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Comment by OVEPI on February 8, 2024 at 8:07pm

A Dispersed Creative Network

The Sakon Hed festival illustrates how a dispersed network of creatives can come together and build creative capital through active collaborations and connections. This network is unique, in that it is still very much grounded by a commitment to the place and its tradition, and shows that the creative life of a place doesn’t necessarily need to be permanently situated to bring about a rich creative milieu. While there is an increasing number of creatives – particularly fashion designers – returning to open new indigo-related businesses in the city, there are also many more returning creatives who use the Sakon Hed festival as an opportunity to draw inspiration and bring new ideas back into the creative life of Sakon Nakhon.

The festival is an example of a collaborative creative endeavour sustained by Sakon Nakhon’s creative diaspora.

Importance of Family Bonds and Networks

Family bonds and family-like networks have been key to the revival of indigo-dyed products, and continue to sustain the creative ecosystem of Sakon Nakhon. Generational businesses such as Mae Teeta or Kram Thong and Mann Craft highlight the importance of not just drawing on
traditional craft knowledge, but also joint family resources to support the development of new ideas.

The Sakon Hed network is very much established and reliant on blood ties and family-like bonds. For example, Teeta Janpengpen (of Mae Teeta) is the grandmother of Gypsy Janpengpen, a key member of the network. Gypsy Coffee Drip is located next to the Mae Teeta shop in Dong Mafai village. Other members of Sakon Hed may not be related to each other but have nonetheless developed family-like bonds through years of childhood friendship. External visitors such as Chamroen Studio from Bangkok are connected through Mr Gypsy, who consider him as a ‘brother’. These family-like bonds explain the ability of the network to attract many external organisations to participate, calling on goodwill that only family-like relationships can rely on.
Diversifying a Creative Ecosystem

The indigo dyeing and weaving industry have been the dominant driver of Sakon Nakhon’s creative ecosystem. Prolonged investment and support from various government initiatives has undoubtedly helped revive it and contributed to its success.

However, we have seen evidence of other creative activities emerging in the past few years that have diversified and strengthened Sakon Nakhon’s creative ecosystem. New creative businesses ranging from indigo-related products to sustainable agriculture and farm produce have illustrated how a creative district can continue to grow and evolve even without significant government support. Sakon Nakhon’s example shows how a creative district can build and extend on existing resources to achieve a more diversified and self-sustaining creative ecosystem

(Source: Creative and Cultural Districts in Thailand; May 2020; britishcouncil.or.th)

Comment by OVEPI on February 14, 2023 at 9:59am




(Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)







按泰國政府估算,今年將會有700萬至1000萬中國遊客入境。泰國央行貨幣政策委員會25日發布報告指出,隨著中國遊客回歸,泰國旅遊業將呈現加快復蘇態勢,而旅遊業和居民消費的持續恢復將支撐泰國經濟增長。(2023-01-31 新華社曼谷 1月30日電 [記者王亞光、郭鑫惠] 來源: 新華每日電訊7版


Comment by OVEPI on January 20, 2023 at 10:28am







過去三年,原給泰國貢獻了11.9% GDP的旅遊業可說淒風苦雨。



Comment by OVEPI on January 19, 2023 at 10:54pm


光明日報 | 2023年01月17日 14:05:00








Comment by OVEPI on January 19, 2023 at 10:54pm















(本報曼谷2023年1月16日電 本報駐曼谷記者 王思成)

Comment by OVEPI on October 11, 2022 at 5:29pm

Thailand’s creative industries showing steady growth

Creative industries are a promising component of Thailand’s economy and national development strategy, while the government expects those industries to expand by 3.5 percent next year and earn over $100 billion.

Recognizing the value of arts and innovation, the Thai government has established the Creative Economy Agency. It counts 15 sectors in its portfolio that contribute roughly 10 percent to Thailand’s gross domestic product (GDP). Agency Chief Apisit Laistrooglai said that the growth of the creative economy was higher than that of total GDP during the past year.

Thailand’s 20-year national strategy named Thailand 4.0 relies on fostering creativity, innovation, and research and development to proper the Kingdom’s economy and society to a more advanced level of development.

Economic planners have said that Thailand’s tourism, food and traditional medicine sectors are a source of soft power for the Kingdom. Other creative industries, however, are also making greater contributions to growth. Among them are software design, animation, gaming and entertainment.

With people spending more time at home, the pandemic spurred greater growth in sales of handicrafts, food and software products, including online games and entertainment, according to Apisit.

People working in software and gaming and entertainment had the highest average incomes among creative industries, while handicraft artisans had the lowest.

Apisit added that creative industries could provide an even larger share of growth with more government support.

“The government sector should be the backbone for soft power development, offering attractive tax incentives and strong promotional campaigns to compete with other countries that ramped up their creative industries recently,” he said.

Photo courtesy of: https://www.cea.or.th/home

Comment by OVEPI on April 25, 2021 at 5:48pm

Creative Leader Converges Positive Energy

Editor’s Note: This article first published in Inconada on July 5, 2011. Both the governments of Thailand and Malaysia discussed have been ousted in 2014 and 2018 respectively. However, it reminds us of history; and some of the points are still pertinent to Malaysia.

Photo by Ekkachai Pholrojpanya (top) Ekkachai Pholrojpanya (bottom)

So our neighbor Thailand has entered a new era of their politics. Can a pretty, young and energetic lady premier drive the nation into a renewed faith in nation-building? Nobody can predict the outcome. But, one thing is sure; Lady Yingluck has demonstrated her charisma to focus her peoples’ imagination in bringing a difference. She did it naturally. She may have advisors to guard her in media campaigns and image management, but she makes people to trust her simple appeal for creating a fresh start for Thailand.

Photo by Sa-nga Chotikapakorn (top) Thienchai Aswamanasak (bottom )

While we are indulging in the possible destiny that may turn Thailand into an adorable nation again, our fellow Malaysians are bothered by the confusion cause by our policy makers and enforcers of law.

With a image-building budget that close to 9-digit, they are supposed to be nice, lovely, looking young and stylish, intelligent, open-minded, westernized yet religious, up-to-date with all the IT fashions like FB, Twitter and pop culture of Lady Gaga.


Comment by OVEPI on April 25, 2021 at 5:48pm

They thought all these elements can eventually be boiled into a magical spell that commands peoples’ imagination towards their vision for “transformation”. 

But sad enough they are “color-phobia”, and ran mad with the color of yellow. So much so they dropped all their benevolent masks.

Photo by Supakaln Wongcompune

photo by Thienchai Aswamanasak

photo by Alexander Velikanov

The number of mice is more than the population of human beings in Kuala Lumpur. And, these policy makers have happily reported to the press that some of these mice and even bigger in size than the Persian cats of the First Family. Yet, they tolerate that ugly scene without a slightest sense of fear. 

Comment by OVEPI on April 25, 2021 at 1:15am
On other hand, an uncomplicated color of yellow sent them to bed with horror in many sleepless nights. 

The participants of July 9th rally never realized that they have so many “comrades” throughout the nation overnight. These sympathizers are in fact contributed by the policy makers and enforcers, who have unnecessarily harassed the innocent public in yellow shirts.     

These officers are actually imaginative, but in a wrong way.

photo by Tanatat pongpibool

photo by Billbew Pakorn

photo by Tanatat pongpibool

Come back to Yin li’s Victory last Sunday, it is obviously a work of imagination, the combination of positive imagination of her camp as well as the negative one from her opponents. 

Power corrupts and collapses out of internal fear; our of dare forces of self-conceived fallacy.


Smart leaders, who have created great cities in the world, did so with their wise leadership and political will to help people turn their imagination into constructive achievements. Be it in the form of arts, words, behaviors, free expressions and self-regulated social actions.     

Leaders, who are genuinely not that smart, no matter how heavy is their investment in attention-gathering, cosmetic-engineering and self-admiring, out of their disapproving karma, dig their own graveyard for their opponents.

photo by SanchaiLoongroong

photo by Apisit Wongkaew

Comment by OVEPI on February 4, 2021 at 12:15am





(2020年3月7日,一名戴口罩的游客在泰国曼谷摩天轮夜市参观。8月份時,外國入境游客数目是:零。 新華社記者 张可任攝影)






(20.8.2020 新華社)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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