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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on March 26, 2024 at 3:43pm

(续上)华人多在此街经营生意。 北根的华人居民多属潮州籍。广东人从事树桐及开芭工作,而海南人多开咖啡店。 潮州人及其他籍贯华人的进出口生意范围包括树桐、米粮、树胶等。华人也开设 板厂及收购土产等。 独立前北根的交通极不方便,南下北上都须乘坐好几趟渡轮。北根与关丹之间的 陆路交通也须依赖渡轮。

北根的商业不甚发达,但据说北根华人从前曾组织华人商会,後来商会兴办学校, 把商会会所让出给学校作为教室,并由各华人商家捐款来维持学校的经费。 据说北根华人曾助苏丹打天下,而获得拨出地皮作为古庙和义山的用途。

位於老北根的伯公庙前,古墓林立,其中有些墓碑依稀还能辨别得出是清朝嘉庆年间立的。距离古庙半英里路程的另一座华人义山历史最为悠久,但墓碑已残缺。这些 古墓或许可说明华人在二百多年前已在老北根居住。

北根的广肇会馆已有八十多年的历史,原址位於甘榜吉打邦(Kampong Ketapang)。琼州会馆则成立於1930年代。潮州会馆成立较迟,前身为互助社。



 1. Dr. R. G. Cant, A Historical Geography of Pahang
 2. 口述历史资料及照片。
3. W. Linehan, A History of Pahang
4. 夏观明特稿,屹立二百多年的北根大伯公庙。(星洲日报1990 年10月1日)

彭亨北根伯公庙历史遗物 北根伯公庙不是一间寻常的庙。庙里的历史遗物是华人在北根开荒拓土的历史见 证。伯公庙可说是北根华人仅存的历史古迹。庙内的一个拥有229年历史的大唐本 头公石碑,说明华人祖先在200多年前便来到北根。


1. 大唐本头公石碑,乾隆28年岁次癸未(公历1763年)。
2. 四方石炉,乙亥春月即嘉庆20年岁次乙亥(公历1815年)。
3. 四方石床,丙子,即嘉庆21年岁次丙子(公历1816年)。
4. 甲必丹神主牌。
5. 神主牌,道光元年,(公历1821年)。
6. 木造高脚烛台,光绪四年岁次戊寅(公历1878年)。
7. 大铜炉,光绪30年岁次甲辰(公历1904年)。
8. 木横牌,同治13年岁次甲戍(公历1874年)。

从以上伯公庙的古物中,我们有理由说华族先辈在乾隆28年(即1763年)间便来 到北根。史籍中记载明代郑和於永乐十年及正统元年,曾经两次登陆彭亨,可惜没有历史遗物为证。

据说郑和登陆的地点就是北根附近的瓜拉彭亨,而北根的旧名叫嘭哼。证据是北根华侨公山有块石碑,刻着嘭哼华侨公山碑,而伯公庙内也有一块木碑刻着钦授嘭哼甲大学科黄。 这些历史问题尚有待考古工作者加以研究。


1. 夏观明特稿,屹立三百多年的北根大伯公庙。(星洲日报1990年 10 月1日)

2. 北根列圣宫主席黄盛伟提供的历史遗物名表及资料。

3. 陈小燕老师采访的资料及照片。

(刘崇汉:《独立前北根华人简史》,收录在刘崇汉主编:《彭亨华族史资料汇编》, 关丹:彭亨华团联合会,1992年,第140页。)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 6, 2024 at 4:17am

Why "Save the Best for Last" Slogans Remain a Timeless Marketing Strategy

The idea behind "save the best for last" slogans is to create a memorable experience that builds anticipation from your audience. Most effective advertising campaigns today use this strategy to add an element of surprise or to make the customer feel special. When a product, service, or message is saved until the end, it creates a higher level of excitement and interest in the audience. These kinds of slogans are used to build hype around the product, making it more desirable, and people remember what they experience as unforgettable.

One example of a successful "save the best for last" slogan is Mazda’s "Driving Matters." This slogan is effective because it gives a message to the customers that Mazda cars are not just a device to commute, but they offer an exceptional driving experience which matters.

Another classic example is Nike’s "Just Do It," which was used to create a compelling message that encouraged people to take action and embrace their passion. It was such a powerful motto that people still use it today, years after the slogan was first introduced. In conclusion, a good "save the best for last" slogan has the power to create excitement and anticipation among customers, making them desire your product or service.

The slogan creates a level of emotion which influences the buyer’s purchase decision. That’s why brands put so much emphasis on developing engaging campaigns that leave last impressions. By utilizing this strategy, companies can make a lasting impression on their target audience, and achieve business growth by converting more leads into loyal customers.

1. Keep the best until the final act.

2. All good things come to those who wait.

3. The grand finale is worth the wait.

4. A sweet ending makes the journey worthwhile.

5. Don't rush the finish, savor the delight.

6. Delicious anticipation is the key to pleasure.

7. Save the best for the last dance.

8. Enjoy the journey and celebrate the arrival.

9. The last step is always the most fulfilling.

10. The crescendo is worth the buildup.

11. The final touch is what makes it perfect.

12. Good things come to those who wait it out.

13. The grand finale is worth every moment of anticipation.

14. Don't speed through life, relish every moment.

15. Quality always shines through at the end.

16. Fine wine gets better with age, and so will you.

17. Bide your time, and you will be rewarded.

18. Don't rush through life; enjoy the little things.

19. Great accomplishments are worth the effort.

20. The final stretch is what matters.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 5, 2024 at 11:21am

21. You saved the best until last.

22. The end is not the end; it's a new beginning.

23. Take your time; don't hurry through life.

24. Patience and perseverance are the keys to success.

25. The best comes only to those who wait.

26. Hold out for the good stuff.

27. The finish line has never been sweeter.

28. It's not over until it's over.

29. Save the best for the last chapter.

30. All's well that ends well.

31. Life is a race, but the winner is the one who finishes strong.

32. The best surprises are always last.

33. Endings are just the beginning of a new story.

34. Stay tuned for the grand finale.

35. Life's final act is always the most fulfilling.

36. The big finale is always worth sticking around for.

37. The ultimate reward comes at the end.

38. Keep going to reach the best.

39. Nothing compares to a grand finale.

40. The sweetest victory is the last one.

41. Don't miss the sweetest part of life.

42. Only the very best comes last.

43. Delayed gratification is always sweeter.

44. The best is yet to come.

45. Keep striving; the best is within reach.

46. Give life your all until the very end.

47. Save the best for the last hug.

48. A happy ending is worth the effort.

49. The biggest reward is at the finish line.

50. Winning the last match is what counts.

51. Nothing comes close to an epic ending.

52. Keep the best for the grand finale.

53. Savor the sweet taste of success.

54. The best trophies always come last.

55. The last taste lingers the most.

56. The final piece of the puzzle is always the most satisfying.

57. Don't end it until you have given your best.

58. The final score is all that matters.

59. Save the best for the last goodbye.

60. The best victory is the last one.

61. Great things come to those who finish.

62. All good things come to those who wait until the end.

63. The ultimate goal is the final prize.

64. The final curtain call is what counts.

65. The end result is more important than the journey.

66. Good things come to those who refuse to give up.

67. Hold out until the last moment.

68. The last chapter is always the best.

69. Only the best has survived until the very end.

70. The last kiss is the sweetest.

71. The final moment is what defines you.

72. The best comes only after the hard work.

73. Never give up; the reward is worth it.

74. The final push is what makes all the difference.

75. Remember to save the best for the last dance. (con't below)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 4, 2024 at 1:47pm

76. Don't forget to finish with a bang.

77. The sweetest triumph is the last one.

78. Don't rush to the finish line; enjoy the scenic route.

79. The best comes to those who put in the effort.

80. Don't give up; the last victory is the sweetest.

81. Save the best for the last cast.

82. The final chapter is the most memorable.

83. Hold out for the very best.

84. The ultimate reward is just around the corner.

85. Keep your eyes on the prize till the end.

86. The final finish is where the best is found.

87. Keep pushing until it's all over.

88. Success is the reward for the final push.

89. The final stage is where greatness is achieved.

90. Don't lose hope; the final victory is the sweetest.

91. Hold out until the end; the reward is worth it.

92. The final score is always worth the wait.

93. Remember to save the best for the last laugh.

94. The best can only come after the hard yards.

95. Don't stop until you have given it your all.

96. The final push is what separates the best from the rest.

97. Keep climbing till you reach the summit.

98. The hard work pays off at the end.

99. Don't give up; the final victory is within reach.

100. Remember to save the best for the last bow.

When it comes to creating a memorable and effective "Save the best for last" slogan, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you stand out from the crowd. Firstly, try to keep it short and sweet - a catchy phrase or play on words can be more effective than a lengthy tagline. Secondly, make sure your slogan ties into your brand or message in some way, whether that's through a clever pun, an emotional appeal, or something else entirely. Finally, consider using visual elements (such as bold typography or graphic design) to bring your slogan to life and make it more memorable.

(Source: Why "Save the Best for Last" Slogans Remain a Timeless Marketing Strategy in www.thereporteronline.com)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 2, 2024 at 7:59pm







                                                          (Sculpture by artist Ben Butler

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 31, 2024 at 12:14am


Institut Kemahiran Tenun Pahang DiRaja Tengku Ampuan Besar Meriam (IKTPD) bertempat di Kompleks Budaya Kg. Pulau Keladi, Pekan berhampiran dengan Rumah Kelahiran Tun Abdul Razak yang merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Ke-2.

IKTPD adalah sebuah Institut yang menawarkan pengajian berteraskan pendidikan vokasional.

Konsep pendidikan di IKTPD memberi penekanan tujuh puluh (70) peratus dalam aspek kemahiran dan tiga puluh (30) peratus dalam bidang akademik.

Bagi meninggkatkan tahap kemahiran, para pelatih diberi peluang mengikuti latihan industri di perusahaan kraf yang berjaya.

IKTPD menawarkan program pengajian Sijil Seni Kraf Tenunan ( Tenun Pahang DiRaja ) secara sepenuh masa.


Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia memainkan peranan utama dalam memajukan industri kraf di negara ini. Matlamat penubuhan IKTPD ialah untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir bagi keperluan industri kraf negara agar warisan kesenian dan budaya tempatan terus kekal dan berkembang maju.


Menjadi pusat kecemerlangan pendidikan kraf yang dapat melahirkan tenaga mahir, usahawan kraf dan menjadi pusat rujukan, penyelidikan serta pemuliharaan warisan negara.


Menjana sumber manusia yang berkemahiran, berilmu, menguasai pengeluaran, peka pada warisan tradisi dan berketerampilan dalam bidang kraf melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan bagi memajukan industri kraf tenun.

(Tel:09-422 1612;Emel : iktpd2010@gmail.com; www.kraftangan.gov.my


Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 13, 2024 at 8:23pm

Historical Penarikan Portege river expedition takes participants down ancient traders' route

PEKAN: Excitement was written all over the face of Muhd Afiq Anwar Jafriddin as he waited patiently to join an expedition to journey down the historical Laluan Penarikan (Penarikan Portage), a route of which Malay traders since ancient times have plied to travel between Melaka, Negri Sembilan, Pahang and Johor.

The 20-year-old college student said that being part of the expedition will be an eye-opener for him as he will be discovering a 600m land route that allowed boats be carried over land from Sungai Serting in Pahang to Sungai Jempol in Johor, and vice versa.

For over two millennia, travellers and traders using the rivers have utilised the short cut over the land route to travel between Sungai Serting, which flows down to Sungai Bera and Sungai Pahang in Pahang, and Sungai Jempol which flows into Sungai Muar, which traverses from Negri Sembilan to Johor.

"History needs to be studied and appreciated by everyone especially the young generation.

"This appreciation is especially important now during the fast pace of modern life," said Afiq, a native of Johor Baru, who is currently studying at Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara Ledang, Johor.

Excitement was written all over the face of Muhd Afiq Anwar Jafriddin (insert) as he waited patiently to join an expedition to journey down the historical Laluan Penarikan (Penarikan Portage), a route of which Malay traders since ancient times have plied to travel between Melaka, Negri Sembilan, Pahang and Johor. Pic by NSTP/ Muhd Asyraf Sawal

Another history buff, Nurul Izzatie Mohamad Noorazwan, 20, said she regarded this as an opportunity to relive the lives of those who used the route to travel between the four states in olden times. In Form 5, she said, history was her favourite subject.

"This expedition is a way for us to relive the days of yore when men and women took the river journey by utilising Laluan Penarikan.

"I am excited to find out more about the lives of the people from back then," said the student, who is studying Diploma in Information System Administration at Kolej Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan.

Afiq and Izzatie were among some 45 participants present at the jetty at Sungai Pahang here today to join in the expedition, which began in Muar Melaka on Sunday.

The participants from all four states boarded several boats to undertake the river journey that is linked to the Penarikan Portege.

Among the places they will be travelling to are Bukit Ibam, Rompin, Olak Sepam, and Muar, before wrapping up their journey at Sungai Duyung, Melaka on Friday.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 13, 2024 at 8:22pm

They were waved off by Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron and Pahang health, human resources, and special duties committee chairman Datuk Norol Azali Sulaiman.

During a press conference, Idris said the expedition, which is a joint effort between the four states seeks to deepen the youths’ appreciation for history.

"Youths have romanticism for history, which can naturally give birth to love and patriotism for the country," he said.

He said the expedition can boost tourism in all four states as it can spark interest in the fascinating history of the Penarikan Portege which facilitated the growth of early civilizations in peninsular Malaysia.

He added that they also plan to compile a book based on facts gathered from the expedition.

(October 3, 2017 https://www.nst.com.my)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on January 12, 2024 at 5:58pm

Pahang Innovative Startups Accelerator 2023 : Mid-Term Review.

My personal story unfolded alongside thePahang Innovative Startups Accelerator (PISA) 2023. Join me as I recount the transformative moments that shaped my entrepreneurial journey, exploring the key elements of the mid-term review briefing session: the pitch deck, business model, MVP development, liquidity risk management, financial projections, and startup accounting modeling.

I immersed myself in crafting a pitch deck that would resonate with the judges and mentors. With unwavering passion, I articulated the problem I was determined to solve, weaving a story that spoke directly to the challenges faced by our community. The pitch deck became a vessel that carried my dreams, propelling me forward with the hope of making a real impact.

The business model weaved together the threads of innovation, sustainability, and community engagement. Our revenue streams were carefully designed to harmonize profit and purpose, while strategic partnerships anchored our growth trajectory. We became pioneers of change, harnessing the web3, blockchain & digital assets industry development.

In the crucible of the accelerator program, our MVP (Minimum viable product)underwent a remarkable transformation. We listened attentively to user feedback, embracing it as a catalyst for growth. The vibrant community of mentors and fellow entrepreneurs provided invaluable insights, pushing us to iterate and refine. Our MVP became a manifestation of our dedication to delivering a solution that exceeded expectations. With each milestone achieved, we brought our vision to life, igniting the spark of change in the hearts of our users.

The Pahang Innovative Startups Accelerator (PISA) equipped us with the tools to navigate the rapids of liquidity risk. We analyzed our cash flow with precision, identifying potential challenges and vulnerabilities. Our strategies for managing liquidity risks were fortified, ensuring a steady course in the face of uncertainty. Diverse funding sources and proactive working capital management became our life jackets, instilling confidence and resilience. With each challenge overcome, we grew stronger, ready to conquer the currents that lay ahead.

In the mid-term review briefing session, we painted a financial canvas that reflected our growth and potential. Our financial projections showcased the fruits of our labor, unveiling a future brimming with success. Revenue forecasts danced with optimism, while our meticulous cost analysis ensured efficiency and sustainability. We embraced profitability as a guiding principle, setting our sights on scalability and expansion. The financial canvas became a testament to our dedication, captivating stakeholders and attracting the right partners to join us on this extraordinary journey.

As I stand here, sharing my personal story of growth and transformation alongside the Pahang Innovative Startups Accelerator (PISA) 2023, I am filled with gratitude. The program has provided fertile ground for my entrepreneurial aspirations to flourish.

Syazwan B(Mysekolahkripto Jul 12, 2023 https://medium.com

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 12, 2023 at 10:48pm













愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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