

To complete this transmission process, the act of speech, a number of objective conditions are also required. Firstly, there is the Contact; the transmission of a message requires a medium, whether this medium is visual or auditory, a phenomenon of sound or light or, for that matter, paper or electronic. For example, if A and B speak face to face, the transmission of sound through the air is the contact. Secondly, there is the Code, the message must be written in the form of a type of code, and both the addresser and the addressee have this code in their possession. For example, if A and B speak through English, English is the code. Finally, there is the Context, where the addresser and the addressee must refer to the same thing, in relation to some context, in order to understand each other. Only when both are in the same context does the message have a meaning that both can understand.


The Message moves from the Addresser to the Addressee through the Contact, the Code and the Context. This is Jakobson's linguistic six-elements theory, which can be represented in the following diagram.



These six elements correspond to the six functions of language. In linguistic activity, the Message undertakes not a single function, but a complex variety of functions. Each function is necessary in the process of communication. However, the dominant function of a message varies in a different specific situation and may favor one or some specific elements and functions.


Jakobson then explains these six functions in detail. The function corresponding to the Addresser is that Emotive. The speaker always expresses his or her emotional attitude to what he or she is talking about. The function corresponding to the Addressee is that Conative. An imperative sentence is a sentence that asks the hearer to do something, which is conative. In contrast, a declarative sentence simply conveys information. Contact corresponds to the Phatic function of language. "Can you hear me?" The purpose of this sentence is to confirm that the contact is good. The Code corresponds to the Meta-linguistic function. "What does the word you just mentioned, 貓, mean in English? It's cat." This conversation simply confirms the correspondence of words in different languages. Context correspondence is a Referential function. Words spoken always point to something specific, for example what to eat in the evening points to a specific food.

而信息這個要素對應的就是語言的詩性功能。「指向信息本身和僅僅為了獲得信息的傾向,就是語言的詩性功能。」[2] 一條信息能夠吸引聽眾注意力,有可能只是因為它具有特別的表達方式。它或許押韻了,或許是使用了諧音,或者念起來很有力度。換了一種表達方法,就能引起聽眾注意到信息本身,而不是被信息指稱的事物,雅各布森認為這就是語言的詩性功能的體現。

The element of Message corresponds to the Poetic function of language. 「The set (Einstellung) toward to the MESSAGE as such, focus on the MESSAGE for its own sake, is the POETIC function of language.」[2] It is possible that a message can capture the attention of an audience simply because it has a particular way of expression. It may rhyme, perhaps use harmonies, or be pronounced with great force. A change of expression draws the listener's attention to the message itself, rather than to the thing to which it refers, and Jakobson sees this as a manifestation of the poetic function of language.

(原題:〈語言學和詩學:對雅各布森六要素理論的批判和新解〉更多精彩内容請點擊 》知乎

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