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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 29, 2024 at 11:09am

Tasik Chini Biosphere Reserve

Malaysia Ecological Characteristics

The freshwater lake, together with the drainage basin, the gazzetted Tasik Chini State Park including the 641 m Bukit Chini showed habitats that are endemic only to Tasik Chini which represent habitat only found in this area.

Other species characteristic of the extreme lowlands may also be present and are of considerable conservation interest due to their diminishing low land habitats elsewhere within Peninsular Malaysia.

The natural freshwater lake included in the Reserve, has its own economical benefits. Of the two beautiful natural lakes in Peninsular Malaysia, Tasik Chini is the second largest natural lake which is located 100 km away from the state capital of Pahang called Kuantan. With the barraging of the only river, Sungai Chini, that drains the lake, Tasik Chini is always flooded even during the drier season to encourage ecotourism throughout the year.

Socio-Economic Characteristics

The government and local communities are integrally involvedin all resource planning and management initiativesin the region. Forest management occurs within the context of the most stringent government-sponsored guidelines in Malaysia, under the guidance of a joint government-local community and government management board; on going ecosystem health is the primary consideration in all development decisions.

For sustaining the natural lake as an ecotourism site it has to be managed sustainably. An initiative by one of the leading local university in Malaysia, University Kebangsaan Malaysia Tasik Chini Research Centre was formed to overseer research and Integrated Water Research Management (IWRM) programmers in Tasik Chini.

The researches are based on freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, management, pollution, services, ecotourism, ecohydrology and community of the Orang Asli living in the area. Such research opportunities are attracting scientists and students from around the world to this area.


Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 17, 2024 at 11:46am

Agong hopes traditional elements of Pekan will be preserved despite development

PEKAN, Oct 22 — Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah has expressed hope that the traditional elements of the Pekan Royal Town will be preserved and upheld despite going through the process of modernisation.

His Majesty said he had been informed about the Pekan Sentral development, which will include a new market, bus terminal, and business centre, as well as the upgrading of the old Pekan town to beautify its surroundings.

“The emergence of modern buildings and architecture should not justify the extinction of the value of art and local cultural heritage.

“More sustainable development combined with efforts to ensure environmental sustainability, the preservation of traditional elements and the local architectural heritage, in my opinion, will make Pekan a superior city and capable of being recognised as one of the country’s main destinations,” he said.

Al-Sultan Abdullah said this during the proclamation ceremony of the Municipal Council of the Royal Town of Pekan, here yesterday.

Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah and their children, including the Regent of Pahang Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah were also in attendance.

Also present were Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming and the administrative line of the Pahang government led by Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.

Al-Sultan Abdullah said the initiative of the Ministry of Local Government Development regarding the Guidelines for Planning and Development (GPP) of the Royal Town will be presented at the next meeting of the Conference of Rulers, adding that he was informed an allocation of RM90 million has been approved.

Al-Sultan Abdullah said the Pekan Town Council was established in 1924 and was replaced by the Pekan Town Board on Nov 1, 1968, which was later upgraded to the Pekan District Council on July 1, 1988.

The Pekan District Council was gazetted as the Pekan Municipal Council on July 30, which personally pleased Al-Sultan Abdullah as it is His Majesty’s birthdate.

“This town, which is full of nostalgia, and its people will always have a place in our hearts. Let us pray that the Royal Town will continue to develop and forge a name as a superior municipality and its people will always be protected by Allah S.W.T,” he said. — (Sunday, 22 Oct 2023 Bernama)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 12, 2024 at 4:41pm

ONG HAN SEAN: Kuantan’s new international airport to open in 2026

THE new Kuantan International Airport, which will be part of the Pahang Aerospace City, is expected to be operational in 2026.

Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail said the high-impact RM2bil development project in Gebeng would replace the existing Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Airport and support the Third National Physical Plan as a national transit development city (sea, air and land) in an integrated manner.

“This project was planned at the end of 2019 and received the approval of the 39th National Physical Planning Council chaired by the Prime Minister last Oct 21.

“The implementation of this project also takes into account other economic hub factors such as its location in the Gebeng Industrial Area, being close to the Kuantan Port (294 Nautical Miles from Singaport Port,by road 305 KM)and the East Coast Rail Link (iconada's note: the nearest station is Paya Besar, Gembang, which is 62 km away from Pekan) project, as well as being the main gateway to the east coast states,” he said in a statement.

Wan Rosdy had accompanied Pahang Regent Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Ibni Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah in witnessing the signing of two memorandum of understanding (MOU) to build the airport and development of the Aerospace City.

The Kuantan International Airport MOU was signed by Pahang Corporation Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Mohd Khusaini Harumaini, Gading Group Bhd executive chairman Datuk Seri Johari Harun representing the main developer and AVIC International head of delegation to Malaysia Zhuo Yue, representing the strategic partner.

For the mixed development of Aerospace City, the MOU was signed by Johari for the main developer and Syabas Seribumi Sdn Bhd director Mohamad Nor Hamid, for the strategic partner.

Wan Rosdy said the project was expected to be a catalyst for economic growth in Pahang involving a gross development value of RM7.5bil per year, equivalent to RM150bil over 20 years.

“The state government also aims to capture at least 1% of the Asia-Pacific Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) market estimated at RM15tril.

“The project component involves 70% for MRO and the remaining 30% is for the operation of the airport itself,” he said.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 12, 2024 at 4:39pm

Wan Rosdy disclosed that the project would be developed on 5,042ha of land in Gebeng, in a joint venture through a private- financing initiative with the build-operate-own concept whereby the operation of the airport would be handled entirely by the company through the formation of a special purpose vehicle, namely Pahang Airport Bhd.

“The project will also create new job opportunities with a target of 20,000 jobs for airport operations as well as 30,000 other jobs involving skilled and semi-skilled manpower through the development of the industrial, services and tourism sectors.

“Through this project, Pahang government also aims to increase tourist arrivals to 40.79 million by 2050 after taking into account a normal situation without pandemic issues and the entry of new investors,” he added.

Wan Rosdy hoped that the plans to establish the Pahang Aerospace City could be realised and in turn, make Pahang the top choice for investors, especially with the services available and the strategic geo-economic factors of the east coast.

(Metro News The Star; Tuesday, 12 Jul 2022)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 20, 2023 at 9:56pm



也謝謝他的同學Chin Siow Eng的口述歷史,Hjh Rosmawati Abdul Aziz珍貴的歷史照片。


Message by Chin Siow Eng:

Very imaginative guesses abt the chimneys haha. When the old police quarters were demolished and turned into a park, they kept some of the chimneys. One of my old classmates used to live at the police barrack, a stone’s throw from our primary sch. Enlarge photo to hv an idea how the barrack looked like, each unit with its own kitchen( n chimney). Photo courtesy of my old classmate, Hjh Rosmawati Abdul Aziz.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 19, 2023 at 5:29pm











蔡漢生同學回應: 當年古來的警察局就是在這裏,這裏有一排警察宿舍,一個煙囪一個家庭的廚房

我: 這麽靠近,像是膠園“公司屋”那樣的建築。茅廁與洗澡間都是在外面共用的。我根據小時候去過新港,二號公司,三號公司等處的模糊印象猜測。

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 16, 2023 at 11:10am









特色小鎮是促進高質量發展的重要平台。近些年,在國家系列政策的引導下,各地健全特色小鎮管理機制,特色小鎮進入規範健康發展軌道。從長遠看,中國特色小鎮建設大有可爲,這張新名片將越來越閃亮。(人民日報海外版;2023-11-03;原標題:把特色小鎮的名片擦得更亮[品牌論] )

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 14, 2023 at 5:06pm


説道全球海釣勝地大家,釣友們都會想到阿拉斯加、馬代、斐濟、濟州島.. ...等等這些著名的熱門海釣點,但是本人比較喜歡那種安靜,人烟稀少的地方,更好的感受大自然,放空自己。在一次偶然的機會,我從朋友那里得知有一個小衆的神秘海域,人烟稀少,資源豐富,聽得我怦然心動,立馬計劃了行程,準備去探索一下這篇神秘海域。


其實提起這個地方大家也許不會很熟悉,但説起另一個地方,大家肯定都知道的,馬來西亞的旗魚聖地——雲冰。北根在雲冰的北邊,路程不到兩百公里。但是在雲冰的釣季節時間很短,只有短短的幾個月,但是在北根,是沒有季節影響的,只要馬來西亞的禁漁季一過,3-9月這最好的半年里,那是暢釣無阻的,這里更能挑戰釣魚人的夢寐以求的目標,海釣人的夢:GT(英语:giant trevally,日语:Aji)!希望這次北根海釣之旅能讓我不虛此行。 

這里介紹一下牛港鰺:“GT”學名浪人鯵,GT只是它的一個小名,其還有別的稱謂:牛港鰺、珍鰺、銀色巨鰺,是屬於鰺科鰺屬的一種海水魚類。主要分佈在印度太平洋的熱帶或 亞熱帶水域。而浪人鯵還有一個響亮的稱號:“愛吃鳥的戰神”。浪人鰺是鰺科中最大的食肉魚種,能夠躍出水面捕食海鳥,也是這個稱號的由來。 


一: “GT”力大無窮,並且十分的靈活! 











凌晨2點十五在首都機場出發,好像從北京去馬來西亞的都是這班航班,要在天上飛六個多小時,到達吉隆坡,在機場跟領隊碰面,等待同行的其他的五個人,我是第一個到的,可能是我的行李拿的比較早吧,大概二十分鐘, 人到齊了,領隊帶領我們品嚐當地的特色肉骨茶,然後四個小時的車程到達北根,到達目的地,本次的旅行開始了。



今晚就住在這里了,一天的奔波,甚是疲憊,正好休整一晚。(下續); [related article ~~]

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 14, 2023 at 5:04pm
























最後啟程回酒店休息,休整一晚,準備返程了。原載:携程平台; related article)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 12, 2023 at 1:04pm

Pekan Tourism:Royal Town of Malaysia

Pekan is a town in the Pekan District of Pahang in Malaysia. It is popularly known as the "Royal Town of Malaysia" as it is the seat of the Pahang Sultanate. Home to some grand buildings, Pekan town is scenic and pristine with wide clean streets, spacious fields and royal palaces.

Muzium Masjid Sultan Abdullah is a graceful white mosque located in Pekan from the 1930s now renovated to a museum. The mosque is meticulously designed and is a masterpiece. Abu Bakar Royal Mosque is also located in Pekan. It is a Royal Mosque and is built in Moorish Design. Several Sultans and Royal family members rest peacefully in graves in the mausoleum of the mosque. Sultan Abu Bakar museum is also a must visit in Pekan and has a wide collection of relics, chinese glassware and ceramics.

You may also visit Chini Lake which is 70km from Pekan and takes 1 hour by road to reach. It is Malaysia’s largest freshwater lake and is home to Orang Asli who are the oldest habitants of Malaysia Peninsula. Bird watching is also a prevalent activity in Pekan and you can easily spot Hornbills. Pahang Royal Silk Weaving Center, Royal Pekan Golf Club, Royal Pahang Polo Field are among other places worth visiting in Pekan.

Things to do in Pekan

1. Sultan Abdullah Mosque Museum

2. Sultan Abu Bakar Palace

3. Sultan Abu Bakar Museum

4. Royal Pahang Silk Weaving Centre

5. Pekan Riverfront

6. Chini Lake

Food in Pekan

Pekan is well-known for its eateries and delicacies. There is a diverse menu to choose from especially for breakfast. One of the most famous delicacies is that of roti naik, tastes best when eaten hot and fresh. It is a bread bun that is selectively available in a few cities of Johor and Pahang. Another mouthwatering dish is Murtabak which is a stuffed pancake in Malaysian style originally belonging to India. Nasi Dagang, a dish with steamed white rice packed in banana leaves with chunks of fish, is popular among locals and tourists.

There is no dearth of restaurants in Pekan. A majority of the eateries, food stalls and fruits stalls can be found along the streets between padang and Sungai Pahang and also along Sultan Ahmad riverfront. (Source: https://www.holidify.com/places/pekan/

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