遇上·北婆羅洲 01

過去三十年, 看著沙巴首府亞庇加雅街的變化。


最明顯的是身為原來主要民族的杜順人等原住民和華人, 好像變成了外人。

外人反而變成主 人家。

從充滿自信的主人, 變成好像是處處不確定, 想抗拒什麼又想保留什麼的邊緣人。

當我們和更大的新境遇碰面時, 是否重新認識世界與自我的契機?

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Comment by Host Workshop on February 13, 2025 at 10:16am


Over 300 Years of Old Documents, Treaties, and Engagements, Orders of Her Britannic Majesty in Council, the United States of America and the Netherlands 

16th to 17th Century (Between 1500 - 1601)

1599: Letter written by Admiral Oliver van Noort to the Spanish Governor of the Philippines 

1601: Captain Sir James Lancaster’s expedition to Borneo and Brunei 

18th to 19th Century (Between 1700 - 1801)

1760  1769 (British  Sulu  Bornean Chief)

1760: English East India Company Document 

1761: Alexander Dalrymple Treaty & Ratification with the Sultan of Sulu 

1762: British invasion of Manila 

1763: Treaty of Paris; Spanish lost Manila to the British 

1769: First British settlement in Borneo established by the English East India Company 

19th to 20th Century (Between 1800 - 1901)

1843-1878 (British  Brunei  Sulu)

1843: Sultan Muhammad Kanzul Alam to Britain 

1846: British annexation of Labuan 

1878: Treaty between the Sultan of Sulu and Baron von Overbeck & Alfred Dent 

1878: Grant from the Sultan of Brunei to Baron von Overbeck 

1824, 1846, 1871, 1891 & 1915 (British  Netherlands)

1824: Treaty between Her Britannic Majesty & the Netherlands 

1846: Treaty between Great Britain and the Netherlands concerning Borneo 

1871: Treaty between Great Britain and the Netherlands concerning Sumatra 

1891: Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands concerning Borneo 

1915: Final agreement between Great Britain and the Netherlands on Borneo boundary 

Comment by Host Workshop on February 12, 2025 at 3:40pm

1850  1875 (United States  Brunei)

1850: United States  Brunei Treaty 

1855: Sultan of Brunei’s letter to the US 

1865: American Trading Company of Borneo concession 

1875: William Cowie Treaty with the Sultan of Sulu 

1877 & 1885 (Protocol Madrid)

1877: Brunei’s Grant to Baron von Overbeck 

1885: Madrid Protocol, recognition of Spanish rule over the Philippines 

1881  1883 (ODA  British Enclave)

1881: British William Torrey’s Sabah expedition 

1882: British North Borneo Company charter 

1883: British North Borneo Company grants land to German traders 

1877, 1878, 1885 & 1905 (Brunei vs Sulu's Bayan or Enclave)

1884: Alfred Dent’s letter 

1884  1902 (Sultan of Brunei & The Pangarans, British North Borneo Company)

Agreements and correspondence related to the British North Borneo Company and Brunei 

1885 (Brunei Document)

1885: Sultan Abdul Mumin Wills 

1888, 1905 & 1906 (Protectorate Agreement)

1888: Protectorate Agreement 

1905: Protectorate Treaty 

1906: Brunei (Protectorate) Document 

1906 (Labuan, North Borneo & Straits Settlements)

1906: Transfer of Labuan to the British Crown Colony 

1930 (Britain  United States)

1930: Treaty between Britain and the United States regarding North Borneo & Turtle Islands 

1946, 1950  1958, 1962 & 1963 (The North Borneo Order in Council)

Documents related to North Borneo’s transition under British rule 

1963 (Malayan Agreements & Treaties)

1963: Malaysia Agreement, Malaysia Act & Final Proclamation of Malaysia 

1930 (Britain  United States)

1930: Treaty between Britain and the United States regarding North Borneo & Turtle Islands

1946, 1950  1958, 1962; 1963 (The North Borneo Order in Council)

Documents related to North Borneo’s transition under British rule

1963 (Malayan Agreements Treaties

1963: Malaysia Agreement, Malaysia Act; Final Proclamation of Malaysia

This timeline presents a structured historiographical account of North Borneo (Sabah) and Brunei, covering centuries of treaties, agreements, and engagements with British, Dutch, Spanish, American, and local rulers.

Comment by Host Workshop on February 1, 2025 at 10:56pm
Comment by Host Workshop on May 13, 2021 at 10:45am




因為神山是杜順族的聖地,事故發生後,很多媒體(包括馬來西亞本身)才開始想到:我們對杜順族很陌生啊。我因為寫過關於神山(又名中國寡婦山)的組詩,有家媒體也要我針對他們的傳說講點話。此次事故讓我感覺到,做個“沾光式”的“驕傲的國民”還不夠啊,我們對自己的鄉土了解多少?馬來西亞內容、文創工作者還有很遠的路要走。(原載 10.7.2015《愛墾網》

Comment by Host Workshop on December 26, 2020 at 6:31pm




即使是政治聯盟中的“小”夥伴,其實也可以是“關鍵少數”。這精神落實到“創造氣候”的實踐面,便要有這樣的認識與配合:即使是友黨做部長,他/她也有施政的“關鍵績效指標” (KPI);包括在全民鄉區的整体概念下取得成績,以贏得更多的選民支持。





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