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Comment by 史識 庫 on May 29, 2022 at 11:05am

The Contribution of Art and Culture to ASEAN Diplomacy——In celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, let's revisit how cultural gifts have been playing a key role in building friendship and collaboration among countries in ASEAN. Learn more about the history of Southeast Asian's regionalism in our Cast But One Shadow: Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities Catalogue.

Hosted at the UP Jorge B. Vargas Museum and Filipiniana Research Center in Manila, the Philippines, Cast But One Shadow AND FILIPINIANA, Cast But One Shadow is the second of three exhibitions that represent a long-term research project instigated by curators Carlos Quijon, Jr. and Kathleen Ditzig.

Developed in partnership with KONNECT ASEAN, an ASEAN Foundation arts programme funded by the Republic of Korea, this series of exhibitions focuses on Afro-Southeast Asian affinities that emerged from decolonization projects during the Cold War. Having launched in January 2021 at the NTU ADM Gallery in Singapore, the third and final iteration of this project will be presented at the ASEAN Culture House, Busan in 2022.

The exhibition features newly commissioned and loaned art works from artists who are engaged with transnational communities of exchange and Cold War political imaginations of race and affinity. Additionally, the exhibition converses with the library and art collection of the UP Vargas Museum as well as a range of historical materials including diplomatic gifts of paintings from former Indonesian President Sukarno to his contemporary Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal.(https://www.aseanfoundation.org 20 May, 2022 4:25 PM )

Comment by 史識 庫 on September 26, 2021 at 1:49pm


越通社消息2021416日,東盟基金會啟動了東盟社會企業發展計劃ASEAN SEDP並以線上方式舉行區域內社會企業相關問題討論會。

在德國國際合作機構(GIZ)SAP集團的協助下,ASEAN SEDP的目的是支持由青年領導的社會企業牽頭為減輕新冠肺炎疫情給地區經濟社會發展帶來的影響作出努力。

首席執行官楊博士(Yang Mee Eng)在致開幕詞時強調,一年多以來,新冠肺炎疫情給區域內人民生活、身體健康以及經濟發展產生巨大負面影響。疫情已凸顯了社會最弱勢群體-青年需要面臨的困難和挑戰。


楊博士透露,ASEAN SEDP的宗旨是激發年輕人的熱情,從而增加區域內社會企業數量。除了幫助青年具備就業技能之外,該計劃還對青年進行經營技能培訓,讓他們對東盟共同體的社會福利作出更多更大貢獻。


負責東盟經濟共同體副秘書長薩特溫德·辛格(Satvinder Singh)評價稱,社會企業是幫助東盟實現各項可持續發展目標的有效工具,也是解決社會問題的最佳途徑。 


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