Sabah June 5, 2015 Earthquake: Because of Sabahans,Proud to be a Malaysian

People all over the world shed their tears when they read the news on how SABAHAN MOUNTAIN GUIDES have helped save the climbers amidst natural disaster, some even sacrificed their own lives.

Malaysia has been infected with all sorts of negative elements all these years. We never expect that, it is the ordinnary people who has make us proud to be a Malaysian. And the positive energy is coming from Sabah. paid our tribute/condolence last night to the 18 victims who have lost their lives in the magnitude 5.9 Ranau/Kundasang earthquake on 5.6.2015 @ 7.15 am

RIP, our heroes and deceased mountain climbers. 

(Morning Session @ Kota Kinabalu Graffiti Corner, End Of Jalan Gaya, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)

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