

Poetic, Emotive, Conative, Phatic, Meta-linguistic and Referential - these are the six functions of language. Jakobson also uses a diagram to represent these six functions.



The study of the Poetic function of language is poetics. Because the Poetic function is one of the six functions of language, poetics, which studies Poetic, cannot exist apart from the study of linguistics. In turn, it is impossible to study language in isolation from its poetic function. Nor is it possible to study poetry and poetics in isolation from linguistics. Thus, linguistics and poetics are very closely related, and poetics is an inseparable part of linguistics.


Returning, then, to Jacobson's goal at the outset, how does this poetic function help us to distinguish between poetry and non-poetry and thus establish the basis for a supreme poetics?

雅各布森之後又補充道,「詩性功能不是語言藝術唯一的功能,而是它的主導性的決定性的功能;而在其他的語言活動中,它是附屬的次要的功能。」[3] 對詩性功能進行研究的語言學研究必須邁出詩的範圍,對詩歌的研究也不能僅限於它的詩的功能。在很多不是詩的文本中,我們也能看到詩性功能的應用,比如一段廣告也可能通過詩性來吸引人消費;詩歌也不僅有是應用了詩的功能,也應用了語言的其他功能,抒情詩顯然就使用了情緒的功能。雖然詩性不局限於詩,但詩一定是把詩性作為核心功能的信息。

Thus, Jakobson later adds that 「Poetic function is not the sole function of verbal art but only its dominant, determining function, whereas in all other verbal activities it acts as a subsidiary, accessory constituent"[3] Linguistic studies that examine the poetic function must step beyond the poem, and the study of poetry cannot be limited to its poetic function. In many texts that are not poems, we can also see the application of the poetic function, for example, an advertisement may also be poetic in order to attract consumption; poetry also applies not only the poetic function but also other functions of language, and lyric poetry obviously uses the emotive function. Although poetics function is not limited to poetry, poetry must be the message that has poetic function as its central function.


In short, the analysis of poetry falls within the scope of poetic studies, which in turn are part of linguistics. Jakobson proposes a linguistic six-elements framework and later attributes the poem to the function corresponding to one of them, thus linking the study of poetics and the study of linguistics, using linguistics to lay the foundations for an independent poetics. This is his six-element theory.


2 對六要素理論的批判A critique of the six-elements theory


Jakobson begins his essay Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics (1960) by stating that the primary issue of poetics is poetic function, that is, the essence of what makes poetry different from non-poetry, and that this makes poetics the first of all kinds of literary studies. In other words, poetics must be able to help us distinguish between poetry and non-poetry. Does the six-elements theory he proposes later on, then, fulfill the task of poetics that he proposes at the beginning? It does not appear to.


Jakobson himself states that poetic function exists both in poetry and in non-poetry. The three examples he gives, 「Joan and Margery」, 「horrible Harry」, and 'I like Ike', all suggest that the use of non-poetic languages, such as everyday conversation and campaign slogans, is also full of what he calls the poetic function. The poetic function is not just in the poems. And poems use not only poetic function, but also uses other functions of language. Epic poetry uses the Referential function, lyric poetry uses the Emotive function, and second-person poetry uses the Conative function. It is Jakobson's conclusion: 「As we said, the linguistic study of the poetic function must overstep of the limits of the poetry, and, on the other hand, the linguistic scrutiny of the poetry cannot limit itself to the poetic function.」[4]

(原題:〈語言學和詩學:對雅各布森六要素理論的批判和新解〉更多精彩内容請點擊 》知乎

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