Agu De Marco·How To Use Video on Each Social Network

Video marketing is showing up on every platform nowadays but not everyone knows how to use this new tool. Each social networking platform communicates information in a slightly different way, so it makes sense that using video would follow the same rule of thumb. Different video styles suit different platforms and learning what that difference is can be the difference between a successful marketing strategy and a failed one.

Keep in mind, however, there is ONE rule that overlaps all platforms: make sure to tailor your videos to a target audience. Tailoring your videos to a specific group of people will always catch more attention than a general video that is aimed at no one in particular. People want to watch videos they can relate to, end of story. Here are tips on how to do just that.


Instagram’s content is all about imagery. When it comes to using Instagram video, the videos don’t have to say much. Videos on this platform can be simple as long as they catch the eye. It is a great tool for brands that need to show off their merchandise, introduce new team members, or show a tour of the office, etc. A quick collage of images or a single shot narrative is a nice style for video on this platform. Check out this clip introducing the newest faces of Marc Jacobs, or this clip from Mac Cosmetics as examples. They are both simple, image heavy and light on information. Make sure to steer away from outright advertising on this platform. It is all about subtly pushing the product; behind the scenes info or extra details about the goings on behind your company fit perfectly here.


Creating videos on this platform is a commitment, but one that is more than worth your while, namely because this platform is the top site worldwide for hosting video. So where does the commitment come in? Well, to use YouTube properly, you need to create a schedule and have a constant stream of new content, because if you do succeed in making captivating videos, users will anticipate new content from your profile. The profiles that really excel on this platform are those that craft their videos like webisodes. Take the fashion brand Kate Spade for example — it creates simple stories in three-minute clips while showing off its merchandise. Check out this popular comedic clip of actress Anna Kendrick being locked out of her apartment. Also, check out this other example clip where Kate Spade depicts a short love story.


This platform moves fast so your video should too. Twitter is not a place for lengthy information. Users need to keep their thoughts concise due to the 140-character limit and videos should follow that example too. The key here is to make an exciting intro to your video. If you can catch your viewers’ attention through until the end of the intro, you might just have a popular video on your hands. The good news is that this is the place where you can outright advertise. Take a look at this West Elm/ Kate Spade clip. Keep in mind, we know this link is posted through YouTube and yes it does seem to be doing quite well on the YouTube site, but the important fact to note here is that YouTube counts Twitter views. There is no doubt that this video was made with Twitter in mind due to its narrative, i.e. a condensed advertisement with a quick pace and catchy music. Since Twitter has yet to create it’s own native video, people must upload to the site through YouTube or another video hosting site.


This is the big hub of all video marketing, because it is still the most used social networking site in the world. For this platform, making videos that incite emotion rather than selling your product outright is a better tactic. Inspirational, tutorial, or quick-tip videos work very effectively on this platform because viewers are generally ready to learn when they scan through their Facebook news feed. Check out this recipe tutorial clip from the Food Network, for example. Targeting a specific group is more useful than ever on this platform because every different type of consumer can be found here. A great audience to target is the fans of your competitors. (Click for More @


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