


In his essay Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics (1960), Jakobson proposes a linguistic framework containing the six elements and, in accordance with the usual formalist understanding, interprets the function corresponding to one of them as poetic. This is Jacobson's final attempt to answer the central formalist question of the opposition between linguistics and poetics: he attempts to reconcile the two at issue and proposes a framework that embraces both, allowing the independent poetics of the formalist quest to be grounded in linguistics and thus gain conclusive scientific validity.


We have already criticized this interpretative scheme in the second subsection. However, if we remove this formalist stereotype and think a little further along the lines of linguistics to poetics, on the basis of the six elements of linguistics, we can obtain a new interpretative scheme. And this requires simply translating the six elements of linguistics into the six elements of literature, just one by one.


However, let us consider this question. Why, again drawing inspiration from linguistics, did structuralism succeed in building a theory that explains an entire sign system, that is, culture, while formalism failed in explaining a particular sign system, that is, literature? From a reinterpretation of Jacobson's six-factor theory, we might gain an answer: the resources of linguistics cannot provide particularity, but only universality, a universal framework. Finding the particularity of the poem in linguistics is impossible to achieve, as Jacobson, and formalism in general, has shown us. But what if one goes in search of a universal framework for linguistics that can be applied to poetics?


So, I think this is the point of re-reading this old article by Jakobson, that although there are some ideas that we may no longer be able to accept, there is still the potential to unearth something new. This is not only true of Jakobsons view, but I suppose it is also true of Russian Formalism. The idea of poetry and estrangement can be discarded, but does Formalism not also have the potential to be rediscovered and to find something new? That is for further research to tell us in the future.


[1] Roman Jakobson, Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics, in Style in Language, ed. by Thomas A. Sebeok (New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., London, 1960), p.350

[2] 同上 p.356

[3] 同上 p.356

[4] 同上 p.357

[5] 同上 p.356

[6] " Zadaci poetiki," Voprosy teorii literatury: Stat'i 1919-1926 (Leningrad, 1928), p.39·, cited from Peter Steiner, Russian Formalism: A Meta-poetics (1984, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London), p.138



Roman Jakobson, Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics, in Style in Language, ed. by Thomas A. Sebeok (New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., London, 1960)


Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction (London, Blackwell Press, 1996)


Victor Erich, Russian Formalism: History and Doctrine (Pair, New York, The Hague Mouton, 1980)


Peter Steiner, Russian Formalism: A Meta-poetics (New York, Cornell University Press, 1984)


Jonathan D Culler, Structuralist poetics: structuralism, linguistics, and the study of literature (London, Routledge Press, 2002)


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