
公元515年 中國南北朝時代,梁武帝蕭衍極力提倡佛法,其聲望因而遠播於東南亞許多崇奉佛教的國家,狼牙脩亦是其中之一,依照《梁書》卷五十四的《狼牙脩國傳》中記載,在公元515年(天監14年),當時狼牙脩國的國王"婆加達多",派使者阿撤多出使南京,拜見梁武帝。並交給梁武帝國書。狼牙脩的使者阿撤多交給梁武帝國書全文記載在《粱書》。


公元671,唐朝咸亨二年,唐朝名僧義淨大師曾經由海路到印度取經。由廣州,取道海路,經室利弗逝(蘇門答臘巴鄰旁,Palembang)至印度,一一巡禮鷲峰、雞足山、鹿野苑、祇園精舍等佛教聖跡後,往那爛陀寺勤學十年,後又至蘇門答臘遊學七年。歷遊三十余國,返國時,攜梵本經論約四百部、舍利三百粒至洛陽,武后親至上東門外迎接,敕住佛授記寺。公元695年回國,期間極可能曾在同樣信奉佛教的狼牙脩(Langkasuka 吉打/泰南)停留。


1855 在山都望政府渡假村做客的華萊士,花了三個晚上寫了一篇論文,提出聞名後世的“砂拉越定律”(Sarawak Law)。

2013 紀念華萊士逝世一百週年的特別年份。


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Comment by 卡萊爾的書包 on January 6, 2021 at 5:20pm

《Chinese Cultural Heritage in Sarawak》

by Dr Tan Beng Huat, Chairman,
Silk Road Cultural Endowment.

For  the first time in Malaysian History,  the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture is a Sarawakian. After Dato' Dr Ng Yen Yen, Dato' Sri Nancy Shukriis the second lady politician heads this Portfolio. Doubtless to say, East Malaysia is rich beyond imagination in natural & cultural endowment, don't forget that, Malaysia's very first two World Heritage Sites listed with UNESCO, namely Mulu Cave of Sarawak & Mt. Kinabalu of Sabah are at this part of the world. On the other hand, there are still many hidden gems exist without travelers' deservedly attention. Here is one of my sincere personal recommendations, Sibu's various cultural parks contributed by the local Chinese Communities from different dialects/ancestry. You can hardly find any similar cultural phenomena in other parts of the world.

In view of the severe blows to the tourism industryby the Covid-19,  the attention to this new venture is even more timely and pressing. Our tourism sector is already vulnerable enough even long before the outbreak of the present pandemic, are we serious to rebuild it? China can be our role model. Although the initial figure predicted that only 14% of their tourism SME will survive the current challenge, they have managed to adapt to changes fast. While we still re struggling, they have begun to return to the prosperity they enjoyed before. Their experience can prevent us from unnecessary attempts.

It's advisable to rebuild with new model/rules of the game. Including developing more rural/suburban destinations to avoid congestion;AND more places to promote health tourism. Isn't that sound suggestive to Sarawak & Sabah?

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