珍妮拉欣邦: 純粹為表達敬意 沙希盟領導擬宣誓石潑水惹議


公正黨沙巴州主席珍妮·拉欣邦(Jannie Lasimbang)表示,潑水儀式並無惡意,僅是像徵性地表達對宣誓石歷史意義的敬意。她強調:「我們只是想通過這個儀式,提醒大家宣誓石的重要性,以及它與沙巴權益的緊密關係。」




她強調,沙巴希盟始終堅持維護1963年《馬來西亞協議》的精神,並將繼續推動聯邦政府履行對沙巴的承諾。(亞洲時報 9-2-2025 頭版)


楊太伯公 Lumuyu Rock

宣誓石字眼遭篡改   inscription tampered 2015 Sabah earthquake

慕尤丁只是单纯出席与根地咬宣誓石三大承诺的相关活动是不够的。2025 根地咬大水災

At first, when I heard there was a flash flood in Keningau, I thought it was just an "ordinary" flood. After all, which areas haven‘t experienced flooding at some point… except maybe the mountaintops?

But then, when I saw the pictures and videos shared on social media (WhatsApp, Facebook, and TikTok)... aii naa... it turned out to be a massive flood. Many original residents of Keningau said that something like this had never happened before.

It‘s undeniable that we are currently in the rainy season, and floods are occurring everywhere.


Some members of the local community have linked this phenomenon to a ritual conducted not long ago by several leaders (YBs) at Batu Sumpah.

Note: Batu Sumpah is a sacred site for the people of the interior and the indigenous communities of Sabah in general. It was in front of Batu Sumpah that the interior communities and the people of Sabah agreed to join Malaysia in 1963—so you can imagine the immense significance of Batu Sumpah. Any ritual conducted at this site should properly involve the Tindarama, the traditional custodians of customary law.


但是,當我在社交媒體(WhatsApp、Facebook 和 TikTok)上看到分享的照片和視頻時……哎呀,這竟然是一場大洪水!許多根地咬的老居民都說,他們從未見過這樣的情況。



有些當地社區成員認為,這場洪水與不久前幾位領袖(YB)在 宣誓石 (Batu Sumpah) 進行的儀式有關。

註: 宣誓石對於內陸居民和整個沙巴的原住民來說,是一處神聖之地。1963年,正是在 宣誓石前,內陸居民和沙巴人民同意加入馬來西亞。因此,可以想像這塊宣誓石 具有多麼重要的意義。在這片聖地進行任何儀式,理應征詢 Tindarama(傳統習俗的守護者)的意見。

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