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Comment by Suyuu on October 18, 2022 at 8:46am

Alongside two other startups Zappy and Durioo, The R&D Studio exhibited at the Malaysia Pavilion during Expo 2020 Dubai, which was held in January this year. Through the event, the firm was able to exhibit Batik Girl to an even broader audience while connecting to potential clients in the Middle East.

Expo 2020 Dubai also opened up opportunities for Zappy and Durioo. Zappy has worked with a local government in the Middle East on an animation project and is in talks with several companies in Dubai. Meanwhile, Durioo has connected with broadcasters in the Middle East and North Africa to bring its Islamic children’s content to wider audiences.

[Having these startups participate] in Expo 2020 Dubai allows us to give them exposure to global markets, as well as bring the brand name of Malaysian digital content space to the wider audience,” says Aziz.

From Malaysia to the world

The CEO is bullish about the future of Malaysia’s digital creative content economy.

“The future looks good, as is evident by the success seen by startups in the space,” shares Aziz. “These startups represent the funnel of new creators entering the space and are the lifeblood of creativity, and earlier studios have paved the way for other entrants to enter the field.”

“The future looks good, as is evident by the success seen by startups in the space,” shares Aziz. “These startups represent the funnel of new creators entering the space and are the lifeblood of creativity, and earlier studios have paved the way for other entrants to enter the field.”

MDEC will continue to fuel the growth of the country’s digital creative industry, both through supporting startups and developing the necessary talent for keeping the sector going.

“These initiatives will help provide a strong foundation for our growing industry and ensure that there isn’t a lack of talent,” Aziz explains. “With steady flow of talent, infrastructure, and consistent government grants and initiatives, the gaming and animation industry will be able to not just profit, but also fuel the growth of Malaysia’s digital economy.”

As Malaysian content continues to cross borders, the CEO is confident that the country’s startups will be able to reach consumers all over the world.

“As the global audience expands their taste for diverse content, Malaysia with its culture-rich and diverse population would be able to deliver content that is different and unique,” he says.

Currency converted from Malaysian ringgit to US dollar: US$1 = 4.23 ringgit.

(26 Apr 2022 https://www.techinasia.com)

Comment by Suyuu on September 12, 2022 at 11:17pm



Comment by Suyuu on September 6, 2022 at 4:23pm

Mediated Contents

We can’t live without internet for even a day.

We need internet to check our emails. We do works using the cloud technology, which is enabled by internet.

More often than not, we search for the information/knowledge we need for our works or learning. It may be a piece of writing, some images or audio-visual recordings.

Youtube has become our online classrooms. And, Facebook and/or Plurk our meeting place for exchanging views.

The only trouble we are facing is time; we spend too much   

only possible The internet world is entering a new era. We need to make a decision between confused abundance and meaningful selection. Every time I type the keywords "Malaysian Fashion", what appeared in the first two pages of Google search are mostly those material written by some bloggers, who may be interested in this subject. Of course, as usual, Google will proudly tell you how effective it is; within 0.1 second, it has located more than half a million entries of the things bearing the keywords of "Malaysian fashion". The contents ranging from a retailing shop selling cheap handbags imported from China, to a blogger who has just visited a night market and took a picture of a pair of funny slipper. After a few second, you come to a conclusion, abundance is not something you need, what you do look for are pieces of knowledge that are properly organized and edited. It is less in terms of number of entries but reliable and time saving. This is what www.iconada.tv can do for the fashion community.

Don’t wait for the traditional media people to come to our company to interview us for our story, and end up with only 3 paragraphs of irrelevant points. More often than not, the interviewees are not knowledgeable enough to understand our unique industries, so they can only interpret our story from the point of view they find interesting.

We have responsibilities to tell our own stories, be it products launch, brand proposition, experiential formula or organizational points of view. To avoid being left out in the public attention, we have to present ourselves in conversation that we have a stake in. Web as a mediated content collection and display platform is just the concept we business people looking for. 

There are many fashion magazines published in Malaysia. Unfortunately, periodicals do not last. You have new printed publications almost every day; you usually don't have the time to go through all the contents. So you keep the things aside and say you will read them one day. But, more often than not, when you think of something you have read somewhere, you always can't locate them. Information is useful when it is timely; you find the things you want at the right time. Electronic publication help overcome that. The mediated contents recommend by www.iconada.tv, I think can also serve as an inspiration for us to trigger our creativity in artistic field and make a note @ this comment box.(Expressed by Moooi in 2012)

Comment by Suyuu on June 19, 2022 at 11:50pm





在同一個平臺上,不但給各界提供了最大可能的知識含量,還可能做各種的比較演算,例如根據需要自動給你做出圖表、語音、視頻、照片或現況google map等媒體內容,讓人多感官接觸,有個總體的體驗。


數字叙事(Digital Storytelling)把中華民族的好故事說得更好。




來到準6G的虛擬世界,#數字人文/數字記憶 Digital Humanity / Digital Memory成了知識管理Knowledge Management最前沿。有的國家如芬蘭已經在著手這一塊工作;北京、上海等則在他們大都會的層面上從事這工作。若是成功,那會是真正的智慧國家/城市。(見:馮惠玲:數字人文視角下的數字記憶)(12.6.2022)


PDF :毛軍京:特色數字人文研究環境的構建與探索


Ann Righey:當專著不再是媒介:網絡時代的歷史敘事

Comment by Suyuu on June 15, 2022 at 10:23am


Comment by Suyuu on June 13, 2022 at 11:20pm


數字記憶大多以記憶主體為核心,圍繞個體或社會群體,涉及大量與人文學術及社會文化現象相關的議題,這就使得二者在所涉範疇上有了重合基礎。例如,在全球頗有影響的“威尼斯時光機”項目,旨在利用千年歷史檔案呈現自公元900年至2000年城市建築與文化的宏大發展史,“這些龐大的歷史資料可能涵蓋了100億個事件”“詳細記錄了歷史上威尼斯城市生活的所有細節”,包括政治、經濟、金融、貿易、醫療、稅務、地理、建築、航海、市民居住網絡與生活等。項目主持人弗雷德里克·卡普蘭(Frederic Kaplan)形象地稱“威尼斯時光機”將打造一個“中世紀威尼斯Facebook”和“歷史倒帶紐”。顯然,這個典型的數字人文項目大大超出了人文學科範疇,立足“人文”的寬厚之意,同時帶有顯著的記憶建構性質。與此同時,不少以記憶命名的項目直觸人文學科內容,包括地理區劃、歷史人物、歷史事件、歷史場景等相關典籍資料的匯聚和分析,如“中國記憶”“佛羅里達記憶”“北京城門”“孔廟”“燕南園”“老舍”等。而每一個記憶項目都飽含人文意象,因為記憶主體都是個體或群體的人,記憶內容都是以人為中心和原點的多方面知識。


Comment by Suyuu on May 27, 2022 at 9:40am


美國喜劇演員,社會批評家George Carlin說過,“每個犬儒主義者的內心都有一個失望了的理想主義者。”( Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist." 希望越理想化,就越是容易失望和幻滅,從幻滅過渡到放棄所有的希望,這是很自然的轉變。因此,犬儒主義的對面不是理想主義,而是現實主義。美國著名記者Sydney J. Harris說過一句話很有道理的話:“理想主義者認為,眼前發生的事情是不重要的。犬儒主義者認為,長期以後發生的事情是不重要的。現實主義者認為,眼前做什麽或不做什麽決定著長期以後會發生什麽。”(An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run.)拒絕犬儒主義不等於回到天真的理想主義(所謂的“青春無悔”),而是要從失敗的浪漫理想主義汲取教訓,以務實的態度來對待未來的希望,既不放棄希望,也不盲目樂觀。(徐賁:當今中國犬儒社會文化的困境與出路[4])

Comment by Suyuu on May 26, 2022 at 11:57am



Comment by Suyuu on May 25, 2022 at 9:41pm



愛墾·媒體研究所 》https://iconada.tv/group/ma

Comment by Suyuu on November 28, 2021 at 1:52am





愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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