
(27-10-2007倫敦)Bricolage 1. A construction made of whatever materials are at hand; something created from a variety of available things, 2. (In literature) a piece created from diverse resources. 3. (In art) a place of market shift and work. 4. The use of multiple, diverse search method.

前天在Design Museum購買到Sherry Turkle編的Evocative Objects: Things We Think With學到Bricolage這名詞。現代人的體驗可以從物開始,根據Turkle這位美國麻省工藝學院科學與工藝社會學教授的研究,日常生活中的物件,從大提琴、電腦鍵盤、量血糖的儀器、舊照片到博物館中的木乃伊,是會叫喚的:喚起我們在成長成熟的自我;關懷的聯接;體驗與思想。



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