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Comment by Suyuu on November 26, 2022 at 1:20am


張惠妹唱道:「很想知道你的近況,我聽別人說, 還不如聽你對我講。」

在全民傳播的年頭,大家在幹什麽、想什麽,都公告天下;可是,人與人之間的交流與理解,加深了麼?在公共場合,我看過許多的男男女女,面對面喝茶,卻各自忙著按自己的 IPhone, Ipad 或手電,和全天下「聊」、「互通信息」, 好像沒看見跟前那有溫度的人。







當然,微博上不缺乏達人名師出來指點眾生,分享他們的看家本領、蓋世絕技。可是許多人談到本身的「成功秘訣」時,就像李開復寫微博那樣,1、2、3 .....地在開藥單,好像背熟了這些」法則「,成功自然來;比廟裏的法師開的符咒還有效。



在微博出現以前已有一些工藝,例如互聯網、手機短訊、電話專線、主題電視臺、廣播電臺的扣應節目,或更早的錄像帶、錄音帶等等。誰要是想繼續學 習、終身學習,已經很足夠了。



要不,那種「動員式」的微博作用,例如西方某些人利用微博,廣招群眾在某時某候出現在何處,同時間做一個短暫但足以引起電視臺關注的舉動,好像說擠爆某某商場,這是沒多大意義的。這和有些地方為了「吸引眼球」, 而弄些傷風敗俗的街頭表演沒兩樣。

百字散文、格言體散文,極短篇或微型小說,西方甚至有50字 小說,如有名的一句話小說:「第二天,太陽從西方升起。」 其實都是早已有之的「微博」,不過,那是需要用心耕耘的文體。對那些早在1970、1980年代便喜歡上短文體的朋友,碰上今天的微博現象,應該好像看見故友終於出頭的感覺。


微博確實是一種文化現象;大家忙著寫微博,鏈接其他人的精彩內容,而忘記了自己生產有分量的東西,這當兒應該也有人把微博當著重要的文化議題來討論。(May 26, 2011 愛墾網)

Comment by Suyuu on November 7, 2022 at 10:10pm












不過,聽下去,他們言之鑿鑿、信心滿滿的談話有個共同點: 這個你也不懂嗎,你沒上那什麼網嗎?你沒看那什麼什麼電視欄目嗎?你沒讀那什麼什麼什麼人的分析嗎?…………


















(15 March 2014 [馬航370神秘失踪悲劇發生于8.3.2014])

Comment by Suyuu on October 28, 2022 at 6:54pm


在流媒體提供的新的傳播語境下,電影美學和電視美學以及全新的數字技術美學勢必要進行長期、持續的協商,才能形成一種穩定的流媒體視聽美學。這種未來的新美學被學者 Lev Manovich稱為「後媒介美學」(postmedia aesthetics)。這種美學的誕生意味著,過去那種依照媒介差異而對不同類型藝術進行區分的類型學已失去物質的和經濟的基礎,我們對於電影和電視的討論應當「使用新的概念、隱喻和操作工具」。(常江:流媒體與未來的電影業:美學、產業、文化,2020,當代電影,4-10頁)

Comment by Suyuu on October 18, 2022 at 8:46am

Behind the growth of Malaysia’s digital creative content startups by Stefanie Yeo

Many things come to mind when one thinks about Malaysia. The country is a key producer of rubber and palm oil, an industrial powerhouse, and a popular tourist destination. But it is also the home of a booming digital creative content scene.

In 2020, Malaysia’s gaming market stood at US$786 million, which made it the third largest in Southeast Asia. Its animation industry was valued at over US$1.6 billion in the same year, with exports in the sector standing at over US$285 million, doubling from 2014. Local animation studios also produced more than 65 original pieces of intellectual property, creating nearly US$40.5 million in export value and expanding its presence to more than 120 countries.

The products of Malaysia’s digital creative industry have also received recognition around the world. Programs such as Upin and Ipin, which explores the adventures of two twin brothers, and Mechamato, which revolves around a boy and his robot companion, have reached global audiences. Meanwhile, games like multiplayer arena brawler GigaBash and action-adventure title No Straight Roads have won accolades at international competitions.

In 2020, Malaysia’s gaming market stood at US$786 million, which made it the third largest in Southeast Asia. Its animation industry was valued at over US$1.6 billion in the same year, with exports in the sector standing at over US$285 million, doubling from 2014. Local animation studios also produced more than 65 original pieces of intellectual property, creating nearly US$40.5 million in export value and expanding its presence to more than 120 countries.

The products of Malaysia’s digital creative industry have also received recognition around the world. Programs such as Upin and Ipin, which explores the adventures of two twin brothers, and Mechamato, which revolves around a boy and his robot companion, have reached global audiences. Meanwhile, games like multiplayer arena brawler GigaBash and action-adventure title No Straight Roads have won accolades at international competitions.

First, the digital creative industry has been put forward as a key driver of the post-pandemic economy in Southeast Asia. This is a result of rapid digitalization and a growing generation of millennials and Gen-Z consumers who value experiences and entertainment, alongside an even greater demand for digital content globally.

Second, digital creative content provides a way for many key skills in tech to be utilized.

“Digital content is based on established digital creative skills and tech, such as programming, design, art, and narrative construction,” explains Aziz. “Not only does it help train essential base skills, it also allows room for innovation and creates opportunities to explore use cases for new tech, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain.”

Comment by Suyuu on October 18, 2022 at 8:46am

First, the digital creative industry has been put forward as a key driver of the post-pandemic economy in Southeast Asia. This is a result of rapid digitalization and a growing generation of millennials and Gen-Z consumers who value experiences and entertainment, alongside an even greater demand for digital content globally.

Second, digital creative content provides a way for many key skills in tech to be utilized.

“Digital content is based on established digital creative skills and tech, such as programming, design, art, and narrative construction,” explains Aziz. “Not only does it help train essential base skills, it also allows room for innovation and creates opportunities to explore use cases for new tech, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and blockchain.”

Building up a digital creative economy

Given the potential of the digital creative content industry to drive Malaysia’s digital economy, the nation has rolled out several initiatives to help support its growth.

MDEC is leading the Malaysian government’s efforts through the Digital Content Ecosystem (DICE) policy under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, which focuses on attracting investments, building up local talent and companies, and strengthening the ecosystem through government and private sector partnerships.

According to Aziz, MDEC’s support of the government’s DICE policy will take form across four areas, namely business development, creative skills and talent, digitalization, and research and partnerships. These include competitions and business-matching opportunities, as well as access to a number of strategic investments and grants to help fuel the growth of local companies.

One Malaysian startup that has benefited from MDEC’s support is content development firm The R&D Studio.

In 2017, the startup participated in MDEC’s Intellectual Property Creators Challenge (now known as the Digital Content Creators Challenge) and won the competition, receiving a 75,000 ringgit (US$17,800) grant to produce its short film Batik Girl. The movie went on to premiere in 17 countries, receive official selections in 28 international film festivals, and win awards in Chile, Japan, and the US.

Aside from the support available in its home turf, The R&D Studio was also able to take advantage of opportunities that MDEC offers to local animation companies that aim to go abroad and tap into new markets.

Comment by Suyuu on October 18, 2022 at 8:46am

Alongside two other startups Zappy and Durioo, The R&D Studio exhibited at the Malaysia Pavilion during Expo 2020 Dubai, which was held in January this year. Through the event, the firm was able to exhibit Batik Girl to an even broader audience while connecting to potential clients in the Middle East.

Expo 2020 Dubai also opened up opportunities for Zappy and Durioo. Zappy has worked with a local government in the Middle East on an animation project and is in talks with several companies in Dubai. Meanwhile, Durioo has connected with broadcasters in the Middle East and North Africa to bring its Islamic children’s content to wider audiences.

[Having these startups participate] in Expo 2020 Dubai allows us to give them exposure to global markets, as well as bring the brand name of Malaysian digital content space to the wider audience,” says Aziz.

From Malaysia to the world

The CEO is bullish about the future of Malaysia’s digital creative content economy.

“The future looks good, as is evident by the success seen by startups in the space,” shares Aziz. “These startups represent the funnel of new creators entering the space and are the lifeblood of creativity, and earlier studios have paved the way for other entrants to enter the field.”

“The future looks good, as is evident by the success seen by startups in the space,” shares Aziz. “These startups represent the funnel of new creators entering the space and are the lifeblood of creativity, and earlier studios have paved the way for other entrants to enter the field.”

MDEC will continue to fuel the growth of the country’s digital creative industry, both through supporting startups and developing the necessary talent for keeping the sector going.

“These initiatives will help provide a strong foundation for our growing industry and ensure that there isn’t a lack of talent,” Aziz explains. “With steady flow of talent, infrastructure, and consistent government grants and initiatives, the gaming and animation industry will be able to not just profit, but also fuel the growth of Malaysia’s digital economy.”

As Malaysian content continues to cross borders, the CEO is confident that the country’s startups will be able to reach consumers all over the world.

“As the global audience expands their taste for diverse content, Malaysia with its culture-rich and diverse population would be able to deliver content that is different and unique,” he says.

Currency converted from Malaysian ringgit to US dollar: US$1 = 4.23 ringgit.

(26 Apr 2022 https://www.techinasia.com)

Comment by Suyuu on September 12, 2022 at 11:17pm



Comment by Suyuu on September 6, 2022 at 4:23pm

Mediated Contents

We can’t live without internet for even a day.

We need internet to check our emails. We do works using the cloud technology, which is enabled by internet.

More often than not, we search for the information/knowledge we need for our works or learning. It may be a piece of writing, some images or audio-visual recordings.

Youtube has become our online classrooms. And, Facebook and/or Plurk our meeting place for exchanging views.

The only trouble we are facing is time; we spend too much   

only possible The internet world is entering a new era. We need to make a decision between confused abundance and meaningful selection. Every time I type the keywords "Malaysian Fashion", what appeared in the first two pages of Google search are mostly those material written by some bloggers, who may be interested in this subject. Of course, as usual, Google will proudly tell you how effective it is; within 0.1 second, it has located more than half a million entries of the things bearing the keywords of "Malaysian fashion". The contents ranging from a retailing shop selling cheap handbags imported from China, to a blogger who has just visited a night market and took a picture of a pair of funny slipper. After a few second, you come to a conclusion, abundance is not something you need, what you do look for are pieces of knowledge that are properly organized and edited. It is less in terms of number of entries but reliable and time saving. This is what www.iconada.tv can do for the fashion community.

Don’t wait for the traditional media people to come to our company to interview us for our story, and end up with only 3 paragraphs of irrelevant points. More often than not, the interviewees are not knowledgeable enough to understand our unique industries, so they can only interpret our story from the point of view they find interesting.

We have responsibilities to tell our own stories, be it products launch, brand proposition, experiential formula or organizational points of view. To avoid being left out in the public attention, we have to present ourselves in conversation that we have a stake in. Web as a mediated content collection and display platform is just the concept we business people looking for. 

There are many fashion magazines published in Malaysia. Unfortunately, periodicals do not last. You have new printed publications almost every day; you usually don't have the time to go through all the contents. So you keep the things aside and say you will read them one day. But, more often than not, when you think of something you have read somewhere, you always can't locate them. Information is useful when it is timely; you find the things you want at the right time. Electronic publication help overcome that. The mediated contents recommend by www.iconada.tv, I think can also serve as an inspiration for us to trigger our creativity in artistic field and make a note @ this comment box.(Expressed by Moooi in 2012)

Comment by Suyuu on June 19, 2022 at 11:50pm





在同一個平臺上,不但給各界提供了最大可能的知識含量,還可能做各種的比較演算,例如根據需要自動給你做出圖表、語音、視頻、照片或現況google map等媒體內容,讓人多感官接觸,有個總體的體驗。


數字叙事(Digital Storytelling)把中華民族的好故事說得更好。




來到準6G的虛擬世界,#數字人文/數字記憶 Digital Humanity / Digital Memory成了知識管理Knowledge Management最前沿。有的國家如芬蘭已經在著手這一塊工作;北京、上海等則在他們大都會的層面上從事這工作。若是成功,那會是真正的智慧國家/城市。(見:馮惠玲:數字人文視角下的數字記憶)(12.6.2022)


PDF :毛軍京:特色數字人文研究環境的構建與探索


Ann Righey:當專著不再是媒介:網絡時代的歷史敘事

Comment by Suyuu on June 15, 2022 at 10:23am


愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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