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Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on July 17, 2024 at 9:04am

(續上)半個世紀之後,當代的電子樂將瓦雷茲的預言變為現實。噪音作曲的音樂形式——比如,Merzbow 的作品——幾乎都熱衷於大量的冰河或熔岩流,他們碰撞,交織,互相滲透,產生一個佈滿高峰、山谷、裂縫、和平原的平面。以律動為主的電子樂同樣是由這樣的「強度域」所標識。極簡科技電子音樂和微觀浩室樂曲如波浪般起伏,在流動的同時追隨強度的不同界域和等級(註70)

電子音樂由以不同速度和不同振幅的循環(波浪)構成,創造由強烈合流的結點標識的干擾模型。Carsten Nicolai (又名 noto 和 alva Noto)的作品就是很好的例子。他的樂曲運用各種不同厚度、深度和速度的循環,創造出對應他大多視覺藝術作品中液態的漣漪和圖案的聲音作品(註71)


一個身體或集合體的構建和制圖法[Construction and Cartography of a body or assemblage]。一個音軌代表著聲音門(sonic phylum)裡特別的一片、一塊,或一個高原。它是一個容貫平面或作曲,選擇,表達,分配,組合一組音調、音色和旋律。這樣,一個音軌形成一個身體,而不是一個有機體:一個無器官的身體。它展現了最小限度的作曲或為了賦予一個身體個體性的一致性,而又不會使它硬化成一個有機體(註73)



抽象的、分子的、機器的、去主體的電子樂音軌僅僅是選擇聲音粒子,並將這些聲音粒子置於一種和彼此以及和其它音軌的關係中。在經度上,一個音軌是一個身體、機器、或集合體、一組佔據同樣地域的聲音粒子,它們的移動速度是與其它粒子相比衡量而來的。它們與其它粒子形成暫時的聯合(循環、厚塊[slabs]、個別體等),並與之一起移動。在緯度上,一個音軌由它的強度定義,它對力的累積和它們作用在我們身上的質量效果。經度和緯度,速度和密度同樣也衡量一支樂曲與其它樂曲的關係。因為一個音軌自身僅僅是一個更大機器裡的一個元素,這個更大的機器,混合體,自身又是一種宏觀的音軌。一個音軌的速度和強度,會決定它能夠與另外哪些音軌連接,以及它能與這些音軌形成什麼樣的關係(流動、斷裂、情調調節 [affective modulation]等)。「混合體[mix]」這個詞在這裡,是有特殊意義的,它突出了一個事實,從微觀層次到宏觀層次——從一個音軌部分的個體性到作為整體的混合體——電子樂不是封閉的「作曲」或者「歌曲」,而是結尾開放的、臨時的集合體,在任何一個層次上,都可以連接或者插入其他集合體。

這就是無器官的音樂身體的解剖圖。我們同時也追溯了它的譜系圖。它由分佈於其上的可感知的個體性和強度標識,同時也被一系列跨越20世紀音樂的歷史特異體標識,並為其提供遺傳代碼,以及它的可能性的超驗或虛擬條件。在德勒茲聆聽1970年代後期的經典極簡音樂的同時,他開始聽見音樂變成無器官身體的可能性。隨著實驗電子音樂的到來——承蒙 Sub RosaGuy-Marc HinantMille PlateauxAchim Szepanski,德勒茲僅僅在他病重的最後兩年才聽到那些電子樂(註78)——音樂解域的所有力量才全部體現出來,音樂也真正變成了一個無器官的身體。沒有主體、形式、主題、敘事;只有流動、切割、集合、力量、強度、和個體性,展現於由律動和長音構成的平滑表面之上。

原題:如何把音樂變成無器官的身體?  吉爾• 德勒茲和實驗電子音樂 [How Do You Make Music a Body without Organs? Gilles Deleuze and Experimental Electronica];作者:Christoph Cox;譯者: 王婧;原見:sub jam blog 撒把芥末博客 [測試中];中譯版版權由撒把芥末和《生產》叢刊保留;註釋請閱讀原文)

Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on June 12, 2024 at 10:29am



(摘自:《追憶似水年華》[法語:À la recherche du temps perdu,英语:In Search of Lost Time: The Prisoner and the Fugitive],[法国]馬塞爾·普魯斯特 [Marcel Proust ,1871年—1922年] 的作品,出版時間:1913–1927,共7卷)

Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on January 19, 2024 at 7:09pm

What is a cultural hub?

A clustering of cultural venues such as museums, galleries and performance spaces with secondary attractions including food and retail.

What is the aim of a cultural hub?

Culture and art centers have several main aims. They aim to promote and preserve cultural heritage, provide high-quality leisure time and create new job opportunities . They also aim to respond to the needs of the community by providing public spaces and informal education facilities . Additionally, culture and art centers aim to provide meaningful experiences for individuals with Alzheimer's, allowing them to express themselves and maintain personal identity . Furthermore, these centers contribute to the development of cities by creating dynamic spaces of cultural exchange, promoting vibrancy and diversity, and attracting consumers and commerce . Finally, the isolation of a science regarding artistic products and experiences helps in evaluating works of art by considering both aesthetic and non-aesthetic factors .

The main aims of culture and art centers are to promote artistic products and experiences and to address difficulties in evaluating works of art.

The main aims of culture and art centers are to provide meaningful experiences for individuals with Alzheimer's and reduce symptoms such as apathy and anxiety.

The main aims of culture and art centers are to promote cultural exchange, improve city vibrancy, and enhance urban development.

The main aims of culture and art centers are to provide community space, informal education facilities, and promote creativity and cultural arts.

The main aims of cultural and art centers include promoting contemporary culture, protecting cultural heritage, and implementing cultural and educational projects in the community.





What Is Cultural Hub?



[《鄉頻道》一帶一路:老地區 新經濟]


Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on June 21, 2023 at 12:06am










Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on November 6, 2021 at 11:54pm

COVID killed marketing. Long live the experience economy

COVID-19 has all but killed traditional marketing, but the “experience economy” is taking its place to reengineer our relationships with customers and engage more deeply than ever before.

The experience economy is based on a simple principle: Brands should stop marketing at their customers and, instead, engage with them through shared experiences. Although the pandemic has accelerated the experience economy’s adoption, it’s been a long time coming: Seventy-two percent of Millennials prefer spending their money on experiences over material things, according to Eventbrite. We can expect this number to grow larger among Gen Z.

Not long ago, I visited a Belgian gallery and watched a child attempt to swipe a painting like they would a screen. Future generations will be primed for everything to be interactive. Imagine the experience museumgoers would have if—through AR—Vincent van Gogh could leap out of a painting and walk through his process.

I learned how to craft meaningful customer experiences during my 30-year career at Disney. Arguably the greatest lesson about the experience economy comes from Walt Disney himself. When “Fantasia” was released in theaters in 1940, Disney pushed for immersive experiences through “Fantasound” and “Smell-o-Vision.” Theater owners, however, weren’t interested in paying for and installing new technologies to accommodate the enveloping sounds and scents. In response, Disney took his movies where customers could experience the brand in its entirety, and Disneyland launched in 1955.

Sixty-five years after Disneyland opened its doors—and one year after I declared marketing would be dead within a decade—COVID-19 changed everything. For all the heartbreak and loss, it also highlighted what’s truly important.

Think about what we worked so hard to virtually recreate during lockdowns: Family dinners. Concerts. Cooking classes. We didn’t spend our time in isolation dreaming about a trip to the mall. We spent it dreaming about shared experiences.

When I was tasked with driving more traffic to Disneyland Paris for its 25th anniversary, survey data said people come to parks for the rides. But when we sat down with real customers and asked why they visited, we learned that the real reason was to create family memories.

Instead of spending millions on new rides, we ran a simple communications campaign focused on creating memories—one that drove more park traffic than we’d seen in the previous five years. Asking “why?” helped uncover the true experience our customers desired. (to be Con't)

Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on November 6, 2021 at 11:53pm

As we emerge from the pandemic, the brands best positioned for success will be ready to provide engaging experiences (even remotely) that get at the heart of consumers’ desires.

I recently conducted a training for the Philadelphia Eagles. During our event, I learned that 90% of fans never attend a game in person due to reasons such as cost. I encouraged the group to consider this: “How might we engage the 90% of fans who will never visit our stadium, and what revenue opportunities could that deliver?”

The pandemic has done wonders for hybrid event technology. Just look at the interactive fan displays used by the NBA during its bubble. Or even pre-pandemic, when Manchester United used Google Hangouts to give fans a front-row seat. By asking how they might solve a particular pain point, brands will tap into new experiential ideas that go beyond the typical marketing messages that people are familiar with.

In a post-pandemic world, brands will be immersing customers in experiences—and it will no longer be enough to market at people.

Duncan Wardle, former Head of Innovation & Creativity @ Disney. Founded iD8 & innov8 to help organizations embed a culture of innovation. (11-05-21 https://www.fastcompany.com)

Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on April 20, 2021 at 7:22pm

 Exercices de style33. 舊體詩 Alexandrins











Comment by Curation Nation 策展國 on March 3, 2021 at 9:39pm



愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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