
Western Australia:Wander out Yonder

The campaign is the biggest ever launched by the State Government, the Tourism Minister says.(Supplied: WA Government)

Western Australia relaunches tourism campaign amid coronavirus pandemic, but hard border to stay

The WA Government has launched its "biggest holiday in Western Australia campaign" to boost the local tourism sector through the coronavirus pandemic, while insisting the state's hard border closure will be in place for some time.

WA Tourism Minister Paul Papalia said the six month "Wander out Yonder" campaign encouraging West Australians to explore the state would cost around $2 million.

"[It will be] the biggest holiday in Western Australia campaign the state has ever seen," Mr Papalia said.

"It's a moment in time where West Australians can get out there and experience their own state and see what the rest of the world already knew about."

The campaign will be rolled out across print, radio and online platforms.

Mr McGowan said the inability to travel interstate or internationally resulted in a great opportunity to "holiday at home".

"And perhaps see some of those places you might not have seen for 20 years or indeed, might not ever have seen," he said.

Mr McGowan said the inability to travel interstate or internationally resulted in a great opportunity to "holiday at home".

"And perhaps see some of those places you might not have seen for 20 years or indeed, might not ever have seen," he said.

Even bigger than 'Do it in WA'

Mr Papalia said before the pandemic hit, the state was seeing record numbers of interstate and international visitors.

But he said the local tourism market now had an opportunity to capitalise on WA travellers who "spend a lot of money" when they travel.

"When Western Australians travel outside the state … they spend twice as much per capita as the people who visit this state from interstate or overseas," he said.

"Spend what you normally spend when you travel and it will support the state."

By Eliza Laschon (Posted Monday 1 JunJune 2020)

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Comment by Ra Zola on February 14, 2024 at 8:39am





Comment by Ra Zola on February 14, 2024 at 8:38am

October 19, 2018( Fri )TOURISM slogans can drive people crazy - but then driving is exactly what they going for with the new marketing pitch unveiled today.

WA’s tourism minister Paul Papalia and Tourism WA unveiled the new slogan on Friday morning: ‘Western Australia: The road trip state’.

Self-driving holiday routes will be the focus of the $2.2 million campaign, using the size of WA and its wide range of experiences as a selling point.

It will target nine international markets - Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Japan and Indonesia, as well as Germany, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

But it will also be released domestically to encourage West Australians to holiday within the state.

Comment by Ra Zola on February 14, 2024 at 8:28am


Protohistory (编註:原史时代)is the period between prehistory and written history, during which a culture or civilization has not yet developed writing, but other cultures that have developed writing have noted the existence of those pre-literate groups in their own writings. For example, in Europe, the Celts and the Germanic tribes are considered to have been protohistoric when they began appearing in Greek and Roman sources.

Protohistoric may also refer to the transition period between the advent of literacy in a society and the writings of the first historians. The preservation of oral traditions may complicate matters, as they can provide a secondary historical source for even earlier events. Colonial sites involving a literate group and a nonliterate group are also studied as protohistoric situations.

The term can also refer to a period in which fragmentary or external historical documents, not necessarily including a developed writing system, have been found. For instance, the Proto–Three Kingdoms of Korea, the Yayoi[1] and the Mississippian groups, recorded by early European explorers, are protohistoric. (Wikipedia)

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