Sattar Bawany·領導力4.0:最好的管理者很可能是最無趣的管理者(中)

As part of the cognitive transformation, digital leaders who think differently by applying innovative thinking to their managerial leadership challenges is one step in creating an innovative, organizational response to changes resulting from Industry 4.0. What is required is to develop a culture of innovation, where others throughout the organization apply innovative and creative thinking to solve problems and develop new products and services.



Studies have shown the climate for creativity in organizations is directly attributable to leadership behavior. What this means is that leaders must act in ways that promote and support organizational innovation by demonstrating specific competencies, skills, and behaviors known as cognitive readiness that would support an innovative and knowledge-driven learning organization.



This new normal is challenging leaders to find new ways to lead their organizations and achieve sustained success as reflected in the latest Report ‘2019 Trends in Executive Development: A Benchmark Report’ published by Executive Development Associates (EDA), a pioneer in custom executive development in partnership with BTS, a world leader in business simulations.

這種新常態正在挑戰領導者尋找領導其組織並取得持續成功的新方法,這反映在由高層管理人員發展協會(EDA)發佈的最新報告《 2019年高管發展趨勢:基準報告》中,該協會與全球領先的商業模擬公司BTS合作,成爲定制高管開發的先驅者。


The impact of digital disruption has to be managed along side the more general volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) operating conditions of recent years. An ability to calculate and manage/mitigate risk will, therefore, be another key requirement of leaders seeking to propel their organizations into the digital age. Navigating a course through these difficult conditions may also force leaders to look at their individual leadership style and decide whether it needs to be adjusted.

數字化顛覆的影響必須與近年來更普遍的不穩定的、不可預測的、複雜的和模糊的(VUCA,volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity )運營條件一起加以管理。因此,計算和管理/化解風險的能力,將是領導者推動組織進入數字化時代的另一個關鍵要求。要在這些睏難的條件下繼續前進可能還會迫使領導者審視自己的領導風格,並決定是否需要對其進行調整

Embrace and Encourage Innovation


Corporations need to offer some flexibility in order to be able to adopt digital platforms and strategies. Great talent thrives on impact and innovation — the same things a company needs to survive in the future. If a company prioritizes its processes over smart and impactful contributions, it is setting itself up to lose creativeup-and-comers, not to mention potentially falling behind the competition. Innovators and change-makers set bold ambitions and work on the edge of possibility. Employees working in the trenches often find the most efficient solutions, and it is often best to follow their lead.


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