
3 另一種可能的解釋方案

3 Another possible interpretative option


Jakobson's attempt to establish a link between poetics and linguistics, however, remains highly valuable. Is not literature a linguistic art? Linguistics is a science that studies the universal structural features of the language, poetics is a science that studies the particular structural features of the art of language, and then, it is indeed only right that methods and knowledge should be invoked from linguistics. And I can't see any problem with the framework of the six elements of language. It does succeed in constructing a model of linguistic behavior that is highly convincing.






If we keep the premise of his theory: from linguistics into poetics.

If we retain the framework of his linguistics: the act of language has six necessary elements and six functions.

Abandon the notion of poetic and the quest for literary specificity that he inherited from formalism: poetics is the self-reference of language, and this is the characteristic that distinguishes poetry from other uses of language.

Continuing his quest to deduce a new poetics based on linguistics.

What do we get then?


With regard to the relationship between linguistics and poetics, let us consider a quote from another formalist, Zirmunskij. "Insofar as the material of poetry is the word," Zirmunskij wrote, "the classification of verbal phenomena provided by linguistics should be the basis for a systematically constructed poetics. Because the artistic goal transforms each of these phenomena into a poetic device, every chapter of theoretical poetics should correspond to a chapter from the science of language."[6]


Steiner argues that this represents a model of formalism: poetry and language are a kind of synecdoche. It substitutes language for art and linguistic studies for literary studies. As a specific activity of language use, literary activity is also, like linguistic activity, a dialogical activity, so we can take knowledge from linguistics in general and apply it to literature. This application, in turn, translates every chapter of linguistics into every chapter of poetics. Yes, indeed, although we cannot find in linguistics an explanation of the problem of literary particularity, we can find universals - if poetry is a particular kind of language and the system of poetry is a subsystem of the overall language system, then the overall framework that enables the study of language must be able to be applied to poetry.



Let us use this to rethink Jakobson's theory of the six elements.

Now Jakobson has given a catalog of the science of language in his article: it consists of six chapters, each of which studies an element a function. So, does theoretical poetics have the same six chapters? Does a linguistic act contain six elements, a particular linguistic act, a literary activity, a literary event, contain the same six elements?

(原題:〈語言學和詩學:對雅各布森六要素理論的批判和新解〉更多精彩内容請點擊 》知乎

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