文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
(Adik banyak cantik)
左邊一位大嬸害臊的說:mana ada,macik sudah tua,mana cantik?(哪裡?我老囉,怎麼會美?)
(Photo Credit: Liew Foo Wui,http://iconada.tv/profile/LiewFooWui)
Albums: 《我的加雅街杜順公主》本事
Location: 北婆羅洲(沙巴)
/絲路故事號船長 陳明發博士
也因爲海上的絲綢之路,也就是从中國東南福建省的泉州到西洋去路线,有一隻沙巴京那巴登岸的人猿走得更遠,成了美國的電影裡的金剛(見Spirit of Borneo, Trip to North Borneo by Martin Johnson & Osa Johnson in 1920 & 1935-1936 pg. 131, )。沙巴也因此誕生了一位“Murut馬可波羅”。
(圖說) 2013年9月中國主席習近平在中亞的哈薩克斯坦首度提出“一帶一路”的構想。2016年,哈薩克斯坦在其文化首都(舊都)阿拉木圖聯辦了一項“一帶一路”三週年紀唸國際研討會,陳明發博士(左四)以開幕式演講嘉賓身份發表了有關如何說好“一帶一路”故事的報告。
延續閱讀:愛墾雲端藝廊: 族群和解主題館
Dr. Tan Beng Huat: Singapore, Our Natural Source of International Tourists
Few months ago, I had watched a series of documentary on Singapore's nation-building experience. Many good stories are shared through their heritage of old paintings, photographs & black and white contents from TV archive. One of them is to explore Singaporeans' desire to learn Bahasa Malaysia in evening classes, attempted to be a Good Malaysian....... As a young kid in Southern Johore then, Singapore to me is just our neighbour town where my aunt stay. Many people of my generation who opted for Singapore citizenship have just retired in recent years with reasonable or even good saving. It's natural for them to be a rich tourist to visit Malaysia, where their relatives stay. In fact, all these years, Singaporeans make up around one third of our foreign tourists (excluding the excursionists who make daily trips across the JB causeway). After the Covid-19 close down, other than visit their relatives and Genting Highland, their destinations also include many Malaysian places that they have never considered before. Just to name a few, weekend city tour to Sibu, Sarawak, Off Shore Angling trip to Kuching, home-stay in Kuala Selangor......these were in fact my youngest sister's records with her family and family of my brother-in-law's siblings. Our nature and culture is a blessing to them too. Beside family tour, to my Singaporen nephews and thier peers, our seas are their diving paradise. One of them even become a coral conservationist of our under-sea world with funding from Singaporen government. Meaning? Before we go back to what we have in 2019 which have witnessed international tourism hit record high of 1.5 billion, of which China's contribution is 10%, our neighboring countries are our hope. Other than Singapore, the number of Vietnamese's outbound tourists to South-East Asia is also going up. Afterall, to Sabah and Sarawak, tourists from Penisular is a ready market yet to be fully tapped. (18.9.2022)
NY Times: 52 Places to go in 2020 —— 28,Sabah, Malaysia
Primeval forests with endangered orangutans in a land off the tourist map
Listed at 28 of 52 is the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre. The centre has been rehabilitating Orang Utans for more than 50 years.
(Photo Credit: Marcus Westberg)
The most compelling reason to visit this biodiversity hotspot on the island of Borneo is to help preserve it. Every year, thousands of acres of pristine rainforest are burned down to make way for new palm oil plantations, but tourism could provide an incentive to protect these primeval jungles. Perched in the northeast corner of Borneo, and with multiple airports, the Malaysian state of Sabah offers diverse experiences while still being largely off the tourist map. Adrenaline junkies can climb Mount Kinabalu and go diving with sharks off the Semporna coast. Beach lovers should head to Gaya Island, a short ferry ride from the capital of Kota Kinabalu. The Gaya Island Resort has its own coral reef, marine center (and marine biologist) and stunning, sandy coves. But Sabah’s biggest draw is the chance to see endangered orangutans in the wild. Cruise along the Kinabatangan River in small boats to glimpse the apes, as well as pygmy elephants, crocodiles and proboscis monkeys. Or head to the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, which has been rescuing orphaned orangutans from forest fires and poachers since 1964. The 60-odd resident orangutans come out of the reserve forest during daily feeding times.— Shalini Venugopal Bhagat
2020年最值得去的52個地方 - 紐約時報
28. 馬來西亞,沙巴州
海灘愛好者則應前往加亞島(Gaya Island),從沙巴州首府哥打基納巴盧港乘坐短途渡輪即可到達。加亞島度假村(The Gaya Island Resort)有自己的珊瑚礁、海洋中心(和海洋生物學家)以及令人驚嘆的沙灣。
但沙巴州最吸引人之處,在於遊客有機會在野外看到瀕臨滅絶的紅毛猩猩。乘坐小船在京那巴當岸河(Kinabatangan River)上遊覽,可以觀賞到猿猴、侏儒象、鱷魚和長鼻猴。或者去西必洛紅毛猩猩庇護中心(Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center)參觀,自1964年以來,該中心一直緻力於從森林火災和盜獵者手中營救失去雙親的紅毛猩猩。生活在這裡的60多隻紅毛猩猩會在每天的進食時間從保護林區走出來(Source: 52 Places to Go in 2020 by New York Times)
(Photo Credit: Marcus Westberg)
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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Posted by Dokusō-tekina aidea on January 5, 2016 at 9:00pm 35 Comments 75 Promotions
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