地方文化營銷1.4 國際旅遊市場


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Comment by Khalak Khalayak on Wednesday






日前,旅游巴士又闹出死亡交通意外事件,这两天,四处设障大查客车司机......。 “兴国方案”恐怕不能事事孤立起来见招拆招,“例外”考量,而需要一个完善的整体视野。


Comment by Khalak Khalayak on February 28, 2024 at 7:11pm

春節遇校假·出國團增 ,中國團最熱爆

















除了中國,日本、韓國、越南都是很受國人歡迎的旅游國家。東南亞團的團費不貴,介於3000至4000令吉;中國團則要4000令吉起跳,其中除夕至初二出發的團最多,一些回鄉尋根過年,一些則是想要體驗在外國過年的氣氛。(23.2.2024 星洲日報·梁佩儀 )

Comment by Khalak Khalayak on February 19, 2024 at 3:40pm

Thailand sees Chinese tourism soar as visa requirement dropped By Tommy Walker

Less bureaucracy and more flights are luring Chinese visitors back to Thailand in a boost to the tourism industry.

            Visitors admire the decorations on Bangkok's Yaowarat Road [Tommy Walker/Al Jazeera]

Bangkok, Thailand – Bangkok’s Chinatown, lit up by red-lanterns and decorative banners to celebrate the Lunar New Year holidays, is bustling.

As the region welcomed the Year of the Dragon last weekend, ethnic Chinese Thais thronged temples to light candles and pray for good fortune.

Inside the glowing red interior of Wat Mangkon Kamalawat – the largest Chinese temple in Bangkok – women wore traditional cheongsam dresses and took photos with their loved ones.

Outside, in the hustle and bustle of Yaowarat Road, lion dancers performed as visitors – Thais and legions of tourists – crowded the street, sampling the food and shopping from stalls in the market.

Many were from China, with official figures showing hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals chose to spend the holiday, which began on February 10, in Thailand where they no longer need to get a visa.

“Destinations in Southeast Asia traditionally rely on a strong Lunar New Year holiday to kick-start the tourism calendar,” Gary Bowerman, a tourism analyst in Kuala Lumpur, told Al Jazeera.

“Thailand has positioned itself astutely to capture outbound travel demand from China with its bilateral visa waiver and aggressive marketing into the Chinese market led by the prime minister. This resonates well with Chinese tourists and has encouraged Chinese airlines to add more capacity over [the] Chinese New Year.”

Lion dance in Bangkok. The lion is red

                              A lion dance on the streets of Bangkok [Tommy Walker/Al Jazeera]

Comment by Khalak Khalayak on February 19, 2024 at 3:40pm

Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin started his push to lure more arrivals from China in September when he announced a temporary visa waiver for Chinese tourists. The short-term agreement soon became permanent after Thailand and China signed an indefinite mutual visa exemption for their nationals to visit each other’s country starting from March 1.

Nithee Seeprae, deputy governor for marketing at the Tourism Authority of Thailand, says Chinese arrivals have been encouraging.

“It’s very exciting and [a] successful Chinese New Year, and it is a positive sign for the new visa waiver between China and Thailand because it brings more confidence for the Chinese tourists,” he told Al Jazeera. “Now we got 27-28,000 tourists [arriving each day] since the 1st of February, it is almost back to normal before Covid. Last year, at the same time, it was 7-8,000. Last month 500,000 [China visitors arrived].”

Thailand’s government spokesman Chai Wacharonke said on Saturday that four million tourists had arrived in the country from January 1 to February 8, including more than 730,000 Chinese.

Based on Nithee’s approximate figures, Chinese arrivals could reach one million by the end of the month.

“We have promotions with online travel agents, and [we] coordinate with normal travel agents to create a roadshow in the big cities in China. Also, the flights are back to 90 percent [capacity] like before the pandemic because of the visa waiving. We [are trying] to coordinate with influencers and key opinion leaders from China to create the content experience in Thailand,” he added.

More initiatives planned

Phuket, in southern Thailand, has seen an influx of arrivals in recent weeks.
Crowds along the streets in Bangkok, Chinese lanterns have been strung across the road
Yaowarat Road in Bangkok’s Chinatown is packed with food stalls and shops [Tommy Walker/Al Jazeera]

The island hotspot is expected to welcome 49,000 tourists a day through the international airport during the Chinese New Year period until February 16, according to local media.

The festival falls in the middle of Thailand’s high season, which usually runs from November to March, and is a major holiday for mainland China.

Ranjeet Viswanathan, the director of sales and marketing at the luxury Hyatt Regency Phuket Resort, said occupancy was even higher than many had hoped.

“This year has started with a bang. Every hotel has seen better-than-expected results in January and this continues in February. Our hotel has been doing over 92 percent in occupancy since January 1,” he told Al Jazeera.

Chinese tourists make up about 12 percent of the resort’s business and the number of travellers in 2024 so far is five percent higher than a year ago.

According to the Chinese calendar, 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, which can be a time for new ideas, projects and prosperity.

Chinese visitors have long been crucial to the Thai travel industry, but even with the jump in arrivals, the numbers remain well below 2019, the year before the COVID-19 pandemic.

In that year, Chinese visitors made up more than 11 million of the record 39 million tourists who visited Thailand. (By Tommy Walker, Published On 16 Feb 202416 Feb 2024;https://www.aljazeera.com

Comment by Khalak Khalayak on February 16, 2024 at 7:57am














素妲婉表示,今年以来赴泰的国际游客数量已达438.5万人次,排名前三位的游客来源国分别是中国、马来西亚和俄罗斯。预计2月12日至18日期间,外国游客数量将持续增加,春节假期结束后将逐渐恢复正常水平。(2024年02月14日;来源: 央视新闻客户端

Comment by OVEPI on February 24, 2021 at 1:10am





“還沒有人準備開香檳慶祝,”旅行顧問Henry Harteveldt在調研航空和酒店業後表示。“但是2021年夏天有望好轉,不僅肯定比今年好,還會達到2019年水平的壹半以上。”

Embark Beyond旅行社的管理合夥人Jack Ezon說,有錢人已經開始為釋放性度假進行預訂。這家旅行社專為超級富豪服務,客戶們紛紛委托該公司在歐洲和加勒比海舉辦大型派對,有些預算超過100萬美元。



疫情使得潛在度假者往往等到更接近旅行日期才預訂機票或酒店,導致旅遊業對自己的提價能力沒有多少把握。Ailevon Pacific Aviation Consulting數據分析主管、原美國航空集團收入主管Lacey Alicie說,需求復蘇需要持久,航空公司才能考慮提高價格。

還有其他原因可能導致復蘇並不那麼迅速。今年的滑坡空前嚴重,而且從疫苗分發瓶頸到病毒變異,風險無處不在。鑒於疫情依然肆虐,只要等到嚴寒冬季過去,反彈才可能來臨。西南航空首席執行官Gary Kelly最近說,2021年初將帶來“真正艱難的幾個月。”

“我們預計明年夏天會比今年好很多,但達不到正常水平,”聯合航空首席商務官Andrew Nocella在接受采訪時說。“我們認為2022年可能是更大的壹年。”

國會1221日通過的9000億美元抗疫紓困法案,將為維系酒店業者生存的貸款計劃提供新資金,但該行業仍岌岌可危。住宿數據公司STR預測,到2023年的某個時候,房價仍將低於2019年的水平,紐約、舊金山稱都市市場需要更長時間復蘇。(2020年12月24日 新浪財經)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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