Vocation
[Con't From The Etymology of "Vocative", "Conative" and "Vocation"] Roman Jakobson, a key figure in structural linguistics, developed a model of communication that identified six functions of language. These functions highlight different aspects of how language operates in communication, and they can be instrumental in unifying the concepts of "vocative," "conative," and "vocation." By applying Jakobson’s linguistic theory, we can analyze how these terms function within communication and society, leading to a more integrated understanding.
相关:呼唤型造物 evocative object
Jakobson’s Six Functions of Language
1. Emotive Function (Expressive)
Purpose: Relates to the speaker’s attitude and emotions.
Application to Unification: The conative aspect of language can be connected to the emotive function because it involves the speaker’s will, intention, and desire to influence the listener. When someone uses language with a conative intent, they are often expressing a desire or will, which ties into the emotive function.
Vocation can also be linked here as the way individuals talk about their professions or callings often reflects their emotions, passions, and personal motivations.
2. Conative Function
Purpose: Directly addresses and aims to influence the receiver.
Application to Unification: This is directly aligned with the conative concept, where language is used to command, request, or persuade. It highlights the active role of language in social interactions, where the speaker seeks to affect the behavior of others.
The vocative case, often used in direct address, is closely related to the conative function because it engages the listener directly, often with the intention of eliciting a response.
3. Referential Function (Cognitive):
Purpose: Conveys information about the context or subject matter.
Application to Unification: Vocation as a concept often carries referential meaning, as it refers to one's role, job, or calling in life. When discussing vocations, people provide information about social roles, responsibilities, and cultural values. The referential function is essential in how vocations are communicated and understood in society.
4. Phatic Function
Purpose: Establishes, prolongs, or discontinues communication, focusing on the channel of communication itself.
Application to Unification
Vocative forms often serve a phatic function in communication. For example, greeting someone by name ("Hi, John!") can be a way to open a conversation and establish a social connection. This use of the vocative helps to maintain social bonds, which is essential in public life and daily interactions.
5. Poetic Function
Purpose: Focuses on the message for its own sake, emphasizing form and aesthetic quality.
Application to Unification: While less directly related, the poetic function can be seen in how language around vocation is often stylized to convey deeper meaning or significance. For instance, how people describe their vocational journeys or callings might use metaphorical or symbolic language, reflecting cultural narratives about work and purpose.
6. Metalinguistic Function
Purpose: Refers to the use of language to discuss or describe itself.
Application to Unification: Discussions about the conative and vocative aspects of language can be metalinguistic, as they involve reflecting on how language is used to influence others or directly address them. This function is critical in academic settings where the nature of language and its functions are analyzed and taught.
Applying Jakobson’s Theory to Unify the Concepts
1. Integrating Functions:
By identifying how vocative, conative, and vocation each align with Jakobson’s functions, we can see that they represent different facets of how language operates in society. The vocative is primarily linked to the phatic and conative functions, while conative language directly engages the conative function, and vocation is tied to the referential, emotive, and poetic functions.
2. Social Pragmatics:
In social pragmatics, understanding the different functions of language can help unify these concepts by showing how they all contribute to the broader purpose of communication in public life. For example, when discussing one’s vocation (referential), using vocative forms (phatic/conative) can establish rapport, while the emotive or conative language can motivate or inspire others.
3. Cultural and Social Identity
Jakobson’s functions help us see how these terms are not just linguistic elements but also reflect broader cultural and social identities. The way people talk about their vocations, address others, and try to influence behavior all contribute to social identity and cultural norms, which are central to Sapir’s and Jakobson’s theories.
Academic Significance
Holistic Communication Analysis: Using Jakobson’s model provides a structured way to analyze how these terms function together in communication, offering a comprehensive view of how language serves various roles in society.
Interdisciplinary Connections: Jakobson’s theory also allows for the integration of linguistic, psychological, and sociological perspectives, making it possible to bridge the gap between how these concepts operate in different academic fields.
Pragmatic Applications: Understanding these functions can improve practical communication strategies in public life, from how leaders address their audiences (vocative) to how they motivate action (conative) and discuss roles and identities (vocation).
By applying Jakobson’s linguistic theory, the unification of "vocative," "conative," and "vocation" becomes clearer, as each term can be understood as fulfilling different but interconnected functions within the broader framework of communication and social interaction. This approach offers valuable insights for both academic exploration and practical application in understanding how language shapes social life.
APP Iconada:Julia Kristeva's Revolution in Poetic Language
[A: Affects P: Percepts P: Powers]
Julia Kristeva's Revolution in Poetic Language has had a significant impact on critical theory, psychoanalysis, and literary studies, and its influence can be traced in some of the philosophical underpinnings of the contemporary global cultural and creative economy, though not always directly or explicitly. Here’s how Kristeva’s ideas intersect with some of the mainstream philosophies of the cultural and creative economy:
Emphasis on Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
Challenging Established Norms: Kristeva’s work, particularly her concept of the *semiotic* (pre-linguistic, bodily drives and rhythms) versus the *symbolic* (structured language and social order), challenges the dominant structures of meaning. This can be linked to the emphasis on diversity and the inclusion of marginalized voices in the cultural economy, where there is a push to disrupt established cultural norms and embrace alternative forms of expression.
Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Critique of Consumer Culture: While Kristeva’s work is more focused on language and psychoanalysis, her critique of the symbolic order can be seen as a broader critique of capitalist consumer culture, which often prioritizes profit over ethics. The shift towards sustainability and ethical practices in the creative economy aligns with a desire to move beyond purely economic motivations to more holistic, socially responsible approaches.
Digitalization and Innovation
New Forms of Expression: Kristeva’s exploration of the *semiotic* dimension can be seen as a precursor to the creative possibilities unleashed by digital technologies. The idea that language and expression can break free from traditional structures is mirrored in the innovative, often disruptive nature of digital creativity, where boundaries between different media and forms of expression are increasingly fluid.
Creative Entrepreneurship and Freelancing
Individual Expression: The rise of freelancing and the gig economy, where individuals often express their unique creative vision, resonates with Kristeva’s focus on the personal and the subjective as a site of revolution. The creative entrepreneur, like the poet in Kristeva’s framework, can be seen as someone who navigates and challenges the symbolic order through innovative, often boundary-pushing work.
Cultural Capital and Soft Power
Subversion and Influence: Kristeva’s work highlights how language and culture are powerful tools for subversion and change. In the context of cultural capital and soft power, this suggests that the creative economy can be a space for challenging dominant narratives and promoting alternative forms of cultural influence, which can be a subtle form of soft power.
Cross-Sector Collaboration and Ecosystem Development
Interdisciplinary Thinking: Kristeva’s work, which draws on psychoanalysis, linguistics, and philosophy, embodies an interdisciplinary approach that is increasingly valued in the creative economy. Her blending of different fields anticipates the kind of cross-sector collaboration that is now seen as crucial for innovation and creative ecosystem development.
Access and Participation
Democratization of Meaning: Kristeva’s emphasis on the *semiotic* challenges the idea that meaning is fixed and controlled by elites. This has parallels in the push for greater access and participation in the cultural economy, where there is a desire to democratize culture and allow more people to contribute to the creation of meaning.
Value Beyond Economics
Cultural and Psychological Depth: Kristeva’s work insists on the depth and complexity of human subjectivity, which goes beyond economic value. This resonates with the current understanding in the creative economy that cultural products have value that is not just economic, but also social, psychological, and symbolic.
Indirect Influence
While Revolution in Poetic Language may not be directly cited in discussions about the creative economy, Kristeva's ideas contribute to a broader intellectual environment that values disruption, innovation, and the questioning of traditional structures—core tenets in the philosophies guiding the cultural and creative economy today. Her work encourages a deeper understanding of the complexities of language, culture, and identity, which are crucial to many of the themes and challenges faced in the creative industries.
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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