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Comment by Virunga on October 3, 2024 at 11:32am











科學家Dr. Herbert Benson進行了一系列研究,發現冥想可以顯著改變大腦的活動模式,尤其是在應對壓力時。通過測量實驗參與者的大腦波動,他發現冥想能夠激活大腦的放鬆反應,從而降低心率、減輕焦慮症狀。這表明意念能夠直接影響生理狀態,幫助人體更好地調節情緒和健康。


Dr. William Tiller領導的實驗探索了「意念如何改變物理現實」。在他的研究中,實驗組通過冥想和祈禱的方式,將意念集中在一組遠程的實驗對象上。結果顯示,這些對象的健康狀況顯著改善,證明了意念力可能跨越空間產生影響。這支持了意念的非局限性,表明它不受物理距離的限制。


量子物理學中的著名雙縫實驗,尤其是由Dr. Dean Radin進行的版本,展示了意念如何影響物質的行為。在實驗中,當觀察者的意念集中於粒子時,粒子的行為會發生變化。這表明意念能夠影響量子層面的物質運動,揭示了意念的雙向性,即意識和物質可以相互作用。

Comment by Virunga on October 3, 2024 at 11:32am


心理學家Dr. Rollin McCraty通過研究心率變異性(HRV),證明了情感和意念如何影響身體的心臟節律。他的研究發現,保持積極的意念(如感恩和慈悲)能夠顯著改善心臟的健康狀況。這表明意念與心臟之間存在直接的關聯,並支持了意念的不可簡化性,即情感與生理系統緊密相連。

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz開展了多項研究,探索了能量治療中的意念力。她的實驗表明,患者在接受遠程能量治療時,身體的自愈能力得到了增強。即使治療者與患者相隔甚遠,治療者的意念依然能夠通過某種未解的機制傳遞到患者體內,幫助他們恢復健康。這支持了意念的擴展性和自覺性,即個體的意念可以延展到自己之外,並在治愈過程中發揮作用。


我們的健康與意念息息相關。正如Dr. David Hawkins的研究所揭示的,意念力不僅會影響我們的思想狀態,也會通過改變體內的振動頻率,提升或降低我們的能量水平。當我們保持積極樂觀的心態,身體也會變得更強大。當我們的意念集中在愛、寬容和慈悲時,身體的振動頻率會提升,增強健康;相反,負面的意念則可能導致疾病的產生。



Comment by Virunga on September 25, 2024 at 4:14pm

愛墾APP: 批判薩丕爾的語言文化載體

薩丕爾(Edward Sapir)認為語言是文化的主要載體的理論在語言學、人類學和社會學領域受到了不同程度的挑戰和批判。以下是一些主要的挑戰和批判:





挑戰:普遍語言學:Noam Chomsky 提出的普遍語法理論(Universal Grammar)挑戰了薩丕爾-沃爾夫假說的語言相對論觀點。Chomsky 認為所有人類語言共享一個普遍的結構,而這個結構是由人類生物學的普遍性決定的。因此,語言並不像薩丕爾所認為的那樣對文化有決定性影響,反而語言的基本結構是跨文化的。









Comment by Virunga on September 24, 2024 at 9:03pm

APP Iconada: Horizon of Expectation

"Horizon of expectation" (Erwartungshorizont) is a concept central to Hans Robert Jauss's reception theory, which explores how readers interpret literary texts within their specific historical and cultural contexts. Jauss, a prominent figure in the field of literary theory, argues that a reader's understanding of a text is shaped by their own "horizon of expectation," which includes their cultural background, historical period, and personal experiences. (compare with: The Dream Society)

In the context of poetic and cultural-creative experiences, the horizon of expectation helps us understand that each reader brings their own set of expectations and interpretative frameworks to a text. This horizon is not static; it evolves over time as cultural norms and societal values change. Consequently, the same literary work can be interpreted in various ways depending on when and by whom it is read.

For example, a poem written in the 19th century might be understood differently by contemporary readers compared to its original audience. Modern readers might bring new perspectives influenced by contemporary issues, which can shift the interpretation of the poem's themes, language, and aesthetics.

Jauss's theory emphasizes that this dynamic interaction between the reader’s horizon and the text contributes to a richer and more nuanced understanding of literature. It also highlights how cultural and creative experiences are not fixed but continually redefined by changing expectations and interpretations. This concept encourages a more flexible and historically informed approach to literary criticism, acknowledging that the value and meaning of artistic works are subject to ongoing reinterpretation.

Comment by Virunga on September 24, 2024 at 12:16pm

50 most popular quotations by Karl Kraus

Karl Kraus was an Austrian writer, journalist, and satirist, known for his sharp wit and criticism of the press, culture, and society. His aphorisms are still highly regarded for their insight and biting humor. Here are 50 of his most popular quotations.

1. "The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people meaner."
2. "Journalists write because they have nothing to say, and they have something to say because they write."

3. "Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country."
4. "There are women who can make a man feel that he is a man. That’s why they like women who make them feel they are boys."

5. "Morality is a burglar’s tool whose merit lies in never being left behind at the scene of the crime."
6. "A writer is someone who can make a riddle out of an answer."

7. "The closer the look one takes at a word, the greater distance from which it looks back."
8. "A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait."

9. "Psychoanalysis is that mental illness for which it regards itself as therapy."
10. "Education is what most receive, many pass on, and few possess."

11. "Squeeze human nature into the straitjacket of criminal justice and crime will appear."
12. "Progress, under whose feet the grass is growing, has always been the wrong road for the traveler."

13. "Children play soldiers. That makes sense. But why do soldiers play children?"
14. "A weak man has doubts before a decision; a strong man has them afterwards."

15. "I don’t like to meddle in my private affairs."
16. "He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."

Comment by Virunga on September 24, 2024 at 5:32am

16. "He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."

17. "The truth is always a labyrinth, requiring careful navigation, but its beauties are beyond compare."

18. "The world is a prison in which solitary confinement is preferable."

19. "Democracy means the opportunity to be everyone’s slave."

20. "Laws are like spider webs, which catch the little flies, but let the big ones pass."

21. "The world’s history is one long, gruesome charade in which the worst crimes are sanctioned in the name of progress."

22. "The war has brought out the courage of men and the cowardice of nations."

23. "The invention of printing press has made a bridge between the Tower of Babel and the World Trade Center."

24. "It is the paper that puts the lie in all the mouths."

25. "Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it."

26. "There is nothing so pitiable as a misunderstood and overestimated man."

27. "Morality is a burglar's tool whose merit lies in never being left behind at the scene of the crime."

28. "The price of freedom is eternal surveillance."

29. "Artists have a right to be modest and a duty to be vain."

30. "Language is the mother of thought, not its handmaiden."

31. "What we understand is nothing; we only ever understand ourselves."

32. "The catastrophe of the world is not that people do not know, but that they do not listen."

33. "Love between the sexes is a war. If not for love, the world would not exist."

34. "An aphorism never coincides with the truth: it is either a half-truth or one-and-a-half truths."

35. "People who believe in immortality are like soldiers who shoot at a flag."

36. "The streets of Vienna are paved with culture; the streets of other cities with asphalt."

37. "He who has something to say hides it between the lines."

38. "War is, at first, the hope that one will be better off; next, the expectation that the other fellow will be worse off; then, the satisfaction that he isn't any better off; and finally, the surprise at everyone's being worse off."

39. "Artists have a right to be modest and a duty to be vain."

40. "The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people meaner."

(con't to)

(50 most popular quotations by Karl Kraus)

Comment by Virunga on September 23, 2024 at 11:17pm

爱垦APP: 梦想社会

《梦想社会》(The Dream Society)由罗尔夫·詹森(Rolf Jensen)2001年出版,提出了一个大胆的预言:随着信息时代的结束,人类社会将进入一个以情感、想象力和故事为核心的“梦想社会”。在这个社会中,经济价值将不再主要由物质产品或信息驱动,而是由能够激发人们情感共鸣和满足他们梦想的体验所驱动。







Comment by Virunga on September 23, 2024 at 11:17pm


詹森的“梦想社会”也可以与情动转向(Affective Turn)的理论相联系。他强调,未来的经济驱动力将是情感,而非理性或逻辑。这与情感转向的观点一致,即现代社会的文化创造力越来越多地依赖于情感的流动和表达。詹森的预测在一定程度上预示了一个以情感为核心的文化创造力时代的到来,在这个时代,情感将成为商业和文化生产的核心动力。




背景: 可口可乐一直以来以“快乐”作为品牌核心理念。在全球范围内,它通过各种广告和营销活动,将这一理念深入人心。2011年,可口可乐推出了“分享可乐,分享快乐”(Share a Coke)活动,将经典的可乐瓶标签替换为常见的人名,鼓励消费者购买带有自己或朋友名字的瓶子。

情动转向的体现: 这项活动利用了人们对社交关系的情感依赖,激发了人与人之间的情感联系。消费者通过购买、分享带有名字的可乐瓶,体验到了一种个人化的情感参与,而这种情感参与是基于已有的“快乐”符号和品牌故事之上的。

Nike的“Just Do It”运动与社会正义

背景: Nike的“Just Do It”口号已经成为鼓舞个人追求卓越的全球符号。近年来,Nike通过与知名运动员合作,特别是在涉及社会正义和种族平等的问题上,进一步深化了这个口号的含义。2018年,Nike推出了与NFL运动员Colin Kaepernick合作的广告,Kaepernick因在国歌期间跪地抗议种族不公而闻名。

情感转向的体现: 这次广告活动不仅建立在“Just Do It”这一鼓励个人力量的符号上,还通过与社会正义、种族平等这些更深层次的情感议题相结合,增强了品牌的情感吸引力。这种情感转向将消费者的关注点从个人成功扩展到了社会变革。


背景: 1994年,迪士尼的动画电影《狮子王》(The Lion King)大获成功,成为全球文化符号的一部分。影片通过讲述辛巴的成长故事,探索了家庭、责任和自我发现的主题。2019年,迪士尼发布了这部经典影片的真人版重拍,在全球引发了新一轮的情感共鸣。

情动转向的体现: 《狮子王》的故事情节深植于非洲文化和自然景观之中,影片通过音乐、场景和角色设计,唤起观众对非洲的情感联结。这个情感转向不仅依赖于对自然与家庭的基本情感符号,还通过重拍进一步激发了观众对原版电影的怀旧情感,深化了情感共鸣。


背景: Airbnb作为一个全球住宿分享平台,其广告和营销活动常常强调“住在别处”的体验,不仅仅是提供住宿,而是通过融入当地社区和文化来创造独特的生活体验。

情动转向的体现: Airbnb的叙事不仅仅基于旅行和探索的符号,更通过强调人与人之间的情感连接,强化了全球社区意识。它通过展示住客与房东之间的真实情感互动,激发了一种全球家庭感,这种情感联结是建立在已有的旅行和探索故事的基础上,但通过情感转向达到了更深层次的认同和共鸣。







Comment by Virunga on September 23, 2024 at 6:43pm

(Con't From) 41. "The secret of the demagogue is to appear as dumb as his audience so that these people can believe themselves as clever as he."

42. "Children play soldiers. That makes sense. But why do soldiers play children?"

43. "The moral of journalism is that there is no such thing as a neutral observer."

44. "A child becomes an adult when he realizes that he has a right not only to be right but also to be wrong."

45. "An illusion in existence is worth two realities in the imagination."

46. "How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print."

47. "The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."

48. "When you’ve written what you want to say, always take out the first and the last sentence."

49. "A weak man has doubts before a decision; a strong man has them afterwards."

50. "It is not just that those who learn to win the crowd, and those who are able to win over their colleagues, are winning each other."

(50 most popular quotations by Karl Kraus,
Karl Kraus was an Austrian writer, journalist, and satirist, known for his sharp wit and criticism of the press, culture, and society. His aphorisms are still highly regarded for their insight and biting humor.
Kraus’s quotes often appeared first in his periodical, "Die Fackel," and were later compiled into books and collections posthumously by various editors and scholars. His writings remain influential in the realms of satire, journalism, and aphoristic literature.

Here are 50 of his most popular quotations.

These quotations reflect Kraus' deep skepticism of society, language, and the press, often articulated with sharp wit and dark humor. These quotes are extracted from a variety of his works, rather than a single book. He was prolific, writing aphorisms, essays, and satirical pieces across many different platforms. Some key sources include:

1. "Die Fackel" (The Torch) Kraus's own literary and political magazine, where many of his aphorisms, essays, and critiques were first published.

2. "Aphorismen" (Aphorisms) Kraus was known for his sharp and concise aphorisms, which were often compiled in various collections.

3. "Sprüche und Widersprüche" (Sayings and Contradictions) A well-known collection of his aphorisms.

4. "Pro Domo et Mundo" A book containing his essays and aphorisms.

5. "Literature and Lies" Another collection of his critiques and reflections on society and literature.

6. "The Last Days of Mankind" (Die letzten Tage der Menschheit) A dramatic work that contains many of Kraus’s most famous satirical and critical lines.

Comment by Virunga on August 29, 2024 at 8:59pm






 (摘自:《追憶似水年華》[法語:À la recherche du temps perdu,英语:In Search of Lost Time: The Prisoner and the Fugitive],[法国]馬塞爾·普魯斯特 [Marcel Proust ,1871年—1922年] 的作品,出版時間:1913–1927,共7卷)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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