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》視頻:鐵達時手錶 2012年版
》愛墾雲端藝廊: 戀戀·文物館

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Comment by 就是冷門 on August 24, 2013 at 11:44pm

Song of a Sewing Machine

Constance Woodrow (1899 — 1937)

Oh, the happiest worker of all am I,

As my wheel and my needle so merrily fly;

With a spool full of thread and a heart full of song,

I am ready and willing to work the day long.

Oh, faster and faster my glad wheel flies

When it catches the light in a young maid's eyes;

The dearest and tenderest girlhood dreams

I stitch into gossamer hems and seams.

But slower my wheel and softer my song

When fairy-like fragments are guided along --

I am stitching the dreams most sacred of all

Into dear little gowns and a wee silken shawl.

Constance Davies Woodrow, The Celtic Heart (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1929): 56. PS 8545O62C4 Robarts Library

Feature Photo: The Seamstress by Jeff Graham

This is my Grandmothers sewing machine that we recently moved out of her old house. The Dress in the background belonged to my Great Grandmother and is over 100 years old. This image was processed to maintain a vintage appearance but I did try to maintain a high level of detail to bring out the age of the machine and the tread. (see in original size - http://jeffreygraham.smugmug.com/Photography/Daily-Photos/11711801_...)

Feature Photo: Retired by Gene Nazareno

An old but serviceable sewing machine, www.facebook.com/glnazareno

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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