

According to Jakobson's definition at the outset, the poetic function to be studied in poetics is the essence that makes a text a work of art. If, then, such a remarkable poetic essence can be found in many texts that are not poems, then this poetic nature does not seem to help us distinguish between poetry and non-poetry. Not only does it not help, but it confuses the distinction between the two.


Jakobson seems to have realized this as well. So, he adds some explanation after the six-elements theory. The poetic function, while not the only function of the poem, is indeed the crucial and dominant essence of poetry. The rhyme which has phonetic beauty also uses the poetic function, but does not make this function as decisive as it is in a true poem. In short, while the poetic function is not confined to poems, poems must be texts that use poetic function as a central function.


Yet this patch is no more than a small band-aid over a huge chasm, still failing to bridge the gap between the actual poem and what he calls the poetic from linguistics, or even to explain his own examples: the epic poem is poetry, but its dominant function appears to be referential; the lyric poem is poetry, but its dominant function appears to be emotive; the second-person poem that calls out to the reader appears to have a dominant function that is conative. In these types of poetry, it seems that poetic is not the dominant function of the text. As it is in other non-poetic texts, the poetic function is only used as a means to achieve other functions. We can also give many examples to refute Jakobson's point, such as the novel, which belongs to prose. No one would doubt that the novel is not literature, but most novels clearly do not use the poetic function which Jakobson referred as a dominant creative intention. In fact, genres such as naturalism instead pursue a purely denotative function, making language completely transparent - even such a novel, which is explicitly opposed to poetic, is still literary.


We can also counter Jakobson in another way. If one function of language corresponds to one type of text, and the self-referentiality of language as Message corresponds to a type of text called poetry, then other functions of language should similarly correspond to another type of text. But do such correspondences exist for other functions? We do not seem to be able to find a text type that corresponds to other functions such as the referential function, the emotive function, etc. Let us consider this question in reverse. The types of texts that are juxtaposed with poetry are usually history, philosophy, etc. If poetry corresponds to one of the functions of language, do history and philosophy have a similar corresponding object? Nor can we seem to find one.

(原題:〈語言學和詩學:對雅各布森六要素理論的批判和新解〉更多精彩内容請點擊 》知乎

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