

Firstly, there is the addresser, the addressee, and the message. Within a literary event, the Work is always transmitted from the Author to the Reader. The Work, the Author, and the Reader are the basic elements of a literary event. The literary activity can also be seen as discourse: the author creates a work and the reader reads it. Then there are three objective conditions, contact, code, and context. A literary work always has a physical vehicle, a Media, paper or electronic, or be read to someone else, which is the contact. A literary work must be created and read in a Language, Chinese or English, or another language, this is the code. A literary work always has a meaning that can be understood in a certain cultural Context; this is the context.

Therefore, we can use such a diagram to represent these six elements.




Each element in turn corresponds to six functions.

The Author corresponds to the Expressed function; the work is always something that the author uses to express what he or she thinks and feels. The Reader corresponds to the Accepted function; the reader always re-interprets and re-interprets the work within his or her own consciousness. The Work corresponds to the Self-consistent function, the work is always seen as an inherently self-sufficient system of symbols, an object. The Media corresponds to the Circulated function, in which the work circulates in reality on a material basis. Language corresponds to the Meta-lingual function, exploring the expression and usage of a certain language, becoming a 'paradigm for the use of English'. Context corresponds to the Cultural function, where the work refers to certain ideas and cultures.


These six functions can also be represented in the form of a diagram.



A literary event is always made up of six basic elements, corresponding to six possible functions. And the work may be dominated by different functions in a given situation. For example, the work may be a tool for the author to express his thoughts and emotions, its dominant function is expressed. It may be typical of the shaping of national language usage, and this is a meta-lingual function.

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