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Comment by OVEPI on March 2, 2024 at 7:41am


We need to always uphold the principle of independence. In modern times, regional countries including China and ASEAN members had suffered from colonization and aggression. We achieved national independence and liberation after tenacious struggles. We value the hard-won independence like our life. We hope that we can independently choose political systems and development paths, independently pursue foreign and defense policies, and independently decide on the pathway and pace in participating in economic globalization and advancing regional integration. ASEAN countries have initiated and led Asia』s regional cooperation mechanisms. Their independence and centrality has been widely respected by countries within and outside the region.


At present, many countries in the region, including ASEAN countries, are under the pressure to take sides, and the strategic environment in the region risks being reshaped by political factors. It is necessary that we continue to uphold independence, respect each other』s sovereignty and core interests, and respect the integrity, independence and leading role of ASEAN as a community. We should insulate this region from geopolitical calculations and the trap of the law of the jungle, from being used as chess pieces in major-power rivalry, and from coercion by hegemony and bullying. Our future, and the future of our region, should be in our own hands.


地方文化營銷 1.6:新媒體







Comment by OVEPI on March 2, 2024 at 7:41am


We need to always uphold the spirit of openness and inclusiveness. Openness and inclusiveness are inherent in the genes of regional civilizations; they are also the keys to the regional economic miracle. More than 60 years ago at the Bandung Conference,countries in this region made a just call for seeking common ground while shelving differences and pursuing peaceful coexistence. Since the end of the Cold War, as pioneers in globalization and pace-setters of free trade, countries in this region have embraced the world with greater openness, supported each other with an inclusive spirit, and ensured together the economic takeoff of Asia.



At present, despite current headwinds, globalization keeps surging forward as it is still the prevailing trend. Seclusion and isolation will only lead to rigidity and backwardness, while inclusiveness and openness will bring mutual benefit and win-win results. It is necessary that we promote harmony without uniformity, embrace diversity in coexistence, and reject the attempt to split the region into confrontational or exclusive groups. We should uphold true regional cooperation that unites countries within the region and remains open to countries outside, and reject the kind of fake regional cooperation that keeps certain country out and targets certain side. We believe that the Asia-Pacific is big enough for all regional countries to pursue their development and at the same time promote common development, and that all can prosper respectively and collectively.






As the world』s largest developing country and an important member in Asia, China has always followed a path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up. We pursue friendship and partnership with our neighbors, seek an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood, and follow a neighborhood policy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. We hope to champion open regionalism together with ASEAN and deepen our comprehensive strategic partnership.



China will continue to support ASEAN Centrality and promote solidarity and cooperation in the region. ASEAN is at the center of all ASEAN Plus 「concentric circles」 of regional cooperation. China firmly supports ASEAN』s role in the 「driver』s seat」, supports ASEAN community-building, and supports the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation architecture. China welcomes ASEAN』s efforts to formulate a Post-2025 Vision for the ASEAN Community. We are ready to assist ASEAN countries in achieving their development goals by tapping into such resources as the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund and the China-ASEAN Cooperation Fund. We will also scale up input into the Initiative for ASEAN Integration, Lancang-Mekong cooperation and BIMP-EAGA, to help close the development gap in the region.

Comment by OVEPI on March 1, 2024 at 8:44am


ASEAN has stressed on many occasions that its Outlook on the Indo-Pacific is an independent initiative that commits to openness and inclusiveness and focuses on dialogue, cooperation and economic development, and that it is not subservient to or targeted against any party. China appreciates this position. We would like to increase synergy and cooperation with ASEAN on the implementation of the Outlook to produce cooperation outcomes at an early date.


China will continue to call for settling differences in the Asian way and uphold regional peace and stability. We will work with other countries in the region to implement the Global Security Initiative, and deepen cooperation in such areas as defense, counterterrorism, joint maritime search and rescue and exercise, combating transnational crimes, and disaster management. We hope to blaze a new path of security that chooses dialogue over confrontation, partnerships over alliances, and win-win over zero-sum game, and put into practice principles for how neighbors may get along: trust as the basis, the greater good as priority, and sincerity in interaction.


China and ASEAN countries are expediting the COC consultations, which will serve as solid institutional safeguards for more effective management of differences in the South China Sea, more vigorous advancement of cooperation and more active joint governance. We will continue to support ASEAN』s efforts in building a nuclear-weapon-free zone, and reaffirm that China is ready to sign the protocol to the Treaty of Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone at any time.


China will continue to pursue firmly its open strategy for development and promote regional economic integration. We will speed up the importing of US$150 billion worth of ASEAN agricultural goods, bring in more high-quality products from ASEAN countries, and encourage more Chinese companies to make ASEAN their top investment destination. We will continue to promote post-COVID recovery, advance the development of demonstration zones for Belt and Road international industrial capacity cooperation, enhance the resilience of industrial and supply chains in the region, and ensure smooth trade flows across borders.


We are ready to launch a new round of upgrade of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as soon as possible, and implement the RCEP across the board and promote its upgrade in due course. China remains firm in its resolve to join the CPTPP and DEPA, and is ready to sign high-standard free trade agreements with more countries. China looks forward to closely integrating the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and China-ASEAN cooperation, and supports Hong Kong and Macao in engaging in more extensive and closer exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries.

Comment by OVEPI on March 1, 2024 at 8:44am


China will continue to resolutely advance cooperation in science, technology and innovation to stimulate new drivers of development in the region. China and ASEAN have formulated the Action Plan for Implementing the China-ASEAN Partnership on Digital Economy Cooperation (2021-2025). China will earnestly implement this plan of action with a focus on increasing input in digital infrastructure and digital transformation in this region, deepening practical cooperation in e-commerce, actively facilitating dialogue on digital governance and coordination and harmonization of rules in the digital arena, and strengthening digital connectivity.


We are ready to, through the Belt and Road partnership on green development and the Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model, explore cooperation on low-carbon, circular and green economy, and jointly build platforms for cooperation in clean energy science and technology. We will advance barrier- and discrimination-free scientific and technological innovation that transcends borders. We will implement well the China-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Enhancing Program, and speed up talent cultivation and technology transfer, to provide a constant source of strength for high-quality economic growth, and accelerate regional transformation and development.


China will continue to carry forward Asian values and deepen the bonds of friendship among peoples in the region. The older generation of leaders of ASEAN countries insightfully summarized Asian values as cherishing family, community, consensus and morality. China feels the same way. We are ready to work with ASEAN to carry forward and practice Asian values, rise above the zero-sum mentality, and deepen our brotherly bond of sharing weal and woe in the spirit of solidarity and partnership. China will adopt more measures to facilitate the flow of people and discuss the launch of tourism recovery plans with all sides at the proper time. We support the development of an ASEAN travel corridor. In a post-COVID era, we will proactively step up exchanges in culture and between the youth, subnational entities, media and women, to promote mutual understanding, amity and affinity between our peoples.




ASEAN』s motto, 「One Vision, One Identity, One Community」, is also a portrayal of the region』s spirit of seeking strength through unity. In the new era, China is ready to work with ASEAN member states and other countries in the region to uphold peace, independence, development and inclusiveness, and resolutely practice open regionalism. Together, we will build a common homeland that enjoys peace, tranquility, prosperity, beautiful environment and friendship, and write a new chapter of regional cooperation and Asian vitalization!



Comment by OVEPI on February 23, 2024 at 5:39pm
























2023-09-06 https://www.mfa.gov.cn

Comment by OVEPI on February 2, 2024 at 7:08pm
Comment by OVEPI on February 2, 2024 at 7:08pm
Comment by OVEPI on January 24, 2023 at 5:16pm


疫情固然對人們的生活造成諸多不便,但也帶「旺」了不少東西,包括 Nintendo Switch(動物森友會)、網購、外賣生意、Zoom……還不懂的就點擊這裏科普吧!其中一個忽然爆火的項目,就是本文要講述的「線上旅遊」。

在中國,線上旅遊被稱為「雲旅遊」,咳咳,不是叫你像孫悟空那樣騰雲駕霧看世界。「雲」在比喻著 IT、軟件和互聯網,來自英文詞匯 Cloud Computing,除了雲旅遊,還有「雲會議」、「雲相親」、「雲考試」……等等,一切可以在線上進行、為人們的生活帶來便利的活動。

雲旅遊與旅遊紀錄片、Travel Vlog 等同樣都是帶觀眾去旅遊,但性質不太一樣。雲旅遊包括線上直播導覽,采用 3D、ARVR 技術呈現景區,只需控製滑鼠,即可觀看 360° 全景、移動到想去的地方、放大和拉近圖像以看得更仔細等等。另外,為了讓觀眾可以深入了解當地歷史、文物和美食,雲旅遊會添加專業導遊的聲音講解。最後,更是有旅遊紀念品的直播銷售服務。


1. Lokalocal


2. Explore Malaysia Virtually


3. MyVXP

Malaysia Virtual Experience(簡稱:MyVXP)Tourism Productivity Nexus(TPN)製作管理,以創新的技術推動旅遊業和相關產品的進展,帶動「新常態」下的虛擬旅遊體驗,並得到馬來西亞生產力機構(MPC)的支持。

*註:官網自去年6月已停止更新,導覽活動和入門票詳情需要留意 TPN 面子書的發布。

4. The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre

馬來熊、沙巴州、野生動物、熱帶雨林的愛好者們,絕對不能錯過它!看看棲息在保護中心裏的可愛馬來熊的生活記錄,以及聆聽野生動物學家 Dr. Wong Siew Te 對馬來熊、紅毛猩猩、當地生態環境等進行專業的講解。


最重要的是,雲旅遊技術可以帶領人們去一些十分漂亮又危險的地方,如沙漠、深海、地洞、火山口、懸崖邊……甚至是外太空!2018年,《國家地理》 YouTube 頻道發佈了首個在外太空以 3DVR 技術拍攝的影片!



Comment by OVEPI on February 13, 2021 at 10:15am























Comment by OVEPI on February 11, 2021 at 10:26pm


隨著互聯網的快速發展,綫上視頻的空間越來越大。1997年成立於美國的Netflix (Nasdaq NFLX,中文譯為奈飛或網飛),原是一家在線DVD及藍光租賃提供商,數年前蛻變為會員訂閱制的流媒體播放平臺 ,在幾乎全球戲院因為冠毒疫情而休業的2020,成了各國家庭獨占鰲頭的娛樂來源;在大部分影業公司沒戲開的當兒,它也成了最活躍的電視劇與電影的攝制公司之一,顯示互聯網音像等内容產業的廣大空間。



愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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