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Comment by 史識 庫 yesterday
















以中國為例,改革開放以来,鄧小平創造性引用「小康」概念描繪并墊下中國特色建設的階段性目標。十八大以来,中國更進一步深化對人類文明發展規律的把握,面對「世界怎麼了,我們怎麼辦」的世紀之問,在繼承發展優秀傳統文化的精神下,提出了「講信修睦」「親仁善鄰」的交往之道。造就一個新的文化生命體,朝  更高境界發展。










Spice Island 香料群島

Comment by 史識 庫 on Friday

















Comment by 史識 庫 on December 11, 2023 at 3:39pm










我们这样走過歷史 [馬来群島史]






(The Pahang and Muar Rivers were nearly connected at a place called Jempol 仁保縣, in Negeri Sembilan as the Serting River flows into the Bera River, a tributary of the Pahang River. The Jempol River 珍寶河 then flows into the Muar River)

Comment by 史識 庫 on December 29, 2022 at 11:52am


在王炳文撰写的〈千年絲綢香瓷路 一部文明交匯史〉一文中,提到“長期以來,人們認為海上絲綢之路是在宋元以後興起的,但作者基於對中古佛教與民眾社會生活的深入研究,指出香料需求的激增,與南北朝隋唐以來佛教對大眾生活習慣的影響塑造密不可分,而佛教對民眾行為的規範原因有二,首先在於佛教本身的不斷華化,從初入中國為求適應而借助老莊,到東晉南朝持續的儒佛衝突,直至最終完成佛儒融合;其次則離不開中古後期整個禮法文化的下移。「海絲」的興起源於需求,而需求的產生又離不開民眾思想和社會倫理的嬗變。”

Comment by 史識 庫 on June 6, 2022 at 6:05pm

Creative Economy in ASEAN: (Con't) Towards an Effective Regional Policy making for a Creative Economy in ASEAN. Given the fast moving CCI landscape, it is important that policymaking for the promotion and development of the creative economy stays ahead of the curve and through targeted implementation, catalyse changes and growth for the sector. Governments have a role to encourage and foster the CCI across the creative economy value chain (Rosenweig et al., 2018).

On the supply side, governments can foster the growth of talents and capabilities. People-centred policies must take centre stage by opening opportunities for the development of education, science and technology, and upskilling cultural and creative workers through a culture of lifelong learning. On the demand side, governments can drive demand through branding, supporting market access and development, and protecting intellectual property.

To ensure market efficiency, governments have a role to play especially in developing the ecosystem, including digital and physical infrastructures, and facilitating cultural and creative industries’ access to capital and financing. Equally important is to future-proof efforts by building carbon neutral infrastructures and providing green solutions for the sustainable development of the CCI in the face of climate adversity.

At our regional level, ASEAN has put in place the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework that identifies the creative economy as a sector needing support to recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and as a high potential sector for postpandemic recovery. In addition, the ASEAN’s Strategic Plan for Culture and Arts (2016-2025) further underscores the importance of the CCI as an impetus for regional cooperation.

Alongside these policy pronouncements, regional discussions on the promotion and development of the creative economy are afoot with a pipeline of concrete initiatives led by the ASEAN senior officials responsible for culture and the arts in coordination with the various sectors of the ASEAN Economic Community Pillar and ASEAN Socio Cultural Community Pillar.

A thriving ASEAN creative economy, where citizens can enjoy the curative and creative benefits, requires ASEAN to put in place adaptive and innovative approaches involving stakeholders
across the value chain, including policymakers, administrators, thought leaders, academics, cultural and creative makers, and entrepreneurs. (pg. 11, The ASEAN,Oct-Dec 2021, Author: ERICA PAULA SIOSON, PHD, JONATHAN TAN GHEE TIONG) 

Comment by 史識 庫 on June 1, 2022 at 7:37pm

ASEC2025——the ASEAN Communication Master Plan 2018-2025
This issue on the "Creative Economy" takes on
a topic that is close to the hearts of many ASEAN citizens. In such a diverse and heterogeneous region as Southeast Asia, establishing a genuine community is a challenge for governments and peoples alike.

Creative industries can bridge the gap between
different cultural traditions in the ASEAN Member States and contribute to a common ASEAN identity that still reflects the Community’s rich diversity.

Creative industries in the fields of arts, media, digital
content, and technology play a crucial role in further strengthening the ASEAN community as a whole.
In this regard, it is a particular pleasure for us to work closely together with the ASEAN Secretariat on our cooperation project, ASEC2025, to implement the
ASEAN Communication Master Plan 2018-2025 (ACMP II) with the vision to realise a people-oriented and people-centred ASEAN Community, where the people of ASEAN enjoy the benefits of community-building, reinforcing a sense of togetherness.

ASEAN has tremendous potential when it comes
to the creative industries and more generally the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). To this end, Germany is also pleased to be part of ASEAN’s efforts to internationalise its MSMEs power beyond borders through the launch of ASEAN Access; a regional digital platform that connects ASEAN MSMEs with the global markets. (Ina Lepel Ambassador Designate of the Federal Republic of Germany to Indonesia, ASEAN, and Timor Leste )

Comment by 史識 庫 on May 30, 2022 at 2:05pm

Cultural and creative ASEAN

Cultural and creative content kept many of us grounded and in good spirits during the COVID-19
lockdowns. Yet, ironically, the creators, producers and distributors of this content are among the worst hit by the pandemic-driven recession.

A supportive environment is crucial to the growth of the creative economy. Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Arts and ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture and Arts (AMCA) Chair, Dr. Phoeurng Sackona, shares her country’s policies, investment priorities, and strategic partnerships to create a vibrant business climate for the cultural and creative industries. Our contributors from Singapore and Thailand talk about the importance of a cohesive arts
and culture masterplan, collaborative governance, and investment in people and technology in unlocking the sector’s full potential.

Partnerships and linkages are also necessary to bridge the gap in resources and help groups that may have fallen through the cracks. For example, ASEAN Access, a digital business support and matchmaking platform that caters to micro, small and medium enterprises, was launched with
the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. A creative youth programme, Kita Muda Kreatif, was initiated by UNESCO Jakarta to mentor and develop the business skills of young entrepreneurs living around heritage sites. Creative hubs, such as those
supported by the British Council, benefit the creative enterprises and workers and the entire community.

Comment by 史識 庫 on May 30, 2022 at 2:00pm

For the cultural and creative industries in the region
to rebound stronger from the crisis, key issues must be addressed. There is a need to establish a regional consensus on the definition and scope of the creative economy, close gaps in financing, and address the unequal levels of digital
readiness within countries and the region. Conversations with artists and creative professionals across ASEAN also remind us that we must continue to support them in this ongoing crisis, protect their intellectual and labour rights, and open more opportunities to create and innovate.

The culture and creative industries add value to the economy and at the same time, help solidify our ASEAN identity, notes Minister Phoeurng Sackona. Moreover, they
heighten people’s awareness of and appetite for ASEAN’s rich history, culture, and heritage.

I wish to express my appreciation to the government
of Germany, through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), for partnering with us on this issue. My sincerest thanks also go to our contributors for bringing their knowledge and experience
into the articles.

Finally, I convey my profound gratitude to the government
of India for its unwavering support for The ASEAN magazine.

Ekkaphab Phanthavong
Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN
for the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

Comment by 史識 庫 on May 29, 2022 at 11:05am

The Contribution of Art and Culture to ASEAN Diplomacy——In celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, let's revisit how cultural gifts have been playing a key role in building friendship and collaboration among countries in ASEAN. Learn more about the history of Southeast Asian's regionalism in our Cast But One Shadow: Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities Catalogue.

Hosted at the UP Jorge B. Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Research Center in Manila, the Philippines, Cast But One Shadow AND FILIPINIANA, Cast But One Shadow is the second of three exhibitions that represent a long-term research project instigated by curators Carlos Quijon, Jr. and Kathleen Ditzig.

Developed in partnership with KONNECT ASEAN, an ASEAN Foundation arts programme funded by the Republic of Korea, this series of exhibitions focuses on Afro-Southeast Asian affinities that emerged from decolonization projects during the Cold War. Having launched in January 2021 at the NTU ADM Gallery in Singapore, the third and final iteration of this project will be presented at the ASEAN Culture House, Busan in 2022.

The exhibition features newly commissioned and loaned art works from artists who are engaged with transnational communities of exchange and Cold War political imaginations of race and affinity. Additionally, the exhibition converses with the library and art collection of the UP Vargas Museum as well as a range of historical materials including diplomatic gifts of paintings from former Indonesian President Sukarno to his contemporary Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal.(https://www.aseanfoundation.org 20 May, 2022 4:25 PM )

Comment by 史識 庫 on September 26, 2021 at 1:49pm


越通社消息2021416日,東盟基金會啟動了東盟社會企業發展計劃ASEAN SEDP並以線上方式舉行區域內社會企業相關問題討論會。

在德國國際合作機構(GIZ)SAP集團的協助下,ASEAN SEDP的目的是支持由青年領導的社會企業牽頭為減輕新冠肺炎疫情給地區經濟社會發展帶來的影響作出努力。

首席執行官楊博士(Yang Mee Eng)在致開幕詞時強調,一年多以來,新冠肺炎疫情給區域內人民生活、身體健康以及經濟發展產生巨大負面影響。疫情已凸顯了社會最弱勢群體-青年需要面臨的困難和挑戰。


楊博士透露,ASEAN SEDP的宗旨是激發年輕人的熱情,從而增加區域內社會企業數量。除了幫助青年具備就業技能之外,該計劃還對青年進行經營技能培訓,讓他們對東盟共同體的社會福利作出更多更大貢獻。


負責東盟經濟共同體副秘書長薩特溫德·辛格(Satvinder Singh)評價稱,社會企業是幫助東盟實現各項可持續發展目標的有效工具,也是解決社會問題的最佳途徑。 


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愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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