Sattar Bawany·領導力4.0:最好的管理者很可能是最無趣的管理者(下)

Be open to creative employee solutions and a good leader needs to be open to that kind of innovation rather than trying to put limits on innovation. For example at Google, one of its most famous management philosophies is something called “20% time”. Employees are encouraged to spend 20 percent of their time working on what they think will most benefit Google, in addition to their regular projects. This empowers them to be more creative and innovative. In some ways, the idea of 20 percent time is more important than the reality of it as it operates somewhat outside the lines of formal management oversight, and always will because the most talented and creative people can’t be forced to work.



Set the stage for innovation by breaking down barriers and empowering your workforce. Give employees the opportunity to venture out of their standard career paths and customize their jobs to align with their personal and evolving skill sets, interests, and career goals. Provide a more open work environment with increased information transparency and trust in expertise by changing the default content and process working mechanisms from private to public.



Leadership 4.0 is, in fact, more important in times of change than at any other, but its nature has perhaps changed somewhat to take into account the more collaborative nature of the digital workplace. The digital revolution not only opens up new opportunities for how organizations arrange work and structure themselves, but it also leads to new ways of working and leading high-performing teams.

實際上,領導力4.0在變革時期比其他任何時期都更爲重要,但是考慮到數字化工作場所更具協作性的特點,其性質可能有所改變。數字化革命不僅爲組織如何安排 和組織架構提供了新的機會,而且還帶來了新的工作方式和領導高績效團隊的方式。


Though some traditional leadership capabilities still remain critical to successfully lead in the digital era (e.g., creating and communicating a clear vision, motivating and empowering others, etc.), there are also new requirements for leaders at all levels of the organization. These demand a dynamic combination of a new mindset and behaviors, digital knowledge and skills that are critical to leading teams in the digital era.



As digital impacts the entire organization, it requires effective leadership at all levels to drive the digital strategy going forward. As digital transformation expands across the organization and the “war for talent” continues, organizations need to consider a more structured approach to building a healthy leadership pipeline with the necessary capabilities to lead in the digital era. They can do this by placing potential leaders in positions that stretch them beyond their current competencies and skills, to coach them and support them on building new digital capabilities as rapidly as possible.

隨着數字化對整個組織的影響,需要各個層面的有效領導力來推動數字化戰略的發展。隨着數字化轉型在整個組織中的擴展和 "人才爭奪戰 "的持續進行,組織需要考慮一種更結構化的方法,以建立一個健康的領導力渠道,使其具備在數字化時代的領導能力。要做到這一點,他們可以通過將潛在的領導者安排在超越其現有能力和技能的崗位上,指導並支持他們儘快建立新的數字化能力。


Maybe one day in the future, everyone in every the organization will be a leader but for now, the traditional practice of leadership remains as vital as it ever was.


Prof Sattar Bawany CMEC,Author, Transforming the Next Generation of Leaders in the Digital-driven Industry 4.0;《轉型數字驅動工業4.0中的下一代領軍人物》作者

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