

Australia:There’s nothing like Australia

New Zealand:100% Pure
100% 純凈的新西蘭

The Kingdom of Tonga:The true South Pacific


Fiji:Where happiness finds you

Vanuatu:Discover what matters


Samoa:Beautiful Samoa
美麗的薩摩亞 (上圖)

Papua New Guinea:A million different journeys

Solomon Islands:Seek the unexplored


Tuvalu:Timeless Tuvalu

Palau:Pristine Paradise Palau


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Comment by Ra Zola on February 12, 2024 at 1:20pm

For a typical memoir, expect to spend at least thousands of dollars ($7500 to $10,000 on the low end) to tens of thousands of dollars (professional ghostwriters with a serious track record can easily command anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000+ per project).

Payment Schedule for Writing Work

payment schedule for writer

You should work out payment in installments, and these should be spelled out in your contact with the writer.

You could pay in thirds (one third on signing, one third on a complete first draft, one third on revised final draft). Or you can pay in quarters or any other breakdown that’s mutually agreeable.

Any request for payment in full upfront should be a red flag, and you should not pay. Walk away from anyone making such demands as it is unprofessional and you might get scammed.

How Long Will It Take to Write My Memoir?

From start to finish, expect the process to take between six and twelve months. This includes time for all interviews, research, drafting, and revision. Other factors, unexpected delays, or requests for changes midway through may extend this range.

If you want a manuscript complete in a short timeframe, it may be possible depending on the writer but expect to pay a premium for an accelerated schedule.

What Will Ghostwriting Involve?

1) Interviews and research to get to know you and your story

This could be handled remotely via Skype or telephone, or it may involve travel by the writer to visit you and your family to conduct interviews. You should expect hours or even days of interviews, depending on the scope and scale of the project.

2) Planning and outlining your book

With reviews in hand, the writer will begin to work up a plan and outline for your book. They will likely run this outline by you for your approval and input before they start work

3) Ghostwriting the content

Just like it sounds. This is where the bulk of the writing will occur, based on the interviews and outline.

4) Revisions based on your feedback and guidance

You will have an opportunity to read and review the draft, either in stages or once completed. At that point, you should make a detailed list of changes or corrections you’d like the ghostwriter to make. If you don’t want any, that’s great! But if you do, your writer should revise the work until you are satisfied with the product.

5) Editing to eliminate spelling and grammar errors

Editing (also called copyediting) is usually the last stage. Once the writing and revisions are complete, the writer will go through the work to ensure it is as error-free as possible.
Who Owns the Rights to the Work?

As a work-for-hire project, the contract you sign with the writer should spell out that you—the person who commissioned the work—will have all rights to the work, including copyright. The contract should also say that you’re free to pursue use of the material in whatever way you want with no further compensation due to the writer.

We hope this post helps you hire the right person to write your life story or memoir. If you want to start writing your memoir yourself, try the Memoirs App from LifeTale for free. (https://www.lifetales.com

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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