

In this way, we have obtained the six elements of literature and the six functions of literature by referring to Jakobson's six elements, following the principle of one-to-one correspondence. This is shown in the diagram.



Thus, we have followed the path pointed out by Jakobson and took one small step further than Jakobson, obtained a new explanation. Literary activity, like linguistic activity, has meaning arising from the process of communication. And in this process, there are six necessary elements, each of which affects the production of meaning. And each element each function, in different specific situations, has the potential to dominate the whole process of communication.


There are many literary theorists who have made similar attempts to attribute literary theory to a few core elements in order to obtain an overall explanatory framework. Had Jakobson been left to do this work, he might have proposed an isomorphic framework for literary studies based on his own linguistic framework, as described in this sub-section above. Probably one of the best known of these attempts is the four-elements literary theory proposed by the American literary theorist, M. H. Abrams, in The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition (1971). Simply put, this theory holds that every work always involves four elements, the work, the author, the reader, and the world. We find that the first three elements are exactly opposite to Jakobson's Addresser, Addressee and Message. The world, on the other hand, corresponds roughly to Jakobson's context. It would seem that Jakobson's framework is even more refined, noting the usually neglected elements of the medium: contact and code.


Although we cannot conclude that the six-elements literary theory, which comes from Jakobson, is able to encompass all possible theses of literary theory, the refinement and breadth of this framework is also already very satisfactory. And such a framework can be obtained simply by building on his foundation and following his direction by corresponding the six elements of language, one by one, to the terms of literary criticism as they are.

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