LITERATURE & LEARNING : Embracing AI for Creativity

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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? 21 hours ago


意念科学(Noetic Science)与上世纪1980年代的“新纪元运动”(New Age Movement)确实有一定的关联,尤其是在两者都关注意识扩展、灵性觉醒和超越传统科学的认知方面。然而,它们的起源、目的和表达形式有所不同。以下是它们之间的联系和区别:





2.身心灵整体性(Mind Body Spirit Wholeness)


例如,许多New Age信徒认为通过瑜伽、冥想、能量治疗等方式,个人能够治愈疾病或改善生活品质,这与意念科学中一些探索意识对身体影响的研究有相似性。










意念科学则试图建立一种基于科学方法的研究体系,尽管其研究内容可能包含一些超常现象或灵性实践的探讨,但它努力保持一定的科学严谨性,进行实验和数据分析。例如,意念科学研究所(Institute of Noetic Sciences, IONS)通过心理学、神经科学等领域的实验来探讨冥想、直觉和意识的潜在科学机制。








“呼唤型造物”(Evocative Object)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on June 5, 2024 at 3:57pm

The term "shahbandar"

Reference: Related to the present title-holder’s family history of safeguarding the South sea

The term "shahbandar" in the Malay world refers to a crucial historical office and role within maritime and trade communities. The word itself is derived from Persian, where "shah" means "king" and "bandar" means "port," essentially translating to "harbor master" or "port chief."

Origins and Introduction 

The concept of the shahbandar was introduced to the Malay world during the time of extensive maritime trade in the Indian Ocean, particularly between the 9th and 15th centuries. This period saw significant interaction between Malay kingdoms and various traders from Arabia, Persia, India, and later China. As trade networks expanded, the need for a regulated and organized system to manage ports and facilitate commerce became evident.

Role and Responsibilities

In the Malay world, the shahbandar was appointed by the ruler (sultan or king) and held substantial authority over the port and its activities. Their primary responsibilities included:

  1. **Regulation of Trade**: Overseeing the entry and exit of ships, goods, and traders. They ensured that trade was conducted fairly and in accordance with the local laws.
  2. **Customs and Duties**: Collecting taxes and duties on goods traded within the port. This was a significant source of revenue for the kingdom.
  3. **Diplomatic Relations**: Acting as an intermediary between the local ruler and foreign traders, handling diplomatic relations, and ensuring that the interests of the state were protected.
  4. **Conflict Resolution**: Settling disputes among traders or between traders and locals, ensuring smooth and continuous trade operations.
  5. **Security and Order**: Maintaining security within the port area, protecting it from piracy, theft, and other threats.
Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on June 5, 2024 at 3:57pm

Importance in Trade Networks

The shahbandar played a pivotal role in making the Malay ports attractive and safe for foreign traders. Prominent ports in the Malay world, such as Melaka (Malacca), Aceh, and Johor, relied heavily on the efficiency and capabilities of their shahbandars. For instance, Melaka, during its height in the 15th century, was one of the most important trading hubs in Southeast Asia, and the shahbandar there was instrumental in managing its complex trade networks.

Influence and Legacy

The position of the shahbandar had a lasting impact on the administrative systems of ports in the Malay world. Their governance practices influenced local laws and regulations related to trade, some of which have carried over into modern port management systems. The legacy of the shahbandar highlights the importance of organized and efficient port administration in the historical development of Southeast Asia's maritime economy.

Decline and Transition

The role of the shahbandar began to decline with the advent of European colonial powers in the region, such as the Portuguese, Dutch, and British, from the 16th century onwards. These colonial powers introduced their own administrative systems and regulations, which often replaced the traditional roles of local officials like the shahbandar. However, the historical significance of the shahbandar remains a testament to the rich maritime heritage of the Malay world.

The "shahbandar" was a crucial official in the Malay world, particularly during the height of the Malacca Sultanate in the 15th and 16th centuries. Derived from Persian, the term translates to "harbor master" or "port official." The shahbandar was responsible for overseeing port activities, managing trade, and ensuring the collection of customs duties. This role was essential in facilitating the region's vibrant maritime trade, attracting merchants from across Asia and beyond. The shahbandar also served as a mediator between the local rulers and foreign traders, ensuring smooth commercial operations and contributing to the economic prosperity of the Malay ports.

In Chinese, the term "shahbandar" is often translated as "沙班达" (shā bān dá). However, a more specific term that directly relates to the role and function of a shahbandar is "市舶司" (shì bó sī). The 市舶司 was an official in charge of maritime trade and foreign trade affairs, similar to the shahbandar's responsibilities in the Malay world. This term was used during various Chinese dynasties, particularly during the Song and Ming periods, to designate officials who oversaw trade in major port cities. (愛墾编註:亦称“港务官”.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on May 30, 2024 at 5:27pm

喬治·桑塔亞納(George Santayana,1863-1952)箴言




不管你現在多大年紀, 生活其實有無限可能! 選擇自己要過的生活,是人生最重要的事。 別忘了與最親愛的人, 分享每一個可以更幸福的機會, 讓每個都會或即將步入老年的人, 都能擁有最簡單的心靈滿足。 塔莎·杜朵 《塔莎奶奶的美好生活》

塔莎·杜朵 《塔莎的世界》

我讀故事的時候就像看電影,全是流動的畫面和各種各樣的色彩。書籍對我來說是十分真實的。我非常崇拜艾米莉·狄金森,她說:“沒有任何快艇像一本書,可以帶我們到遙遠的國度。” 塔莎·杜朵 《塔莎的世界》



就本土文化而言,具體表現於鄉土教學、母語教學及多元文化教育等。本土化的倡導,不僅立基於本身文化的尊重與學習的必然性,且亦是跳脫出現代化整體性、確定性所造成的迷思,尋求並肯定自身與眾不同的差異(Yahoo 網站,2003)

在整個過程中,不是刻意強調或推展各種文化以凸顯本土化與多元化,這只是象徵性的改變,其最根本的是培養學生對於差異的尊重與感受力,思考方式的改變才是走出現代迷思的指標。(黃秀香,2003 ,後現代思潮對現代社會工作實務理論與處遇的影響及反思,台灣《社區發展季刊》104 期,321頁至341頁)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on May 28, 2024 at 2:57pm

(波蘭)米沃什:禮 物










西川 譯


波蘭詩人米沃什(Czesław Miłosz)是1980年諾貝爾文學獎得主,讀了他這首詩,就覺得今天過得很實在。特別是這一句:





Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on May 11, 2024 at 4:41pm












張蘊嶺:大變局下的中國話語構建之道原見:爱思想 2022-04-29,作者為中國社會科學院學部委員、研究員,山東大學特聘人文一級教授) 

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on April 10, 2024 at 4:04pm























Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 12, 2024 at 1:30pm

Professionally Generated Content (PGC)

Professionally Generated Content (PGC) is that content generated by the brand itself in order to let people know its brand and much more than they have to offer through images, videos, blog posts etc.

When compared to UGC, PGC not only ensures good quality content but also is equipped with good capabilities of commerce and operations. The PGC team can invest more time, energy and money in producing videos as they pay more attention to the quality content and the message being sent to the viewers and customers. They plan to be real and formal when it comes to promoting their brand, unlike UGC. PGC platforms usually attract a large number of viewers and customers because of offering the best of content and deals.

The content created professionally does justice to its name as it is very apt and aims to let viewers have complete information about their product or brand in such a manner that indeed involves them in knowing about it even more.

There is no worry of quality of content, the participation of fans as such or consumption of time like UGC as the brand themselves keeps a check on all of the above and thus performs accordingly.

The main issue with videos or content created by a professional production company is the perceived value given by high-quality content. PGC also holds a level of perfection when it comes to people working with the process as there’s a lot to research on and know about people’s interests and values and what they’d be looking for.

It takes efforts and hard work to create a platform that would attract customers and let the business flourish. Abiding the laws, keeping a factual check, interests of the viewers, participation percentage and a lot more is associated with PGC platform.

Though there are both pros and cons of UGC and PGC, we still wonder who’d be taking over the throne of Social Market and how would it be possible with time?

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 3, 2024 at 11:32am

How to write a book proposal by by Joanna Ebenstein

I have always loved books. When I was a child, our big weekly outing was a visit to the library where my sisters and I were allowed three books each. My mother, an avid reader, kept the house stocked with paperbacks sourced from a local thrift store, so growing up we had at our disposal everything from Colleen McCullough’s The Thorn Birds to Simone de Beauvoir’s The Mandarins to Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot. For fun, my sister Donna and I even wrote back-cover copy for books of our own invention. When we grew up, we planned to team up to write and illustrate books of our own.

Of course, that is not exactly how things worked out. But I did go on to work in the publishing world as a book designer, editor, and publisher. And, I also did end up writing my own back-cover copy, and later, my own books.

I learned to write book proposals directly from the editors to whom I pitched my first ideas. The first proposal I wrote was for a book about my favorite museum in San Francisco, Musée Mechanique, for Chronicle Books. It was not accepted—the sales team thought the project was too local-interest—but writing that proposal gave me the template and approach that I went on to utilize again and again, ultimately with much success.

What writing book proposals taught me is how to effectively communicate a book idea to a publisher. I came to realize that a book proposal is not a lofty, idealistic presentation of one’s brilliant idea, but rather a persuasive document meant to convince a publisher to spend their time—and, more to the point, their money—on your idea. As publishing becomes increasingly competitive and publishers less willing to take risks, a good, persuasive proposal is more important than ever before.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 3, 2024 at 11:31am

In the following guide, I will lay out what I have learned from both my personal experiences and through years of conversations with friends who have either published books or worked as literary agents. This guide is intended to help people at any stage of developing a book they would like to see in the world. — Joanna Ebenstein

What is a book proposal?

A book proposal is a document intended to convince a publisher that your project is economically viable for their publishing house. It needs to persuade its reader that your idea has enough commercial potential that the publisher should take the risk of putting money and resources into your book.

Beyond that, book proposals are also wonderful developmental tools. The act of writing one will help you clarify your thoughts and find a way to express your book idea clearly and succinctly. It will also help you understand the essence of your project so that you can communicate it with more ease.
When writing your proposal it is important to think about your audience. It is very likely that your proposal will be read by someone who does not know you or anything about your subject. With this in mind, how can you describe your project in such a way that it sounds interesting and compelling, and above all, economically viable? And remember, convincing this reader is only the first step. If they get behind your project, they will then have to convince the publisher’s sales team and/or finance department that it is worth the risk.

I have personally found it very valuable—before sitting down to write the proposal—to talk to friends about my book idea. I observe what I end up saying again and again, or how the story unconsciously changes over time in response to their questions and feedback. When do their eyes light up? When do they get excited? Pay attention, and note the way that even without consciously intending it, you are crafting a stronger, more rousing pitch. Really seek out the parts of your pitch that illicit passion, conviction, and persuasion. Once you have fine-tuned your argument in this way, it’s time to sit down to write your proposal.

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, supports creators since July, 2009.


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