文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
The idea of linking linguistics and poetics is evident in the Russian Formalism school. Seeing poetry as the deformation of everyday language and using methods borrowed from linguistics is perhaps the most basic formalist view. The relationship between poetic language and everyday language, the relationship between poetics and linguistics was thus one of the central issues that carried over into the whole of formalism.
就這個問題,形式主義有兩種不同的回答。位於聖彼得堡的OPOJAZ (Society for the Study of Poetic Language)認為詩歌語言和日常語言是兩種不同的東西,詩學應該是獨立於語言學的學科。這一派的代表人物是什克洛夫斯基和艾亨鮑姆。而位於莫斯科的莫斯科語言學學會則認為詩歌語言的詩性是一般語言的一種功能,而詩學是語言學的一部分。這一派的代表則是羅曼雅各布森。
There are two different answers to this question in formalism. The St Petersburg-based OPOJAZ (Society for the Study of Poetic Language) believes that the language of poetry and everyday language are two different things and that poetics should be a separate discipline from linguistics. This school is represented by Viktor Shklovsky and Boris Eikhenbaum. The Moscow linguistic circle in Moscow, on the other hand, believes that the poetic nature of poetic language is a function of language in general, and that poetics is part of linguistics. This school is represented by Roman Jacobson.
In his concluding essay, Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics (1960), Jakobson summarized and developed this thesis by proposing a linguistic theory of six elements, provided his own final answer to this controversy. He attempts to bridge the two opposing positions and provide a linguistic basis for a type of independent poetics - although he is not successful in his efforts.
This article will analyze this important text, introduce Jakobson's six-element theory, and subsequently critique and re-elaborate it.
1 雅各布森的六要素理論 Jakobson's six-element theory
Jakobson opens his article, Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics (1960), with an announcement: he wants to conclude on the question of the relationship between poetry and language.
"Poetics deals with the question, What makes a verbal message a work of art? Because the main subject of poetics is the differentia specifica of verbal art in relation to other arts and in relation to other kinds of verbal behavior, poetics is entitled to the leading place in literary studies. Poetics deals with problems of verbal structure, just as the analysis of painting is concerned with pictorial structure. Since linguistics is the global science of verbal structure, poetics may be regarded as an integral part of linguistics."[1]
Jakobson defines poetics as the most important discipline of all literary studies, explaining why literature differs from other acts of language. Here he makes his identity as a formalist very clear: the pursuit of poetic independence. But, more importantly, it is part of linguistics, so we must combine linguistics and poetics. Jacobson therefore wants to use linguistics to lay the foundations for an independent poetics. Specifically, linguistics consists of six elements and the six functions that correspond to them. And the poetic function of language, which poetics studies, is one of the six functions.
Before discussing the poetic function of language, he argues that it is necessary to understand the relationship between the poetic function and the other functions of language, and where it fits into the overall functional framework.
A speech event is made up of six necessary elements.
A Message, which is always transmitted from the Addresser to the Addressee. A speaks to B. A is the addresser, B is the addressee, and what is said is the message.
(原題:〈語言學和詩學:對雅各布森六要素理論的批判和新解〉更多精彩内容請點擊 》知乎)
雅各布森的另一項貢獻,在於他提出了一種分析溝通的方法。按照雅各布森在1960年出刊的論文《語言學與詩學》(Linguistics and Poetics),溝通可以分成六種元素:
1. 傳送者
2. 接受者
3. 符碼(code,例如語言系統,或索緒爾語言學底下的 langue)
4. 訊息(message,指說話的行為,或稱 parole)
5. 脈絡、語境
6. 媒介(指傳送者與接收者之間存在著的精神上或物理上的聯繫)
這些元素各自能達成六種不同的功能,例如傳遞情感(emotive)、傳遞企圖(conative)、指涉環境或參考物(referential)、社交(phatic)、後設語言(metalinguistic),與及雅各布森最為想要強調的詩學功能(poetic function)——或者說,一種文章的美學。將美學稱作「詩學功能」,出於雅各布森認為在詩歌之中最容易觀察到這種情況。
那麼,這種美學到底是指什麼?理論家喬納森・卡勒(Jonathan Culler)在他的著作《結構主義詩學》(Structurlist Poetics)就分析過: 「語言的詩學用法就是把音韻和語法上互相關聯的語言單元,排列成語序。重複類似的語言單元,把他們排列成齊整的結構形式,這種做法在詩歌中比別的語言形式都更為常見,也更為醒目。」(《Structurlist Poetics》,英文版頁66,簡體中文譯本頁95)
喬納森・卡勒在《結構主義詩學》中 對於這些理論的分析,卡勒提出了一個饒有趣味的批評:也許我們的確可以透過語言學分析,羅列出詩歌的排比、結構對稱、平衡,規劃出一種屬於文本的形式美。但這種形式美的重要性、成因,除了美學之外的文本效果,卻始終不明。
另一個問題是,語言學分析文本應該客觀、公正,像是科學一樣能被複查檢驗。然而分析者選定以某個或者某幾個語言學的元素進行分析,這種選擇卻有很多時候是基於個人的希望,總無法說算得上客觀、公正。( 原文網址: 雅各布森:語言的詩學功能,索緒爾以外的音系學 | 香港01)
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