陳明發博士 《文創技能系列 30》:山魔、樹妖與女鬼





(Feature Photo: シイノトモシビタケ Mycena lux-coeli by Yoichi S, blog.goo.ne.jp


然後,來到森林裏。熄掉引擎,大家別喘大氣,高聲說話。靜下心來聽一聽,看一看。在大自然的交響樂伴奏下,大地就是舞臺,演甚麼戲曲要看你的運氣。有 時是夜鳥拍翅,有時是覓食的狐貍、野貓、山豬、猴子 ……。



假如全都成年了,就隨導遊心情添加佐料與調味品。最重要的是,原來在緩慢、低沈地營造著氣氛的聲調,隨著劇情轉折而突然提高,那毛骨悚然的淒厲一 叫,讓毫無心理準備的大夥嚇破了膽。有人哭完了,一路在回味,一邊則在打歪主 意,到家後看可以唬一唬誰,叫他們也出醜。


我們有許多的森林。夜裏,上那兒去欣賞交響樂與隨緣舞臺,山野、 樹木與女鬼的傳說,或小動物與雨後螢菌,並不向我們伸手要酬勞。看來它是無本生意;然而,舉辦單位若少了帶領團隊、營造氣氛、生態夜遊、協助體驗、詮釋事物與述說故事等等技能,誰願意花錢去受苦、挨嚇?

森林的潛藏無限。勞動肢體的人,可從事原產品行業,如采集野蜂蜜、山草 藥,到市場上去現賣。具有相關工業知識與技能的人,則買機器、開工廠,將蜂蜜 與草藥提煉成飲料。它對保健或療養有何作用?有需專家的驗證服務;專家的肯定怎麽傳播市場?則需行銷服務。

不管是從大地上收采原產品,在生產線上制造出商品,還是支援著二者的各種 服務,傳統的經濟觀點都著眼於,“可不可觸摸的實物”,“可不可看見的事務”。價值的焦點是產物;一部部貨車,運送一箱箱的飲料,才是會計人員可以核算的對象。

創意體驗產業講究的,卻是“有沒有感受”、“可不可記憶”。價值的焦點,永遠是顧客;有血有肉、喜怒哀樂的人本身。他們所追求的,可能是娛樂或學習,也可能是沈浸夢幻或品賞美感。許多時候,是這四大元素相互滲透、水乳交融,帶 給顧客深深的體會;連連的驚喜。

那經驗,雙手捉摸不到,雙眼也不一定看得具體。但清清楚楚的,任誰都感覺 到了。要實現這美妙的過程,就像呈獻一場令人贊嘆的演出,不僅需要多元技能,更需要創意地組合與發揮這些技能。(21-12-2006 南洋商報經濟版《創意商機》專欄稿)

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Comment by luova ajatus on March 25, 2024 at 11:36am
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King, Prince of Monaco visit Pahang animal Sanctuaries

TEMERLOH: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Prince Albert II of Monaco visited two animal conservation centres in Lanchang here.

The Regent of Pahang Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah was in attendance.

Also present were Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail, Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar, Deputy Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Minister Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii, and Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) director-general Datuk Abdul Kadir Abu Hashim.

The royal guests started by visiting the Malayan Tiger Conservation Centre (MTCC), which began operations in February 2022 and currently houses five Malayan tigers – including two that were rescued from tiger-human conflict, namely four-year-old Atan who was caught in Kerteh, Terengganu, and four-and-a-half-year-old Bihai who was found in Gua Musang, Kelantan.
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Sultan Abdullah and Prince Albert then proceeded to visit the Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre (PKGKG), about 8km away from the MTCC, which currently houses 25 elephants, Bernama reported.

When signing the guest book at PKGKG, the Prince expressed his appreciation for the efforts carried out by MTCC and PKGKG, adding that their work is absolutely essential.

“Many thanks for the valuable work on biodiversity protection led by theMTCCand PKGKG.

“The elephants and Malayan tigers deserve our full attention to keep them from extinction,” the Prince wrote.

The royal visitors were also introduced to Elly, the six-year-old female elephant that has to use a prosthetic leg after being caught in a wire trap by poachers in Jeli, Kelantan. They were later “entertained” by seven elephants named Kasturi, Pian, Abot, Alam, Rambai, Timor and Lasah.

Sultan Abdullah and Prince Albert also fed the elephants and watched them bathing in the river at the conservation centre during their visit.

The Star Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023)


陳明發博士 《文創技能系列 30》:山魔、樹妖與女鬼

King, Prince of Monaco visit Pahang animal Sanctuaries

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